diff --git a/docs/Documentation/VICDisagg.md b/docs/Documentation/VICDisagg.md
index 835a7609d..3027e6ac3 100644
--- a/docs/Documentation/VICDisagg.md
+++ b/docs/Documentation/VICDisagg.md
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@ Create a [global parameter file](GlobalParam.md). Because VIC will not actually
 *   `STARTYEAR`,` STARTMONTH`, `STARTDAY`, `STARTHOUR`: Set these to the start date for your disaggregated forcings
 *   `ENDYEAR`, `ENDMONTH`, `ENDDAY`: Set these to the end date for your disaggregated forcings
 *   All the variables in the forcing section should be the same as before, i.e. these describe the **input** (daily) forcings that you are **reading**: `FORCING1`, `FORCING2` (if applicable), `FORCE_FORMAT`, `FORCE_ENDIAN`, `N_TYPES`, `FORCE_TYPE` (there must be one of these for each input variable, e.g. PREC, TMAX, TMIN, WIND), `FORCE_DT`, `FORCEYEAR`, `FORCEMONTH`, `FORCEDAY`, `FORCEHOUR`, `GRID_DECIMAL`, `WIND_H`, `MEASURE_H`, and `ALMA_INPUT`
+*   `VEGLIB`,`VEGLIB_VEGCOVER`,`VEGPARAM`,`ROOT_ZONES`,`VEGPARAM_LAI`,`VEGPARAM_VEGCOVER`,`VEGPARAM_ALB`: Set to the same values as you would for a full VIC simulation
 *   `RESULT_DIR`: Set to the name of the directory where the disaggregated forcings should be written
 *   `OUT_STEP`: Set to 0
 *   `ALMA_OUTPUT`: For standard VIC forcings, set to FALSE; for ALMA-compliant forcings (often required by other models) set to TRUE
 *   `BINARY_OUTPUT`: Set this to FALSE to produce ASCII forcings, TRUE to produce BINARY forcings
 *   `SKIPYEAR`: We recommend setting this to 0
 *   `OUTPUT_FORCE`: This must be set to TRUE
-*   `N_OUTFILES`, `OUTFILE`, `OUTVAR`: These can be omitted; by default, VIC will produce 1 output file per grid cell, names "full_data__lat___lon_," where lat, lon = latitude and longitude of te grid cell's center. These default output files will contain the following variables:
+*   `N_OUTFILES`, `OUTFILE`, `OUTVAR`: These can be omitted; by default, VIC will produce 1 output file per grid cell, names "full_data_lat_lon_," where lat, lon = latitude and longitude of te grid cell's center. These default output files will contain the following variables:
 | Name          | Units (ALMA_OUTPUT FALSE)     | Units (ALMA_OUTPUT TRUE)  |
 |-----------    |---------------------------    |-------------------------- |
diff --git a/src/check_files.c b/src/check_files.c
index 1b7c562db..243b90107 100644
--- a/src/check_files.c
+++ b/src/check_files.c
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ void check_files(filep_struct     *filep,
   extern FILE          *open_file(char string[], char type[]);
   filep->soilparam   = open_file(fnames->soil, "r");
+  filep->veglib      = open_file(fnames->veglib, "r");
+  filep->vegparam    = open_file(fnames->veg, "r");
   if (!options.OUTPUT_FORCE) {
-    filep->veglib      = open_file(fnames->veglib, "r");
-    filep->vegparam    = open_file(fnames->veg, "r");
       filep->snowband    = open_file(fnames->snowband, "r");
     if ( options.LAKES )
diff --git a/src/initialize_atmos.c b/src/initialize_atmos.c
index b82196dfe..faf77b2f9 100644
--- a/src/initialize_atmos.c
+++ b/src/initialize_atmos.c
@@ -254,11 +254,10 @@ void initialize_atmos(atmos_data_struct        *atmos,
 //    nrerror("Input meteorological forcing files must contain either WIND (wind speed) or both WIND_N (north component of wind speed) and WIND_E (east component of wind speed); check input files\n");
   /* Assign N_ELEM for veg-dependent forcings */
-  if (!options.OUTPUT_FORCE) {
-    param_set.TYPE[LAI_IN].N_ELEM = veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num;
-    param_set.TYPE[VEGCOVER].N_ELEM = veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num;
-    param_set.TYPE[ALBEDO].N_ELEM = veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num;
-  }
+  param_set.TYPE[LAI_IN].N_ELEM = veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num;
+  param_set.TYPE[VEGCOVER].N_ELEM = veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num;
+  param_set.TYPE[ALBEDO].N_ELEM = veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num;
   /* compute number of simulation days */
   tmp_starthour = 0;
   tmp_endhour = 24 - global_param.dt;
@@ -1421,174 +1420,172 @@ void initialize_atmos(atmos_data_struct        *atmos,
-  if (!options.OUTPUT_FORCE) {
-    /****************************************************
-      Albedo
-    ****************************************************/
+  /****************************************************
+    Albedo
+  ****************************************************/
-    /* First, assign default climatology */
-    for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
-      for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
-        for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
-          veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[j] = veg_con[v].albedo[dmy[rec].month-1];
-        }
+  /* First, assign default climatology */
+  for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
+    for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
+      for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
+        veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[j] = veg_con[v].albedo[dmy[rec].month-1];
+  }
-    if(param_set.TYPE[ALBEDO].SUPPLIED) {
-      if(param_set.FORCE_DT[param_set.TYPE[ALBEDO].SUPPLIED-1] == 24) {
-        /* daily albedo provided */
-        for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
-          for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
-            sum = 0;
