- @see github
- update deps versions
- support for vcpkg binary
- update deps versions
- Add bindings for row, rowRange, col, colRange PR-108
- Updated code to ESM.
- Introduced new exports model.
- Fixed typing errors.
- Added missing types.
- Removed typing duplication in codebase.
- Native code is now generated directly by the default node-gyp rebuild.
- GitHub actions now test all available Windows, macOS, and Linux environments.
- update gcc flag to enable C++ 17
- fix code to support latest onpenCV version up to 4.9
- fix typing error
- patch imencode electron 21+ memory cage
- patch add mask option to the detect function
- integrate native-node-utils code inside cc/native-node-utils
- add comments in native-node-utils
- add cv.min cv.max
- drop .ts files from npm package.
- add .d.ts file for ts files in npm package.
- add .d.ts.map file for ts files in npm package.
- fix issue 81
- update dependencies
- update dependencies
- add Mat.ones
- add Mat.zeros
- start splitting tests.
- refactor test
- fix types errors
- add img_hash PR#65
- use new @u4/opencv-build@0.7.3 (unnecessary builds, add a sym-link latest build directory)
- use new @u4/opencv-build@0.6.1
- improve cuda support add
--cudaArch <value>
to choose your cuda target, for example I use --cudaArch=8.6 for my RTX 3060, check https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUDA for full list. build-opencv
support a new action:list
that will list ixisting openCV buildbuild-opencv auto
will not rebuild anything if the current build is working
- update @u4/opencv-build
- replace tiny-glob by @u4/tiny-glob
- update @u4/opencv-build
- update @u4/opencv-build
- update deps including @u4/opencv-build
- autobuild now work out of the box on common setup. (chocolatey, brew, apt)
- fix error message annalyse in cvLoader
- add startWindowThread()
- PR #37
- add support for 1, 3 and 4 dimmentionals Mat
- improve debug binding usability
- fix issues/33
- dump deps versions
- improve dry-run
- add toMatTypeName() function
- add template samples
- add cv.getScoreMax()
- add cv.dropOverlappingZone()
- add Net.dump() mapping
- Tested an works with all openCV version from 3.2.0 to 4.5.5
- small patches
- new build system, retrocompatible with origial justadudewhohacks/opencv4nodejs
- fix linux build regression PR14
- add
param in compilation script PR11 - add doc in code
- rename _binding.gyp to binding.gyp and add a dummy "install" script
- add missing dev dependency
- improve compilation output log
- improve --dry-run mode
- bump dependencies versions
- fix ambiguous typing
- restructure examples
- add some bindings
- add AgeGender from spmallick/learnopencv
- add ObjectDetection-YOLO from spmallick/learnopencv
- [breaking change] build-opencv action argument build is now renamed rebuild, and build, clean, configure ar now available.
- [breaking change] build-opencv -j alias of --job if gone
- testing are now converted to Typescript
- fix Typing
- fix getRegion() cordump
- add doc
- fix missing imports
- fix drawUtils.ts code
- use @u4/opencv-build 0.4.3
- add some more cv types
- start refactor cv.d.ts
- drop enum usage type WND_PROP
- add highgui modules
- add setWindowProperty, getWindowProperty, setWindowTitle function
- update cpp standard version to fix modern electron support
- enable nan module worker
- compatible with electron 9+
- add --vscode argument to generate vscode c_cpp_properties.json
- add support for Electron
- cleaner logs
- bump dependence versions inclkuding @u4/opencv-build@0.4.1
- Fix typyings in Net.d.ts