A jQuery Slider plugin with specific animations effects for each element.
##How it Works
The Animate Slider plugin uses some predefined animation classes (fadeIn,fadeOut,rotateIn,bounce,slideInRight etc.) found in jquey.animateSlider.css
and adds them to each element on the slider. It also add classes with delay for each animation (delay1s,delay1-5s,delay2s etc.)
##How to Start
Two quick start options are available:
- Download the production version with the plugin's css stylesheet
- Clone the repo:
##How to use
In your web page:
<!-- plugin's css styles -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.animateSlider.css">
<ul class="anim-slider">
<li class="anim-slide">
<!-- your content here -->
<li class="anim-slide">
<!-- your content here -->
<!-- arrows -->
<nav class="anim-arrows">
<span class="anim-arrows-prev"></span>
<span class="anim-arrows-next"></span>
<!-- dynamically created dots -->
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/modernizr.js"></script>
<!-- Load the plugin -->
<script src="js/jquery.animateSlider.js"></script>
Here's a list of available settings.
autoplay : true, //starts the autoplay
interval : 5000, //time between slides if autoplay is true
animations : //specify the animations for each element of the slide
0 : //Slide No1
tagName : //tagName or id or class name of the element
show : "fadeIn", //class to add when the element appears
hide : "fadeOut", //class to add when the element disappears
delayShow : "delay1s" //class to add to delay show effect
"#id" :
show : "bounceIn",
hide : "bounceOut",
delayShow : "delay1-5s"
show : "rotateIn",
hide : "rotateOut",
delayShow : "delay2s"
1 : //Slide No2
"#id" :
show : "bounceInDown",
hide : "bounceOutUp",
delayShow : "delay0-5s"
tagName :
show : "slideInLeft",
hide : "slideOutRight",
delayShow : "delay1s"
##Effects ##Bounce bounce, bounceIn, bounceInDown, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceOut, bounceOutDown, bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight, bounceOutUp, bounceInBig, bounceInLarge, bounceInUpBig, bounceInUpLarge, bounceInDownBig, bounceInDownLarge, bounceInLeft, bounceInLeftBig, bounceInLeftLarge, bounceInRightBig, bounceInRightLarge, bounceInUpLeft, bounceInUpLeftBig, bounceInUpLeftLarge, bounceInUpRight, bounceInUpRightBig, bounceInUpRightLarge, bounceInDownLeft, bounceInDownLeftBig, bounceInDownLeftLarge, bounceInDownRight, bounceInDownRightBig, bounceInDownRightLarge, bounceOutBig, bounceOutLarge, bounceOutUpBig, bounceOutUpLarge, bounceOutDownBig, bounceOutDownLarge, bounceOutLeftBig, bounceOutLeftLarge, bounceOutRightBig, bounceOutRightLarge, bounceOutUpLeft, bounceOutUpLeftBig, bounceOutUpLeftLarge, bounceOutUpRight, bounceOutUpRightBig, bounceOutUpRightLarge, bounceOutDownLeft, bounceOutDownLeftBig, bounceOutDownLeftLarge, bounceOutDownRight, bounceOutDownRightBig, bounceOutDownRightLarge
##Fade fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInDownBig, fadeInLeft, fadeInLeftBig, fadeInRight, fadeInRightBig, fadeInUp, fadeInUpBig, fadeInUpLarge, fadeInDownLarge, fadeInLeftLarge, fadeInRightLarge, fadeInUpLeft, fadeInUpLeftBig, fadeInUpLeftLarge, fadeInUpRight, fadeInUpRightBig, fadeInUpRightLarge, fadeInDownLeft, fadeInDownLeftBig fadeInDownLeftLarge, fadeInDownRight, fadeInDownRightBig, fadeInDownRightLarge, fadeOutUpLarge, fadeOutDownLarge fadeOutLeftLarge, fadeOutRightLarge, fadeOutUpLeft, fadeOutUpLeftBig, fadeOutUpLeftLarge, fadeOutUpRight, fadeOutUpRightBig, fadeOutUpRightLarge, fadeOutDownLeft, fadeOutDownLeftBig, fadeOutDownLeftLarge, fadeOutDownRight, fadeOutDownRightBig, fadeOutDownRightLarge, fadeOut, fadeOutDown, fadeOutDownBig, fadeOutLeft fadeOutLeftBig, fadeOutRight, fadeOutRightBig, fadeOutUp, fadeOutUpBig
##Flip flipInX, flipInY, flipOutX, flipOutY, lightSpeedIn, lightSpeedOut, flipInTopFront, flipInTopBack flipInBottomFront, flipInBottomBack, flipInLeftFront, flipInLeftBack, flipInRightFront, flipInRightBack, flipOutTopFront, flipOutTopBack, flipOutBottomFront, flipOutBottomback, flipOutLeftFront, flipOutLeftBack, flipOutRightFront, flipOutRightBack
##Rotate rotateIn, rotateInDownLeft, rotateInDownRight, rotateInUpLeft, rotateInUpRight, rotateOut, rotateOutDownLeft, rotateOutDownRight, rotateOutUpLeft, rotateOutUpRight
##Slide slideInDown, slideInLeft, slideInRight, slideOutLeft, slideOutRight, slideOutUp, slideInUp, slideOutDown
##Zoom zoomIn, zoomInUp, zoomInUpBig, zoomInUpLarge, zoomInDown, zoomInDownBig, zoomInDownLarge, zoomInLeft, zoomInLeftBig, zoomInLeftLarge, zoomInRight, zoomInRightBig, zoomInRightLarge, zoomInUpLeft, zoomInUpLeftBig, zoomInUpLeftLarge, zoomInUpRight, zoomInUpRightBig, zoomInUpRightLarge, zoomInDownLeft, zoomInDownLeftBig, zoomInDownLeftLarge, zoomInDownRight, zoomInDownRightBig, zoomInDownRightLarge, zoomOut, zoomOutUp, zoomOutUpBig, zoomOutUpLarge, zoomOutDown, zoomOutDownBig, zoomOutDownLarge, zoomOutLeft, zoomOutLeftBig, zoomOutLeftLarge, zoomOutRight, zoomOutRightBig, zoomOutRightLarge, zoomOutUpLeft, zoomOutUpLeftBig, zoomOutUpLeftLarge, zoomOutUpRight, zoomOutUpRightBig, zoomOutUpRightLarge, zoomOutDownLeft, zoomOutDownLeftBig, zoomOutDownLeftLarge, zoomOutDownRight, zoomOutDownRightBig, zoomOutDownRightLarge
##Other hinge, rollIn, rollOut, strobe, shakeX, shakeY, spin, spinReverse, slingshot, slingshotReverse, pulsate, heartbeat, panic, flash, pulse, rubberBand, shake, swing, tada, wobble
Animate Slider plugin is built on top of jQuery using Modernizr and Animate.css
Copyright (c) 2014 Vasileios Chouliaras
Licensed under the MIT license.