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Releases: Taiko2k/Tauon


16 May 03:33
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Welcome to v7.2.0

This one has taken a little while. But with the many subtle fixes and improvements, Tauon is really starting to become a polished app!

On becoming a supporter

It can be pretty painful to donate to your favourite projects when you don't feel like you're directly getting anything for it. Our R&D team has been hard at work finding a way to get you something extra without flying in the face of free software ideals. With that in mind, we have a result, a new supporters exclusive theme!

Introducing a new theme: Charmed (supporter exclusive 💖)

Charmed is a gorgeous new deep red theme featuring Rizumu the witch, your new magical music companion! ❇️

Screenshot from 2022-05-16 15-26-52

Will you let her charm her way into your heart?

This theme is available for sponsors on tier 2 or higher. If you'd like to join, see my GitHub sponsors page here.

Gallery singles thumbnail style

Screenshot from 2022-04-13 19-34-29

Folders of singles now have a new stacked thumbnail style in the gallery. This is a little experimental and may need some further tweaking. Let me know what you think.

Removal of GStreamer backend

Big change with this release is the removal of the GStreamer backend. The new Phazor backend is about 2 years old now and in that time has shaved a lot of its rough edges. Its still not perfect, but at this point, I have lost interest in maintaining the GStreamer backend.

This means that the Phazor backend is now the default and only backend. The Phazor branding in the UI has been removed, so it can just be considered part of Tauon without need of distinction.

Other changes

  • Improved behaviour of (jump) track crossfade. It now fades out immediately and fixes an issue with stuttering on IO delay.
  • There are now settings for samplerate-output and resample-quality. (For the average user there's probably no need to change these.)
  • There is a new setting volume-curve in the config file. It still uses non-linear by default, but you can now change it to linear.
  • Added native Wavpack decoding. (Using the correction file is now defined behaviour.)
  • Added new generator code px to exclude playlists of tracks.
  • Restored Spotify feature support. (Due to consideration from user feedback.)
  • Fixed delay/freeze on changing audio output device.
  • Mini modes are now launch-able from shuffle-lockdown mode.
  • Themes can now be organised into subfolders.
  • You can now use Ctrl + m to toggle mute.
  • There's now an 'auto` mode for Replay Gain that automatically switches between track and album gain depending on shuffle mode.
  • Various other fixes and tweaks.

Network streaming cache system

This update brings a reworked network file cache system. This rework brings the following changes:

  • Implemented a pre-emptive caching mechanism that should improve gapless playback reliability.
  • You can now enable caching for local files. This is useful for playing from SMB/NFS mounts on slower connections.
  • There's now an option to persistently store cached tracks up to a given limit. Using this may improve app performance, particularly if you often repeat playing the same albums.

If you use streaming in Tauon, let me know what you think of this feature.

[Flatpak] Codec support changes

Support for the codecs WMA and APE is no longer included with the base Flatpak install of Tauon. These codecs now require an external optional add-on package. To install this just run:

flatpak install org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg-full//21.08

Codec support for TTA has been lost. Let me know if anyone used this codec.

[AUR] JPEG XL support

Experimental JPEG XL support has been added to make it possible to read album art in this format. For this you'll need to install the new optional dependency python-jxlpy (AUR). Not yet included with Flatpak install.


27 Feb 03:05
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New feature: Game controller input support

You can now control basic playback and playlist navigation using a gamepad. See Controller Mapping for how the buttons and sticks are mapped.

Other changes

  • Various bug fixes


23 Feb 22:13
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  • Fixes related to internet radio playback


17 Feb 04:40
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v7.1.1 Its better now edition


  • There are now new indicators on tabs when dragging tracks to show if any track is in that playlist already (yellow) or if the playlist is a generator playlist therefore can't add tracks (red).
    Screenshot 2022-02-14 at 11 45 46 AM
  • There is now a function prompt under MENU to clean the database. You should click this if you see it to cut down on unnecessary load times.
  • HiDPI scaling setting now applies changes immediately without needing restart.
  • [Wayland] UI will now try automatically scale when moving between monitors (Experimental)
  • [Phazor] Internet radio stations start faster. (Reduced the initial buffer size)
  • [Phazor] Possibly fixed some various rare issues with internet radio.

