This is a collection of simple reports used to care for our Outreach Partners.
Birthdays and Anniversaries - Generate a list of partners who have birthdays or anniversaries coming up, and email it to the appropriate people. We use this to send cards to partners.
To install, add BirthdaysAndAnniversaries to your Python Special Content and add something like the following to your Morning Batch:
from datetime import datetime from math import ceil if == 1 and int(ceil( / 7.0)) == 2: # Second Tuesday print model.CallScript('BirthdaysAndAnniversaries')
Ours is configured to send on Second Tuesdays, a week before our Outreach Commission meets.
You will also need to have a Family Extra Value (Int) with a name "Security Level" and value > 0 on all partner records. (We use this throughout our reporting and automations. A higher number means "more secure".) This report does not take security requirements into account. Therefore, be careful who has access to this report and who the email is sent to.