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Texter Sideboxes

There are so many ideas and possibilities with extending the Texter interface, but this is also prime real-estate to meet the screen-realestate needs of small smart phones along with desktops. Texter sideboxes give a 'sidebar' space on desktops and make more options/controls a click away (or a way to popup). Texter sideboxes are passed the context of the contact being shown, the texter, the campaign, and organization, and can show relevant additional data or controls.

Texter sideboxes also can extend "Todos" assignment listing -- to show additional controls or information.

Each Texter sidebox included in configuration is automatically enableable per-campaign and configurations that drive how the sidebox is shown (like custom text/messages/etc) can be easily built in.

Included Texter Sideboxes

Texter sideboxes that begin with default- are enabled by default -- a campaign or organization can still explicitly turn them off. Others need to be opt-in per-organization (as a default) or per-campaign.


This sidebox is the basic functionality for dynamic assignment prompting the texter to request their first (and later) batches of texts.

All buttons/labels are configurable -- have some fun and bring delight to your texters by personalizing the messages/tone.

For developers, this is a good demonstration of the power of texter-sideboxes -- the entire frontend dynamic assignment workflow is through this texter-sidebox and default-releasecontacts sidebox.


The complementary component but separately enableable/disableable from default-dynamicassignment, when enabled, texters can release their contacts back to the unassigned pool -- i.e. "Done for the day" A configuration option allows you to enable this even for non-dynamic-assignment campaigns.


By default, texters can edit the initial messages per-campaign. This sidebox obscures that capability to make texters more intentional about changing messaging with a campaign strongly recommends sticking to.

See Best Practices on Conformance and Messaging


After a texter completes their batch of messages show them a celebratory animated gif and message that pops up. We recommend trying this out and limiting the size of the gif to work on mobile, etc.

Developers might want to take a look at this texter-sidebox for an example of a "popup" implementation, where even on mobile, the texter won't miss the texter-sidebox context (of course, use sparingly!)


We suggest enabling this but it is not on by default. With this enabled, texters will see a link reference where they can copy it and share with a campaign admin to visit the relevant conversation. Texters can use it themselves to keep a specific conversation in a browser window to refer to later.


If your campaign has an account with freshdesk/freshworks, you can enable their help widget for texters to ask for help from the sidebox.


Enabled this hides contact images and video sent back to texters in replies which can have offensive content.


Mobilize (America) event scheduling. User clicks the button and the MOBILIZE_EVENT_SHIFTER_URL opens up in a Dialog as an iframe, which is meant to be an organization's main event list. If contact has a zip, it is included to filter the mobilize events. If the campaign contacts include an event_id column in the CSV, or provides a default event id for the campaign/organization, it adds a tab for the mobilize event in an iframe and prefills the first name, last name, cell, email, and zip into the fields via the query string. Texter can then switch between tabs of the specific event or the general event list. Pull request with screenshots

Note: as of 3/1/21 you will need to reach out to Mobilize support to have them enable embedding for your dashboard(s), otherwise you'll probably get the error Refused to display '{MOBILIZE_EVENT_SHIFTER_URL}' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'.


This texter sidebox allows you to enable or disable bulk send per campaign. To use this texter sidebox, bulk send must be enabled in your Spoke instance.


If you create tags related to 'escalation' or something you want texters to be able to mark on a texter (e.g. "Spanish-Speaking" or "Hot lead", etc), set the group of the tag to "texter-tags" and enable this sidebox, and during replies texters can save these tags. You will be able to 'resolve' them in the Message Review panel.


If you enable in the release-contacts texter sidebox for texters to 'give up their conversations' (i.e. not just their initial messages but the conversations for replies, as well), then enabling this widget will allow texters that are marked as "Vetted Texters" (or a higher role) to pull conversations as a batch just like default-dynamicassignment pulls batches .

In order for this to work, the dynamicassignment-batches handler vetted-takeconversations needs to be installed by the system (DYNAMICASSIGNMENT_BATCHES=....,vetted-takeconversations) and in the Dynamic Assignment section of your campaign after choosing the batch rule for initial texters, Ctrl-click "vetted-takeconversations" to add it. If you create a different custom dynamicassignment-batches extension that allows taking non-initial contact (needsMessage), you can also use that one by setting that batch rule in the take-conversations's Texter UI settings.