-            for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
-              hour = rec*global_param.dt + j*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
-              if (global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int < 0) hour += 24;
-              idx = (int)((float)hour/24.0);
-              if (local_veg_hist_data[ALBEDO][v][idx] != NODATA_VH)
-  	      veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[j] = local_veg_hist_data[ALBEDO][v][idx]; // assume constant over the day
-              sum += veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[j];
-            }
-            if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
+  if(param_set.TYPE[ALBEDO].SUPPLIED) {
+    if(param_set.FORCE_DT[param_set.TYPE[ALBEDO].SUPPLIED-1] == 24) {
+      /* daily albedo provided */
+      for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
+        for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
+          sum = 0;
+          for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
+            hour = rec*global_param.dt + j*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
+            if (global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int < 0) hour += 24;
+            idx = (int)((float)hour/24.0);
+            if (local_veg_hist_data[ALBEDO][v][idx] != NODATA_VH)
+	      veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[j] = local_veg_hist_data[ALBEDO][v][idx]; // assume constant over the day
+            sum += veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[j];
+          if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
-      else {
-        /* sub-daily albedo provided */
-        for(rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
-          for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
-            sum = 0;
-            for(i = 0; i < NF; i++) {
-              hour = rec*global_param.dt + i*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
-              veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[i] = 0;
-              while (hour < rec*global_param.dt + (i+1)*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int) {
-                idx = hour;
-                if (idx < 0) idx += 24;
-                if (local_veg_hist_data[ALBEDO][v][idx] != NODATA_VH)
-  	        veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[i] = local_veg_hist_data[ALBEDO][v][idx];
-                hour++;
-              }
-  	    sum += veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[i];
+    }
+    else {
+      /* sub-daily albedo provided */
+      for(rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
+        for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
+          sum = 0;
+          for(i = 0; i < NF; i++) {
+            hour = rec*global_param.dt + i*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
+            veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[i] = 0;
+            while (hour < rec*global_param.dt + (i+1)*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int) {
+              idx = hour;
+              if (idx < 0) idx += 24;
+              if (local_veg_hist_data[ALBEDO][v][idx] != NODATA_VH)
+	        veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[i] = local_veg_hist_data[ALBEDO][v][idx];
+              hour++;
-            if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
+	    sum += veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[i];
+          if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].albedo[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
+  }
-    /****************************************************
-      Leaf Area Index (LAI)
-    ****************************************************/
+  /****************************************************
+    Leaf Area Index (LAI)
+  ****************************************************/
-    /* First, assign default climatology */
-    for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
-      for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
-        for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
-          veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[j] = veg_con[v].LAI[dmy[rec].month-1];
-        }
+  /* First, assign default climatology */
+  for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
+    for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
+      for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
+        veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[j] = veg_con[v].LAI[dmy[rec].month-1];
+  }
-    if(param_set.TYPE[LAI_IN].SUPPLIED) {
-      if(param_set.FORCE_DT[param_set.TYPE[LAI_IN].SUPPLIED-1] == 24) {
-        /* daily LAI provided */
-        for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
-          for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
-            sum = 0;
-            for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
-              hour = rec*global_param.dt + j*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
-              if (global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int < 0) hour += 24;
-              idx = (int)((float)hour/24.0);
-              if (local_veg_hist_data[LAI_IN][v][idx] != NODATA_VH)
-  	      veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[j] = local_veg_hist_data[LAI_IN][v][idx]; // assume constant over the day
-              sum += veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[j];
-            }
-            if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
+  if(param_set.TYPE[LAI_IN].SUPPLIED) {
