All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- config:dump -- Dump config settings (mostly for quick reference)
- config:menu -- Set config easier than before
- self:migrate -- Migrate from pre-v1
- server:backup -- Now schedulable
- All Commands -- Complete rewrite, now using a database
- server:fix -- Better scheduling
- fivem:install
- fivem:update -- The collective changed some stuff.
- server:restart -- Restart the server with one command, instead of two
- server:create -- Small bug that wouldn't allow path to be manually set if the server:path was set
- Some typos
- fivem:license -- save license for starting server
- server:start -- now will automatically include license key, if set
- server:path -- Wouldn't let you set a new path
- server:create -- Didn't check if server existed, properly
- Some typos
- server:rename -- renames a server
- BaseCommand -- cleaner code
- Prompts for server name will now have auto-complete
- Refactored all commands -- to use BaseCommand
- Some typos
- illuminate/filesystem from composer.json #6
- Updated laravel-zero/framework for friendlier error messages
- composer.lock
- server:fix -- fixes crashed servers - scheduled
- A totally not obvious copy-paste job
- server:backup -- backs up a server
- server:delete -- deletes server after running a server backup unless you use
- fivem:update -- some dev testing code was left in
- almost all commands, cleaning up
- server:say -- slight issue
- server:console -- see the server console
- server:say -- send a message to the console
- Added support
- server:list -- now checks status of server process
- server:create -- shut git the fu*k up
- server:path -- now tells you the path if it is set and a paht isn't provided
- server:stop -- now sends message to server, disablable
- Stop Command signature throwing error
- Storage location for easier updating
- Laravel-Zero
- The initial commands