Releases: ItzLoonie/TownOfLoonie
TOL v1.1.0.2
TOL v1.1.0.2
Minor change
- Fixed typo in Medium task text
- Medic now has scientist vitals
- Re-enabled Theta tag
TOL v1.1.0
TOL v1.1.0
The update that is compatible with Among Us v2022.10.25 now is public.
- Updated to AU v2022.10.25 and TOH TOR v0.9.3.3b
- Poisoner update: They can now vent and has Impostor vision
- New setting: Arsonist Has Impostor Vision
- Scientist can now be chosen in the modded settings
- Modifier Icons! If you have a modifier, it'll have a little icon next to your name.
- Updated tags for Essence, byefelicia, and Ev
- Added a tag for myself :P
- The Mafia role now can shapeshift again like it used to!
- Improved role descriptions!
- The role text displayed on the task list is now unique and more informative.
- New commands: /htg and /howtoguess - Displays how to use Vigilante, Assassin, and Pirate
- New host command: /guessers - Displays info on what guessers are
- Temporarily removed host tags due to issues porting them over, may return in the future
Bug Fixes
- Double cooldown bug is fixed!
TOL v1.0.6.1
TOL v1.0.6.1
New version with something new!
Changes (v1.0.6)
- Added /hat
- Added /skin
- Added /visor
- Added /pet
- Updated /c
- Added tags for SleepyPie, Essence, 2thic2vent, and byefelicia
- New role: Poisoner
A neutral killer with delayed kills.
Changes (v1.0.6.1)
- Fixed typo in byefelicia's tag which caused it to not work (I mistyped her friend code lmao)
TOL v1.0.5
TOL v1.0.5
Changed the version number system so its easier to understand :P
- Egoist fixed! Their name no longer appears blue in meetings when it shouldn't
- Egoist is now blue again
- Something hidden...
- New Neutral Killer?
TOL v2022.10.26.1
TOL v2022.10.26.1
Hot fix for the latest release
- Tiebreaker info fixed
- August tag fixed (I forgot to change the friend code so it used latina's friend code instead lmao)
TOL v2022.10.26
TOL v2022.10.26
Alright, here's TOL v2022.10.26.
- Witch rename reverted as new role attempt failed
- Opportunist can now spawn naturally again
- Tags for cinna, August, Mitski, and WaW
- Some tags now have color change RPCs assigned
- Temporarily disabled the shiftyrose tag from /shifty until I find a fix to it appearing in-game
Known Bugs
- Tiebreaker's info is broken and I keep forgetting to fix it
Nothing currently.
Still currently do not support AU v2022.10.25, but support will come soon as a new version of TOH TOR for that version is being worked on and will update TOL once that source code is available.
TOL v2022.10.25
TOL v2022.10.25
Bugged game results are now fixed, now people actually win.
- Re-added SchrodingerCat (this was the cause for some reason???)
- Renamed Witch to Spellcaster (need the Witch name for an upcoming role)
- Tags for WaW, cinna, and August
- new Witch neutral role (if I can get it working lol)
TOL v2022.10.24
TOL v2022.10.24
Here's v2022.10.24 of Town of Loonie, with a few changes since v2022.
Please use v2022. until I fix the bugs in this version
Known Bugs For This Version
- End screen and game results are completely empty (nobody ever wins), I have no idea how this happened as I didn't touch the code for this
- Terrorist, Opportunist, and The Glitch no longer use the same color
- Executioner color changed so its not too similar to Vulture
- Guardian Angel now has Jester and Madmate as options for when the GA target dies
- Executioner now has Sidekick as an option for when the Exe target dies
- Trapper renamed to Trapster so it doesn't get censored out because the chat filter sucks
- SchrodingerCat has been removed (Exe and GA longer have it as options)
- Egoist color is now the same as Impostors so the name isn't purple in meetings
- Start kick can now be disabled
- Investigator renamed to Seer
This is not compatible with Among Us v2022.10.25, you will need to downgrade to either v2022.9.20 or v2022.10.18 to install this mod.
People can still play from v2022.10.25, they just can't install it on that version.
TOL v2022.
First ever public release, and it's a dev version because its all I have.
Changes from TOH TOR
- Phantom now has the task override option
- Engineer and Shapeshifter have been recreated as roles to be used in role lists
- The Developer tag has been entirely reworked so it does not overlap chat
- Modded users should not be kicked mid-game for sending an invalid RPC anymore
- Sabotage Master has been reworked, renamed to Mechanic and can now vent
- Cleaner renamed to Janitor for easier understanding
- Terminiation screen changed so it makes a bit more sense
- Shift+C+Enter now works outside of meetings
- /mimic command: Be a creepy host and copy the outfit of others!
- Dev only color command
- New tags for select people (Theta, Kritz, Crewpostor, latina, etc)
- Eevee tag redone
- shiftyrose tag edited by request from shiftyrose herself (happens a lot, we're close friends)
- Host tags! TSC, Theta, Ben, and Allie each get their own host tag by selecting their name in the Suffix setting!
To install, go get TOH TOR then replace TownOfHostTheOtherRoles.dll with the attached TownOfLoonie.dll.
Remove Reactor.dll while you're at it.