noteMap note adding,deleting,flight and render marker features
noteMap note adding,deleting,flight and render marker features
noteMap map setup,getting location from user,tracking clicks on map,d…
noteMap map setup,getting location from user,tracking clicks on map,d…
weather application data-list and theme features || weather applicati…
weather application data-list and theme features || weather applicati…
weather application interface creation, api operations, weather and f…
weather application interface creation, api operations, weather and f…
spotify clone animation feature || spotify clone finished
spotify clone animation feature || spotify clone finished
creating a spotify clone interface, getting songs from the API, searc…
creating a spotify clone interface, getting songs from the API, searc…
e-commerce cart page features || project finished
e-commerce cart page features || project finished
e-commerce project startup, getting data from api, dynamic product re…
e-commerce project startup, getting data from api, dynamic product re…
qr menu renderDetail page|| qr menu finished
qr menu renderDetail page|| qr menu finished
Importing menu elements from QR menu API, dynamic rendering, filterin…
Importing menu elements from QR menu API, dynamic rendering, filterin…
noteKeeper delete & update note features || noteKeeper finished
noteKeeper delete & update note features || noteKeeper finished
File directory edited, noteKeeper project started
File directory edited, noteKeeper project started