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101 lines (71 loc) · 2.6 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (71 loc) · 2.6 KB


NOTE: This is early draft.



incentive_id is the unique identifier in the incentive_store for the subjects. Hence, it can't be duplicated.


The ratio of the reward distribution in a incentive_store unit.
incentive_store can contain several subjects and ratio for each.

message IncentiveStore {
  string incentive_id = 1;
  repeated string subjects = 2;
  repeated undetermined weights = 3;
  RewardType reward_type = 4;
  • Incentive: "incentive_id" -> format(IncentiveStore)


  • incentive_id_table: format(nft_id) -> format(incentive_id)

This KVStore manages what NFT is connected to which incentive_id.


RewardTable is the record of the rewards for the subject of the ecosystem-incentive.

message Reward {
  string subject = 1 [
    (gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"sender\"",
    (gogoproto.customtype) = "",
    (gogoproto.nullable) = false
  repeated cosmos.base.v1beta1.Coin rewards = 2;
  • RewardTable: format(address) -> format(reward)


message Params {
  repeated RewardParam reward_params = 1 [
    (gogoproto.moretags) = "yaml:\"reward_params\"",
    (gogoproto.nullable) = false
  repeated RewardType reward_types = 2;

message RewardParams {
  repeated RewardRate reward_rate = 1;

message RewardRate {
  RewardType reward_type = 1;
  unsure rate = 2;

enum RewardType {
  Frontend = 0; // example

Params contains RewardParams as the configuration of this module parameters.


The factor to multipy the trading fee for the reward of this module.
e.g. If reward_rate is 80% and the trading fee that is made in a target message is 100GUU, the actual reward for target incentive_id subjects is 100GUU * 0.80 = 80GUU.


The reward type manages the types of the reward for the various subject. At first, we support frontend creator. But, the reward will be able to distributed for the different type of parties in our ecosystem.

Data structure for the memo field

We use memo field data to know which frontend a lisetd nft used in the case of frontend-incentive model. So we have to use the organized data structure of memo field in a listing tx to distingush it as a legitimate entry or not.

The v1 archtecture is:

  "version": "v1",
  "incentive-type": 0, // for Frontend in this example
  "incentive-id": "incentive_id"

There's a lot of chances to be changed this structure with the change of the version. Please note it when to use.