+    if(param_set.FORCE_DT[param_set.TYPE[LAI_IN].SUPPLIED-1] == 24) {
+      /* daily LAI provided */
+      for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
+        for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
+          sum = 0;
+          for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
+            hour = rec*global_param.dt + j*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
+            if (global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int < 0) hour += 24;
+            idx = (int)((float)hour/24.0);
+            if (local_veg_hist_data[LAI_IN][v][idx] != NODATA_VH)
+	      veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[j] = local_veg_hist_data[LAI_IN][v][idx]; // assume constant over the day
+            sum += veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[j];
+          if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
-      else {
-        /* sub-daily LAI provided */
-        for(rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
-          for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
-            sum = 0;
-            for(i = 0; i < NF; i++) {
-              hour = rec*global_param.dt + i*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
-              veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[i] = 0;
-              while (hour < rec*global_param.dt + (i+1)*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int) {
-                idx = hour;
-                if (idx < 0) idx += 24;
-                if (local_veg_hist_data[LAI_IN][v][idx] != NODATA_VH)
-  	        veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[i] = local_veg_hist_data[LAI_IN][v][idx];
-                hour++;
-              }
-  	    sum += veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[i];
+    }
+    else {
+      /* sub-daily LAI provided */
+      for(rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
+        for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
+          sum = 0;
+          for(i = 0; i < NF; i++) {
+            hour = rec*global_param.dt + i*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
+            veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[i] = 0;
+            while (hour < rec*global_param.dt + (i+1)*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int) {
+              idx = hour;
+              if (idx < 0) idx += 24;
+              if (local_veg_hist_data[LAI_IN][v][idx] != NODATA_VH)
+	        veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[i] = local_veg_hist_data[LAI_IN][v][idx];
+              hour++;
-            if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
+            sum += veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[i];
+          if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].LAI[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
+  }
-    /****************************************************
-      Fractional Vegetation Cover
-    ****************************************************/
+  /****************************************************
+    Fractional Vegetation Cover
+  ****************************************************/
-    /* First, assign default climatology */
-    for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
-      for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
-        for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
-          veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j] = veg_con[v].vegcover[dmy[rec].month-1];
-        }
+  /* First, assign default climatology */
+  for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
+    for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
+      for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
+        veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j] = veg_con[v].vegcover[dmy[rec].month-1];
+  }
-    if(param_set.TYPE[VEGCOVER].SUPPLIED) {
-      if(param_set.FORCE_DT[param_set.TYPE[VEGCOVER].SUPPLIED-1] == 24) {
-        /* daily vegcover provided */
-        for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
-          for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
-            sum = 0;
-            for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
-              hour = rec*global_param.dt + j*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
-              if (global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int < 0) hour += 24;
-              idx = (int)((float)hour/24.0);
-              if (local_veg_hist_data[VEGCOVER][v][idx] != NODATA_VH) {
-  	      veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j] = local_veg_hist_data[VEGCOVER][v][idx]; // assume constant over the day
-                if (veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j] < MIN_VEGCOVER) veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j] = MIN_VEGCOVER;
-              }
-              sum += veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j];
+  if(param_set.TYPE[VEGCOVER].SUPPLIED) {
+    if(param_set.FORCE_DT[param_set.TYPE[VEGCOVER].SUPPLIED-1] == 24) {
+      /* daily vegcover provided */
+      for (rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
+        for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
+          sum = 0;
+          for (j = 0; j < NF; j++) {
+            hour = rec*global_param.dt + j*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
+            if (global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int < 0) hour += 24;
+            idx = (int)((float)hour/24.0);
