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DEM-Topo-Picker (DEM-KZP)

Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and KnickZone Picker (KZP) processing

Code developed by Al Neely ( and Bodo Bookhagen (

Latest update: 10-July-2017 (BB)

The code has been tested with Matlab R2012b, R2014b and R2015b, R2016b, R2017a. It requires the Statistical Toolbox, the Topotoolbox, and export_fig (see below). If the Curve Fitting Toolbox is available, it will be used (smooth). If no Curve Fitting Toolbox is available, sgolayfilt is used (with similar and comparable results). It has been tested on Windows 7, Windows 10, and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.


Before running the code and taking advantage of all feautres (i.e., high-resolution figures and projected shapefile), you will need to install the additional items:

  1. TopoToolbox ( I suggest using the github repository ( git clone For additional information, see: Add the TopoToolbox directory to the Matlab PATH: addpath(genpath('/home/bodo/Dropbox/Matlab-work/topotoolbox')). The TopoToolbox requires the Image Processing Toolbox and the Statistics Toolbox (which are mostly installed in academic environment). The Mapping Toolbox will come in handy, but is not required. The Curve Fitting Toolbox will be used if available and will produce slightly different fitting parameters (e.g., for 95% confidence Intervals). Make sure to add the Topotoolbox to the Matlab PATH.

  2. export_fig from Mathworks MATLAB Central: ( for creating the various plots and figures in high-quality PDF format. Make sure to add the location of the file export_fig.m to the Matlab PATH.

  3. Install ghostscript from . This is required for high-res PDF outputs for export_fig.m and highly recommended.

  4. OSGEO4WShell or the full GDAL suite ( or MAC OS X users should install the GDAL complete framwork from This will allow to generate shapefiles from
    tables that are created during the processing and will allow to polygonize raster (TIF) files. GDAL is freely available for all operating systems, and we have tested this on Ubuntu 12.04 (sudo apt-get install gdal), Windows 7 and 8.1 (, and Mac OS X ( This script will run well, if you use the default gdal installation options. Otherwise, you may have to change the directory locations in the parameter file. We rely on: ogr2ogr, gdalsrsinfo, gdal_dem, gdal_polygonize.

  5. Install the KnickZone-Topo-Picker (KZ-Topo-Picker) code via github: git clone or download from Add the KZ-Topo-Picker directory to the Matlab PATH. You can use addpath or the GUI: addpath('/home/bodo/Dropbox/Matlab-work/DEM-KZP/KZ-Topo-Picker/Matlab').


The driver or controlling file is the file: Matlab/run_KZP_example.m. This files sets the path and load the parameter file. You will need to modify to the parameter file with your DEM filename. If you use a 1-m DEM, a good starting point is Matlab/KZP_parameters_1m_example.m. For a 10-m DEM a good starting point is Matlab/KZP_parameters_10m_example.m. These have default parameters for filtering and smoothing to detect knickpoints, but these parameters will need to be modified and optimized for each individual DEM.

Additional driver and parameter files are available at:

The codes will write to subdirectories of the directory where den DEM is stored. The subdirectories are:

  1. DEM_geotiff This contains several geotif files that are generated from the DEM, including various curvature files, filtered topography, steepness values for channels, specific stream power, relief at various radii, and additional files.

  2. DEM_maps contains PDFs of map views with topography, slope, curvature, and steepness.

  3. DEM_plots contains log area vs. log slope and chi plots and map views for each basin matching the drainage area threshold (e.g., every basin larger than 10 km2).

  4. DEM_shapefiles contains several shapefiles with attributes for steepness, relief, drainage area, and many more parameters.

  5. KZP_plots contains knickpoint map views and in longitudinal-river profile, and chi space. This shows some of the filtering steps applied to detect knickpoints in chi plots.

  6. KZP_shapefiles contains the shapfiles for knickpoint lips and bases with attributes storing elevation, chi, magnitude, slope, and relief of the knickpoint.


For additional parameter examples, see Examples.