Combined, these extensions allow 'split' assignment -- a different group to send initial texts than to handle replies.

Please note the vetted-takeconversations is still an experimental batch strategy, and should NOT be used on its own. The default .env.example includes DYNAMICASSIGNMENT_BATCHES=finished-replies-tz,vetted-texters,finished-replies, of which vetted-takeconversations should be in addition to these batch strategies.


Must be enabled for Admins to be able to review contacts' replies and give feedback. To customize the variables feedback is given dump valid JSON blob based on this Working Families Party example into the custom field. Note that invalid JSON will break Spoke!


Allows entry of notes in a multiline text input in the sidebox. Notes are saved to a campaign contact's customFields using notes key.

You can persist notes across campaigns for the same contact by simply loading the notes data you'd like to persist into a column called notes in your contacts list. All texters will see any notes data loaded in this way in the input when viewing the contact if this setting is enabled!

Texter Sidebox configuration options

All texter-sideboxes that can be enabled in organizations must be included in the global environment variable TEXTER_SIDEBOXES= (though not setting it at all will enable the sideboxes we consider fully production-ready).

Demoing/Testing sideboxes

While either developing or for demo purposes, you can visit the following urls on your running Spoke instance to see texter sideboxes (or just the texter view) for certain contexts:

  • /demo/text (for initial texting context)
  • /demo/reply (for first replies)
  • /demo/reply2 (for an example with a deeper conversation)
  • /demo/dyn (for a dynamic assignment example after completing texting)

Developing Texter Sideboxes

The best way to make a new texter sidebox is to copy an existing one and then edit:

cd src/extensions/texter-sideboxes
cp -rp celebration-gif <NEW_NAME>

Then edit react-component.js in that directory.

If you have a simple sidebox that is just displaying text, copy default-editinitial. If you are implementing something that pops up on mobile (like an alert()) look at celebration-gif. If you are making a sidebox that load or send graphql queries/mutations, then take a look at default-dynamicassignment -- though note that it collapses views that display both to the Todos summary screen AND the texter view.

API components for Texter sideboxes

Export methods/objects with these names from your react-component.js:

  • function displayName() required for all sideboxes return a string with the sidebox title shown to campaign admins.

  • function showSidebox() when returning a truthy value the sidebox defined as TexterSideboxClass will be rendered. Return "popup" if it should popup to interrupt the texter mobile view.

    • Arguments:
      campaign, assignment, contact,

    Most arguments have the context from the graphql loaded from the containers/TexterTodo.jsx component.

    • settingsData will include the properties defined by adminSchema and set from the AdminConfig component (both below)
    • texter and currentUser don't always have to be the same -- check permissions with currentUser.roles;
    • finished is for contexts where a texting task context is completed (e.g. sending initials or sending all the replies)
    • messageStatusFilter will be the filter in routes.jsx -- e.g. needsMessage for initial texting
    • contact is null in the context where there are no (remaining) contacts to reply/send to in a certain context.
    • navigationToolbarChildren have data passed into the AssignmentTexter/Controls.jsx component with next/prev total values and strings to drive the contact toolbar's navigation.
  • TexterSideboxClass:React.Component object passed with the same properties sent to showSummary.

  • function showSummary() if it returns true, the SummaryComponent will be rendered in the texter's Todos campaign summary section (under any buttons).

    • Arguments:
      isSummary: true

    isSummary is always true. Arguments have the data loaded from containers/TexterTodoList.jsx. settingsData will include the properties defined by adminSchema and set from the AdminConfig component (both below)

  • SummaryComponent:React.Component object passed with the same properties sent to showSummary.

  • function adminSchema() required function that returns a yup schema dict with names and types that will be configurable in AdminConfig and saved to the organization (as defaults) and per-campaign (in campaign.features column). Then the data is passed as an argument as settingsData to the methods above for rendering.

  • AdminConfig:React.Component - admin component rendered to administrators after they've enabled your component with a toggle. This should provide both documentation about the texter-sidebox and config Form.Field(s)

    • Props:
      • settingsData -- the current values set from previous loads
      • onToggle: function(name, val) - a method that can trigger a true/false value that will update name with val if you are not using Form.Field(s).