This directory contains descriptions and solutions for Known Issues in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system. The following issues have been recognized for CMAQv5.2
Date: 2017-8-10
Contact: Ben Murphy (
The CCTM outputs log files for each processor. The names of these files are concatenated with the following format: CTM_LOG_[Processor #]_[User String] where the "User String" is defined by the variable CTM_APPL in the CCTM runscript. Currently, the CCTM source code truncates CTM_APPL at 48 characters, limiting the usefulness of this name for long strings. Follow the steps below to allow for longer names.
This issue only effects the names of Log files, not results or runtimes for CMAQ.
In CCTM/src/util/util/setup_logdev.F, edit line 53:
Increase the length of EQNAME to any desired number (e.g. 200). Note that the legnth of IOLOGEQ on line 56 should be at least 11 characters greater than the length of EQNAME. Don't exceed the Linux maximum of 255 total characters for IOLOGEQ.
Date: 2017-8-30
Contact: Daiwen Kang (
The original method to determine LASTTIC was based on TSTEP3D which is an IOAPI_3 variable and it can be changed anywhere in the code when DESC3 is called and it might change to an undesired value.
This will only impact when you want to output lightning diagnotics files.
Replace CCTM/src/emis/emis/LTNG_DEFN.F file in repository with the version located in the folder CMAQv5.2-i2
Date: 2017-8-31
Contact: Ben Murphy (
The release version of the CCTM runscript (CCTM/scripts/run_cttm.csh) instructed the model to ignore switching between summer and winter biogenic emission factors as a function of space and day. Because the default emission factor was set to winter, very little biogenic emissions from decidus plants were introduced by the model.
This problem must be fixed by anyone running the model for spring, summer or fall conditions. It will affect VOC, oxidant, ozone and PM predictions substantially in forrested areas.
The runscript is currently up to date in the repository. If you are starting from scratch after Sep 1, 2017, you will not need to do anything. If you can replace your run script with the new one, it is encouraged. Otherwise simply set the following environment variables:
BIOSW_YN Y #Will invoke the seasonality as read from the bioseason file
SUMMER_YN Y #Will default to summertime emission factors if BIOSW_YN is set to no ("N") or false ("F").
We have also updated the bioseason file for the benchmark case (Southeast US for July 1-14, 2011). This must be updated or the model will crash when attempting to read it. Please simply redownload the tarball from the CMAS center.
Date: 2017-10-30
Contact: Ben Murphy (
When gridded inputs are used within CMAQ, the model checks to ensure that the properties of the grid are compatible. In advstep.F, the model has been yielding errors when checking that the grid spacing is consistent between the assumed grid structure and the inputs, particularly when the grid spacing is equal to a non-terminating decimal number (e.g. 1.333333... km).
CMAQ will exit claiming that the grids are inconsistent, when they are actually compatible.
We have implemented a straight-forward solution that calculates the difference of the internal and input grid spacing in advstep.F. If the absolute value of this difference is greater than an assumed tolerance (i.e. 1.0E-5), then the code will error and exit as before. Replace CCTM/src/driver/yamo/advstep.F in repository with the version located under CMAQv5.2-i4.
Date: 2017-10-30
Contact: Ben Murphy (
The subroutine getpar is needed to synchronize the aerosol properties like diameter and standard deviaiton with advected quantities such as number, surface area and mass. This routine also updates the current estimate of the aerosol bulk density. It should be called at the beginning of the aerosol module, but was erroneously skipped before calculation of organic aerosol partitioning.
The impact on PM2.5 species is sporadic and difficult to predict. After employing the new code described below, tests within EPA have revealed differences generally less than 1 ug/m3 but could be as much as 6 ug/m3 in parts of the Southeast US in summer, 2011. The wet diameter of the accumulation mode can be quite high on the order of 100 nm and the standard deviation of that mode was affected by as much as 1.2, but generally less than 0.6.
It is also suspected, though unconfirmed, that this issue can be partly responsible for variable predictions of particle properties aloft when using different compilers.
Several modifications have been made to add consistency to the execution of getpar. Six source files in total should be replaced in the repository. We have implemented a call to getpar at the beginning of the orgaer routine. We have also generalized and renamed the input flag (LIMIT_SG --> FIXED_SG) to getpar and placed it in the AERO_DATA module for transparency. The following subroutines then need to be updated to be consistent with this update in the nature of FIXED_SG: AEROSOL_CHEMISTRY.F, aero_driver.F, aero_subs.F, and AERO_DATA.F. Finally, some of the logic in getpar.f was revised for clarity and transparency. Replace all of the files CCTM/src/aero/aero6 that have updated versions in CMAQv5.2-i5 with their new counterparts.
CMAQv5.2-i6: Resolve Errors in Approach for Correcting Initial and Boundary Aerosol Size Distributions
Date: 2017-12-04 Contact: Ben Murphy (
CMAQv5.2 employs a routine to check that the aerosol size distributions read in to the model from initial and boundary conditions is within reasonable bounds for the numerical approaches used in the aerosol module. Unfortunately, the approach in the release version of the code makes a number of small mistakes. First, it does not use the "dry" aerosol mass as it should, but instead uses the "wet" mass. Second, the restrictions on the aerosol diameter are too tight, especially at the upper bound. Third, the aerosols really should not be checked from the ICs on a restart day. It is more important for the size distribution to be continuous from day to day.
Because of these errors, number concentrations in all modes is artificially high at the beginning of every day. The discontinuity in number concentration, surface area, standard deviation and diameter can easily be seen. The mass is completely conserved and unaffected by these errors.
The following updates have been introduced:
A mask has been used to select for only the dry components of the aerosol when summing the mass, LBCDRY( N_AE_TRANS )
The tolerances on the aerosol diameter, min_diam_g and max_diam_g, have been relaxed.
The "NEW_START" environment variable is now read and used by load_cgrid.F in order to distinguish between the initial day and subsequent days.
The resolution of this issue should result in more stable code that avoids numerical inconsistencies and spontaneous model hangs.
Several modifications need to be made to the following files: AERO_DATA.F, rdbcon.F, load_cgrid.F. Copies of the new files are available in the folder CMAQv5.2-i6.
CMAQv5.2-i7: Error in SpecDef files for the saprc07tb_ae6_aq, saprc07tc_ae6_aq, and saprc07tc_ae6nvPOA_aq mechanisms causes error when running the combine utility
Date: 2018-12-18 Contact: Christian Hogrefe (
BENZENE is defined twice in the species definition files for the saprc07tb_ae6_aq, saprc07tc_ae6_aq, and saprc07tc_ae6nvPOA_aq mechanisms. These SpecDef files are located under CCTM/src/MECHS/ and are used for the SPECIES_DEF environment variable in the combine run script. The duplicated BENZENE definition causes the combine utility to fail with error:
Variable name VNAME3D( 40 ) = “BENZENE” duplicates VNAME3D( 10 ) = “BENZENE” in file “OUTFILE”
(some more variables set)
Error creating netCDF variable BENZENE
This will only impact users who are trying to use the combine utility on CMAQv5.2 output from a simulation that used the saprc07tb_ae6_aq, saprc07tc_ae6_aq, or saprc07tc_ae6nvPOA_aq chemical mechanism.
Commenting out or deleting the second definition for BENZENE in the species definition files for saprc07tb_ae6_aq, saprc07tc_ae6_aq, and saprc07tc_ae6nvPOA_aq will resolve this issue, allowing the combine utility to run successfully.