| 1 | + |
| 2 | +package Bio::KBase::AppService::AweEvents; |
| 3 | +use strict; |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +our %events = ( |
| 6 | +CR => ['CLIENT_REGISTRATION', 'client registered (for the first time)'], |
| 7 | +CA => ['CLIENT_AUTO_REREGI', 'client automatically re-registered'], |
| 8 | +CU => ['CLIENT_UNREGISTER', 'client unregistered'], |
| 9 | +WC => ['WORK_CHECKOUT', 'workunit checkout'], |
| 10 | +WF => ['WORK_FAIL', 'workunit fails running'], |
| 11 | +SS => ['SERVER_START', 'awe-server start'], |
| 12 | +SR => ['SERVER_RECOVER', 'awe-server start with recover option (-recover)'], |
| 13 | +JQ => ['JOB_SUBMISSION', 'job submitted'], |
| 14 | +TQ => ['TASK_ENQUEUE', 'task parsed and enqueue'], |
| 15 | +WD => ['WORK_DONE', 'workunit received successful feedback from client'], |
| 16 | +WR => ['WORK_REQUEUE', 'workunit requeue after receive failed feedback from client'], |
| 17 | +WP => ['WORK_SUSPEND', 'workunit suspend after failing for conf.Max_Failure times'], |
| 18 | +TD => ['TASK_DONE', 'task done (all the workunits in the task have finished)'], |
| 19 | +TS => ['TASK_SKIPPED', 'task skipped (skip option > 0)'], |
| 20 | +JD => ['JOB_DONE', 'job done (all the tasks in the job have finished)'], |
| 21 | +JP => ['JOB_SUSPEND', 'job suspended'], |
| 22 | +JL => ['JOB_DELETED', 'job deleted'], |
| 23 | +WS => ['WORK_START', 'workunit command start running'], |
| 24 | +WE => ['WORK_END', 'workunit command finish running'], |
| 25 | +WR => ['WORK_RETURN', 'send back failed workunit to server'], |
| 26 | +WI => ['WORK_DISCARD', 'workunit discarded after receiving discard signal from server'], |
| 27 | +PS => ['PRE_WORK_START', 'workunit command start running'], |
| 28 | +PE => ['PRE_WORK_END', 'workunit command finish running'], |
| 29 | +FI => ['FILE_IN', 'start fetching input file from shock'], |
| 30 | +FR => ['FILE_READY', 'finish fetching input file from shock'], |
| 31 | +FO => ['FILE_OUT', 'start pushing output file to shock'], |
| 32 | +FD => ['FILE_DONE', 'finish pushing output file to shock'], |
| 33 | +AI => ['ATTR_IN', 'start fetching input attributes from shock'], |
| 34 | +AR => ['ATTR_READY', 'finish fetching input attributes from shock'], |
| 35 | +WQ => ['WORK_QUEUED', 'workunit queued at proxy'], |
| 36 | +); |
| 37 | +1; |
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