ArcoMage HD is a web-based, open source, remastered 3D clone of 3DO and New World Computing's 2000 PC card game Arcomage, which appeared in the Might and Magic RPG game series.
Developed by @tomchen with TypeScript + React + Redux + redux-observable + CSS-based animations, this not-for-profit fan-remake is available in English, French, German, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
Victory conditions vary per tavern. Build your tower, destroy your opponent's tower, or collect enough resources before your opponent does.
Large yellow numbers in column are the productions. This is how many new units of a particular resource you will receive on your next turn. Small black numbers in column are the resources. This is how many units you have available to spend on your current turn.
Cards: Each have their own cost to play, indicated in a small circle in the lower right corner of the card. The cost will be deducted from your resources according to the color of the card. Left click on a card plays the card. Right click on a card to discard without playing.
Red represents your Quarry Generator which produces your Brick resources, blue represents your Magic Generator which produces Gem resources, green represents your Dungeon generator which produces Recruit resources.
5 languages are fully supported, with another 5's translation in progress.
English (en
), French (fr
), German (de
), Simplified Chinese (zh-Hans
), Traditional Chinese (zh-Hant
Spanish (es
), Italian (it
), Russian (ru
), Czech (cs
), Polish (pl
Click to show the detailed instruction on how to help me translate it
I've OCR (optical character recognition)'d the card names & descriptions in the 5 incomplete languages.
If you speak one of Spanish (es
), Italian (it
), Russian (ru
), Czech (cs
), Polish (pl
) and want to help, please:
In tools/i18n-temp folder, go to "<LANGCODE>.ts" file, click Raw button, then Ctrl + S to save the file.
Look at en.ts to know what the strings in English are.
Translate the untranslated lines in <LANGCODE>.ts file, by changing the string on the right. For example, change 'Your Name': 'Your Name',
to 'Your Name': 'Votre nom',
In tools/i18n-temp folder, go to "cards.<LANGCODE>.ts" file, click Raw button, then Ctrl + S to save the file.
Look at cards.en.ts to know what the strings in English are.
Please also refer to main_en_fixed.png which is an image that includes all cards with text in English, and the same image but of your language in tools/ocr/original folder.
Check and/or translate "cards.<LANGCODE>.ts" file:
name: '<Translated card name>',
desc: '<Translated card desciption>',
Now tools/i18n-temp/cards.<LANGCODE>.ts files are filled with the text I got with OCR (optical character recognition), which could be of poor quality, please delete and retranslate it if it's nonsense, or verify and modify it if it's readable.
Create a pull request if you know how to do it, or just give me the translated text on GitHub, or on Reddit, or on celestialheavens forum, or via email.
The game is fully controllable with keyboard. Use Tab to select a top-menu icon or a card, then Enter to open or use it, Delete / Backspace to discard a card, Esc to close a preferences window.
Click to show the detailed keyboard control instruction & additional special "Access Key" usage (e.g. Alt + P: Preferences; Alt + 1: use the 1st card ...)
Use Tab to select an icon, then Enter to open it. When the window is open, use Esc to close it.
Or with access key (only for opening a window):
- Alt + P: Preferences
- Alt + L: Language
- Alt + V: Volume
- Alt + T: Toggle Fullscreen
- Alt + H: Help
- Alt + G: GitHub
Use Tab to select a card, then Enter to use it, or Delete / Backspace to discard it.
Or with access key (only for using a card):
- Alt + 1: Use the 1st card
- Alt + 2: Use the 2nd card
- Alt + 3: Use the 3rd card
- Alt + ...: Use the nth card (n <= 9, you can't use 10th or later card with access key)
It could be other key instead of Alt
The way to activate the accesskey depends on the browser and its platform, it's "Alt + key" in Chrome Windows/Linux.
The stack:
TypeScript + React + Redux + redux-observable, CSS-based animations without <canvas>.
Arcomage was initially developed by Stickman Games and later sold to The 3DO Company (3DO). The game appeared as a mini-game in Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor (MM7) and Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer (MM8), the seventh and eighth games in New World Computing (NWC)'s Might and Magic (MM) series. NWC and its parent company, 3DO, also released a stand-alone version in 2000, which can be played in single player or multi player mode. The original stand-alone Arcomage has a resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and is usable in 16-bit color mode in Windows 10, but the graphics is unstable.
The code of the ArcoMage HD game: MIT License (c) 2021 Tom Chen.
The assets, text, appearance and other copyrightable elements of the game: (c) 2001 The 3DO Company.
See file for a detailed presentation of the copyright status of the game's components.