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  • JDK 7 and later
  • Node.js v4.0.0 and later
  • Gradle(for building Java project)

Brief Introduction

varOne uses Java to implement the backend service(include RPC, RESTful, etc) and React.js as our frontend solution.

The varOne architecture is pictured below:

Start development

$ git clone
$ cd varOne
$ gradle clean eclipse
$ cd varOne-web/src/main/webapp
$ npm install

Import varOne to your IDE(eclipse or intelliJ).

If you import varOne to your IDE, you will see there are four java base project in the root folder:

  • varOne-server (It's Jetty standalone execution for varOne, here is all of the web server code)
  • varOne-node (It's varOne daemond)
  • varOne-rpc (It's varOne rpc protocol implementation between web and daemond)
  • varOne-web (It's varOne web, only include javascript and css codes)

Once, these initializations are finished without error; you can run varOne web server on your locally,
there are few ways you can choice to develop


For example, eclipse, you can follow these steps in the below:

  • Prepare your varOne-site.xml in $VARONE_HOME/conf directory
  • In eclipse, add $VARONE_HOME/conf directory to the java build path or classpath of varOne-server
  • In eclipse, run com.varone.server.VarOneServer with following environment variables
  • Go to varOne-web/src/main/webapp, and run npm run dev(It will start a webpack dev server on port 3001)
  • Open your browser and go to http://localhost:{PORT}/varOne-web/index.html

After these instructions, you should work well on your IDE, actually, you can pass step2 for adding $VARONE_HOME/conf
to java build path or classpath in varOne-server. If losing varOne-site.xml, varOne server will take default values to run up.


You can use gradle and remote debug to run varOne web server:

  • Prepare your varOne-site.xml in $VARONE_HOME/conf directory
  • Run: HADOOP_CONF_DIR=path_hadoop_conf_dir SPARK_HOME=path_to_spark gradle execVarOneServer
  • Go to varOne-web/src/main/webapp, and run npm run dev(It will start a webpack dev server on port 3001)
  • Open your browser and go to http://localhost:{PORT}/varOne-web/index.html

varOne uses webpack build up a development server for react hot loading, so please ensure you have start up webpack dev server before you open varOne web page in browser

Please remember to start up all varOne daemonds on your cluster, HowTo: README.