The theoretical background and application of this code has been described in: Neely, A., Bookhagen B., Burbank, D.W. (2017): An automated knickzone selection algorithm (KZ-Picker) to analyze transient landscapes: Calibration and validation, JGR Earth Surface, doi:10.1002/2017JF004250, available at:
Code developed by Al Neely ( and Bodo Bookhagen (
Latest update: 10-July-2017 (BB)
We provide several example DEMs. For an example on demonstrating the calibration procedure, we refer the detailed manual available at KZ_picker_instructions_ABN_7-8-17.pdf. This describes the calbriation and processing steps as performed by the
An example data including calibration files is available for the the Smugglers catchment for Santa Cruz Island:
- smugglers_1m_dem.7z at SCI-1m-Smugglers. An example dataset at containing a 1-m DEM of the northern part of Santa Cruz Island, southern California. The example GeoTIF with calibration files are available at or