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Angular — The successor to AngularJS.
Angular is a development platform for building mobile and desktop web applications.
Angular Material — Material Design components for Angular 2.
Angular Material brings high-quality UI components built with Angular 2 and TypeScript, following the Material Design spec. These components will serve as an example of how to write Angular code following best practices.
Check out the available compontents
Ionic — A complete mobile toolkit, built for web developers.
Know how to build websites? Then you already know how to build mobile apps. Ionic Framework offers the best web and native app components for building highly interactive native and progressive web apps with Angular.
RxJS - A reactive programming library for JavaScript
RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables, to make it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code. This project is a rewrite of Reactive-Extensions/RxJS with better performance, better modularity, better debuggable call stacks, while staying mostly backwards compatible, with some breaking changes that reduce the API surface
Stryker — A mutation testing framework for JavaScript.
Stryker enables you to measure the quality of your unit tests by using a technique called mutation testing. Stryker will insert small bugs (mutations) into your code and check if your tests can detect the bugs.
TypeScript - The language itself.
TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript. TypeScript adds optional types, classes, and modules to JavaScript. TypeScript supports tools for large-scale JavaScript applications for any browser, for any host, on any OS. TypeScript compiles to readable, standards-based JavaScript.
TypeScriptToLua - A TypeScript to Lua transpiler.
A generic TypeScript to Lua transpiler. Write your code in TypeScript and publish Lua!
Large projects written in lua can become hard to maintain and make it easy to make mistakes. Writing code in TypeScript instead improves maintainability, readability and robustness, with the added bonus of good IDE support. This project is useful in any environment where Lua code is accepted, with the powerful option of simply declaring any existing API using TypeScript declaration files.
Visual Studio Code - Open source code editor.
Visual Studio Code combines the simplicity of a source code editor with powerful developer tooling, like IntelliSense code completion and debugging. First and foremost, it is an editor that gets out of your way. The delightfully frictionless edit-build-debug cycle means less time fiddling with your environment, and more time executing on your ideas.
Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework
Vue (pronounced /vjuː/, like view) is a progressive framework for building user interfaces. It is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable, and can easily scale between a library and a framework depending on different use cases. It consists of an approachable core library that focuses on the view layer only, and an ecosystem of supporting libraries that helps you tackle complexity in large Single-Page Applications.
Xterm.js - A terminal frontend for the web platform
Xterm.js is a terminal component that powers many standalone and integrated terminals such as Visual Studio Code, Hyper and Theia.