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ArangoDB is a multi-model, open-source database with flexible data models for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions. Use ACID transactions if you require them. Scale horizontally with a few mouse clicks.
The supported data models can be mixed in queries and allow ArangoDB to be the aggregation point for your data.
Bitcoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Bitcoin is open-source; its design is public, nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Through many of its unique properties, Bitcoin allows exciting uses that could not be covered by any previous payment system.
Caffe is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC) and community contributors.
Catch2 is a multi-paradigm test framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD. It is primarily distributed as a single header file, although certain extensions may require additional headers.
Chromium and is used by the Atom editor and many other apps.
Dear Imgui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library. It outputs optimized vertex buffers that you can render anytime in your 3D-pipeline enabled application. It is fast, portable, renderer agnostic and self-contained (no external dependencies).
Dear ImGui is designed to enable fast iterations and to empower programmers to create content creation tools and visualization / debug tools (as opposed to UI for the average end-user). It favors simplicity and productivity toward this goal.
Electron lets you write cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS. It is based on Node.js and
Godot Engine is a feature-packed, cross-platform game engine to create 2D and 3D games from a unified interface. It provides a comprehensive set of common tools, so that users can focus on making games without having to reinvent the wheel. Games can be exported in one click to a number of platforms, including the major desktop platforms (Linux, Mac OSX, Windows) as well as mobile (Android, iOS) and web-based (HTML5) platforms.
i2pd is a full-featured C++ implementation of I2P client.
I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol) is a universal anonymous network layer. All communications over I2P are anonymous and end-to-end encrypted, participants don't reveal their real IP addresses. I2P allows people from all around the world to communicate and share information without restrictions.
MXNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility. It allows you to mix the flavours of symbolic programming and imperative programming to maximize efficiency and productivity. In its core, a dynamic dependency scheduler that automatically parallelizes both symbolic and imperative operations on the fly. A graph optimization layer on top of that makes symbolic execution fast and memory efficient. The library is portable and lightweight, and it scales to multiple GPUs and multiple machines.
OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. OpenCV was built to provide a common infrastructure for computer vision applications and to accelerate the use of machine perception in the commercial products. Being a BSD-licensed product, OpenCV makes it easy for businesses to utilize and modify the code.
openFrameworks is an open source C++ toolkit for creative coding. It includes tools for 2D/3D graphics, audio, and video components along with many addons for integrations with everything from XBOX Kinects to OpenCV.
The code is written to be massively cross-compatible. Right now they support five operating systems (Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android) and four IDEs (XCode, Code::Blocks, and Visual Studio and Eclipse). The API is designed to be minimal and easy to grasp.
Pony is an open-source, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high performance programming language.
Hello World in Pony:
actor Main
new create(env: Env) =>
env.out.print("Hello, world!")
Proxygen. This project comprises the core C++ HTTP abstractions used at Facebook. Internally, it is used as the basis for building many HTTP servers, proxies, and clients. This release focuses on the common HTTP abstractions and our simple HTTPServer framework. Future releases will provide simple client APIs as well. The framework supports HTTP/1.1, SPDY/3, SPDY/3.1, and HTTP/2. The goal is to provide a simple, performant, and modern C++ HTTP library.
Qt is an LGPL application framework supported on most platforms - including embedded -, and covers most of C++ application development needs : GUI widgets, event loop, networking, serialization, reflection, javascript engines, web browser integration... As well as a declarative reactive user-interface programming language based on Javascript, QML that can even be used for 3D content creation.
Redis Desktop Manager — an Open source cross-platform Redis Desktop Manager based on Qt 5
RethinkDB — the first open-source scalable database built for realtime applications. It exposes a new database access model — instead of polling for changes, the developer can tell the database to continuously push updated query results to applications in realtime. RethinkDB allows developers to build scalable realtime apps in a fraction of the time with less effort.
Robomongo is a shell-centric cross-platform MongoDB management tool. Unlike most other MongoDB admin UI tools, Robomongo embeds the actual mongo shell in a tabbed interface with access to a shell command line as well as GUI interaction.
TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning. It has a comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools, libraries, and community resources that lets researchers push the state-of-the-art in ML and developers easily build and deploy ML powered applications.
µWS is one of the most lightweight, efficient & scalable WebSocket server implementations available. It features an easy-to-use, fully async object-oriented interface and scales to millions of connections using only a fraction of memory compared to the competition. While performance and scalability are two of our top priorities, we consider security, stability and standards compliance paramount. License is zlib/libpng (very permissive & suits commercial applications).