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54 lines (48 loc) · 1.51 KB

File metadata and controls

54 lines (48 loc) · 1.51 KB


  • for each dir in dir_list, time how long it takes to ls
  • do this once every loop_wait_time_s seconds
  • if any of these times are greater than min_report_time_s, add a line to the report queue
  • if there's anything in the queue,
    • and it's been more than max_email_frequency_min since the last email,
    • and email is enabled in the config
    • send an email containing the report queue, and clear the queue.


logfile names in config can be absolute or relative to cwd

creates up to 4 log files, each up to size max_filesize_megabytes

  • info_filename
  • info_filename.1 (rollover)
  • error_filename
  • error_filename.1 (rollover)

info_filename contains all logs, including errors

sample config file:

nfs_checker_config.ini will be created (.gitignore and chmod 700) in cwd when the script is run for the first time

  • this file contains a cleartext password
    • should be excluded from source control!
    • should not be readable by any other user!
enabled = True
to =
from =
signature = best, nfs_checker
smtp_server =
smtp_port = 465
smtp_user = admin
smtp_password = password
smtp_is_ssl = True
max_email_frequency_min = 30

info_filename = /opt/logs/nfs_checker.log
error_filename = /opt/logs/nfs_checker_error.log
max_filesize_megabytes = 100
rollover_count = 1

dir_list = 
min_report_time_s = 0.25
loop_wait_time_s = 1
check_timeout_s = 5