Feature deprecation:

  • Spotify support.
    The main issue is the search provided by the API being somewhat useless. If you still used this feature then please get in touch and submit feedback.

❇️ As always, consider becoming a supporter if aren't already. It goes a long way with helping motivate me to continue working on this app!


07 Feb 01:55
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New feature: Playlist export locations

Screenshot from 2022-02-07 13-39-00

This dialogue can be accessed by going to a playlist tab right click > "Export...". It provides the following new functionality:

  • Can set a location to export the playlist to.
  • Can chose to automatically save on changes.
  • Can chose to save playlist using relative file paths.
  • Can export as M3U.

New feature: Chromecast streaming (Experimental)

There is now a setting to show a track context menu option that starts a stream from that location in the playlist, and points your Chromecast to it. For more information see the wiki page here.

AUR Users: New optional dependency python-pychromecast

Other changes

  • Added new shuffle lockdown mode: Shuffle Lockdown Albums. Remember you can access this by right clicking the shuffle button.
  • Added new gen code ia for ordering by albums imported.
  • Removed lyrics provider LyricWiki. Turns out that site has been dead for years. So no point in having it any more. I've added a new provider but its kind of crap.
  • [Phazor] Fixed various file types not working when loading from a network server.


12 Jan 03:42
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Hotfix - Fixes glitch with visualizer in showcase layout


10 Jan 05:01
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The radio UI update

Screenshot from 2022-01-10 12-54-12

This update features an overhauled internet radio UI. The interface has now become its own layout view rather than a overlay box. You can switch to it using the view switcher shown when clicking MENU.

Notable additions are the support for station thumbnail icons and support for multiple "Lists" (i.e playlists for radios). Also the process for adding and removing stations has been simplified. Another change is that recorded tracks are now imported to a playlist automatically.

Note: Any previous saved stations will be carried over, but they wont have thumbnails. You'll need to re-save the stations from the station browser to get thumbnails.

Note: The radio record setting has been moved to page 4 of Settings > Function.

Also added Gensokyo Radio to the list of supported stations with album art. You can find a list of these stations in Tauon by holding the shift key when viewing the station browser to reveal a secret button.

Quick tutorial

In the radio layout:

  • Press ➕ to manually enter a new station from a raw URL.
  • Press 🔍 to show the station browser where you can enter a search to a public database.
  • Press ⭐ when shown to save the currently playing station to the current list.
  • You can create radio lists using the top panel as you would with a normal playlist. Radio lists are only shown when in the radio layout.
  • You can drag to re-arrange stations in the currently viewed list.

Known Issue: Sometimes starting a station fails and you need to restart Tauon before audio can be played again.

Other changes:

  • Jellyfin server side love/unlove (favourite) is now supported.

    Warning: Initial re-scan of Jellyfin library will cause local love on any Jellyfin tracks to be erased.

  • Export and import of M3U playlists is now supported.
  • Added new generator code fs to find exact string segment matches.

Upgraders to v7.0.0 will notice a one off donation prompt. I really don't like adding nags/self-promotion, but I need to balance that with what's fair. Feel free to let me know what you think.


01 Dec 08:31
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  • [Phazor] Fix resume from idle


27 Nov 05:12
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  • Fixed path sort bug from v6.8.1
  • Other bug fixes


24 Nov 23:03
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  • Volume shortcut changed to Ctrl + Up / Down.
  • Shift + Up / Down can now be used to create selections.
  • "Open image" function now shows embedded images by extracting to a temporary location.
  • [Phazor] Now uses high resolution output to get the most out of 24bit tracks. (I suggest using Pipewire as your system audio server to help ensure optimal quality)
  • Various other tweaks and fixes.