+            if (local_veg_hist_data[VEGCOVER][v][idx] != NODATA_VH) {
+	      veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j] = local_veg_hist_data[VEGCOVER][v][idx]; // assume constant over the day
+              if (veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j] < MIN_VEGCOVER) veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j] = MIN_VEGCOVER;
-            if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
+            sum += veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[j];
+          if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
-      else {
-        /* sub-daily vegcover provided */
-        for(rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
-          for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
-            sum = 0;
-            for(i = 0; i < NF; i++) {
-              hour = rec*global_param.dt + i*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
-              veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i] = 0;
-              while (hour < rec*global_param.dt + (i+1)*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int) {
-                idx = hour;
-                if (idx < 0) idx += 24;
-                if (local_veg_hist_data[VEGCOVER][v][idx] != NODATA_VH) {
-  	        veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i] = local_veg_hist_data[VEGCOVER][v][idx];
-                  if (veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i] < MIN_VEGCOVER) veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i] = MIN_VEGCOVER;
-                }
-                hour++;
+    }
+    else {
+      /* sub-daily vegcover provided */
+      for(rec = 0; rec < global_param.nrecs; rec++) {
+        for(v = 0; v < veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num; v++) {
+          sum = 0;
+          for(i = 0; i < NF; i++) {
+            hour = rec*global_param.dt + i*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int;
+            veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i] = 0;
+            while (hour < rec*global_param.dt + (i+1)*options.SNOW_STEP + global_param.starthour - hour_offset_int) {
+              idx = hour;
+              if (idx < 0) idx += 24;
+              if (local_veg_hist_data[VEGCOVER][v][idx] != NODATA_VH) {
+	        veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i] = local_veg_hist_data[VEGCOVER][v][idx];
+                if (veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i] < MIN_VEGCOVER) veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i] = MIN_VEGCOVER;
-  	    sum += veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i];
+              hour++;
-            if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
+	    sum += veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[i];
+          if(NF>1) veg_hist[rec][v].vegcover[NR] = sum / (float)NF;
     Cosine of Solar Zenith Angle
diff --git a/src/vicNl.c b/src/vicNl.c
index 4a0125db8..eb204b81b 100644
--- a/src/vicNl.c
+++ b/src/vicNl.c
@@ -161,10 +161,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   /** Check and Open Files **/
   check_files(&filep, &filenames);
-  if (!options.OUTPUT_FORCE) {
-    /** Read Vegetation Library File **/
-    veg_lib = read_veglib(filep.veglib,&Nveg_type);
-  } /* !OUTPUT_FORCE */
+  /** Read Vegetation Library File **/
+  veg_lib = read_veglib(filep.veglib,&Nveg_type);
   /** Initialize Parameters **/
   cellnum = -1;
@@ -205,12 +203,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
-      if (!options.OUTPUT_FORCE) {
+      /** Read Grid Cell Vegetation Parameters **/
+      veg_con = read_vegparam(filep.vegparam, soil_con.gridcel,
+                              Nveg_type);
+      calc_root_fractions(veg_con, &soil_con);
-        /** Read Grid Cell Vegetation Parameters **/
-        veg_con = read_vegparam(filep.vegparam, soil_con.gridcel,
-                                Nveg_type);
-        calc_root_fractions(veg_con, &soil_con);
+      if (!options.OUTPUT_FORCE) {
         if ( options.LAKES ) 
 	  lake_con = read_lakeparam(filep.lakeparam, soil_con, veg_con);
@@ -233,11 +231,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
         /** Make Top-level Control Structure **/
         all_vars     = make_all_vars(veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num);
-        /** allocate memory for the veg_hist_struct **/
-        alloc_veg_hist(global_param.nrecs, veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num, &veg_hist);
       } /* !OUTPUT_FORCE */
+      /** allocate memory for the veg_hist_struct **/
+      alloc_veg_hist(global_param.nrecs, veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num, &veg_hist);
          Initialize Meteological Forcing Values That
          Have not Been Specifically Set
@@ -340,11 +338,12 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+      free_veg_hist(global_param.nrecs, veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num, &veg_hist);
+      free_vegcon(&veg_con);
       if (!options.OUTPUT_FORCE) {
-        free_veg_hist(global_param.nrecs, veg_con[0].vegetat_type_num, &veg_hist);
-        free_vegcon(&veg_con);
         free((char *)soil_con.AreaFract);
         free((char *)soil_con.BandElev);
         free((char *)soil_con.Tfactor);
@@ -362,10 +361,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+  free_veglib(&veg_lib);
+  fclose(filep.vegparam);
+  fclose(filep.veglib);
   if (!options.OUTPUT_FORCE) {
-    free_veglib(&veg_lib);
-    fclose(filep.vegparam);
-    fclose(filep.veglib);
     if (options.SNOW_BAND>1)
     if (options.LAKES)