In this part, we will learn the following:
- Requirements
- Installation
- Configuration
- Basic Example
- PHP 5.6 or higher
- Zend Framework 2.0 or higher
- DoctrineORMModule: if you want to use Doctrine as datasource.
- Bootstrap: if you want to output Bootstrap table.
- Date Range Picker: if you want to use the Date Range Picker on Bootstrap Table.
- jqGrid: if you want to output jqGrid.
Installation of this module uses composer. For Composer documentation, please refer to
Install the module:
$ php composer.phar require thadafinser/zfc-datagrid:dev-master
Enable the module by adding ZfcDatagrid
key to your application.config.php
file. Customize the module by copy-pasting
the zfcdatagrid.local.php.dist
file to your config/autoload
Create the folder: data/ZfcDatagrid
which will be used by ZfcDatagrid for caching.
Finally include the JS/CSS/Images files of the output that you want to use (Bootstrap files, jqGrid files...), the links of the required files are in the [Requirements](/docs/02. Quick
There are a lot of configurations you can override to customize the behaviour of your grid implementation.
You can find all options here (all options inside "ZfcDatagrid")
To override the configuration you should create a own config file for this module. Create: config/autoload/zfcdatagrid.local.php
Following configs are some of the currently available (taken from config/module.config.php):
return [
'ZfcDatagrid' => [
'settings' => [
'default' => [
'renderer' => [
'http' => 'bootstrapTable',
'console' => 'zendTable',
'export' => [
'enabled' => true,
// currently only A formats are supported...
'papersize' => 'A4',
// landscape / portrait (we preferr landscape, because datagrids are often wide)
'orientation' => 'landscape',
'formats' => [
// renderer -> display Name (can also be HTML)
'PHPExcel' => 'Excel',
'tcpdf' => 'PDF',
// The output+save directory
'path' => 'public/download',
'mode' => 'direct',
'cache' => [
'adapter' => [
'name' => 'Filesystem',
'options' => [
'ttl' => 720000, // cache with 200 hours,
'cache_dir' => 'data/ZfcDatagrid',
'plugins' => [
'exception_handler' => [
'throw_exceptions' => false
'renderer' => [
'jqGrid' => [
'templates' => [
'layout' => 'zfc-datagrid/renderer/jqGrid/layout',
The first datagrid is a really simple one, to see if everything works for you. It'll work if you have ZF-Skeleton installed or Twitter Bootstrap included out of the box.
If you copy the following code and paste it into your action, try to call this action (with your defined route) and you should see your first ZfcDatagrid! (Congratulations) It's renderer with the output mode "bootstrapTable", where you can already paginate, filter and sort your data.
namespace Application\Controller;
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use ZfcDatagrid\Column;
class IndexController extends AbstractActionController
* Simple bootstrap table
* @return \ZfcDatagrid\Controller\ViewModel
public function bootstrapAction()
$data = [
['displayName' => 'Mohammad ZeinEddin'],
['displayName' => 'John Wayne'],
['displayName' => 'Oprah Winfrey'],
/* @var $grid \ZfcDatagrid\Datagrid */
$grid = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('ZfcDatagrid\Datagrid');
$grid->setTitle('Minimal grid');
$col = new Column\Select('displayName');
return $grid->getResponse();
- Continue to [Columns](/docs/03.
- Back to [Introduction](/docs/01.
- Back to the Index