A script to remove orphaned nodes from your Tailscale tailnet.
- Specify a timeout in seconds after a node was last seen
- Filter nodes by tags
- Specify your tailnet, if you have multiple in one account
- Set a different API url
- Get the removed nodes as a github action output
The public Tailscale API does not tell you whether or not a node is connected. So we have to make a guess bases on when a node was last seen.
But how can it be that we can see if a node is connected or not in the admin console and in the apps?
Well, the guys from Tailscale use a different admin API, which includes a field connectedToControl
- public:
- admin:
I have not yet looked into how to authenticate against the admin API.
Create a Tailscale API access token.
export TS_API_TOKEN="tskey-api-xyz"
docker run --rm -e TS_TAGS="tag:k8s, tag:k8s-operator" -e TS_TIMEOUT=3600 -e TS_API_TOKEN ghcr.io/simonhaas/tailscale-node-remover:main
Add the API token to your repository's "Actions secrets and variables" as TS_API_TOKEN
# File: .github/workflows/tailnet-cleanup.yaml
name: Cleanup your tailnet
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Cleanup Tailnet
uses: simonhaas/tailscale-node-remover@main
id: cleanup
ts_api_token: ${{ secrets.TS_API_TOKEN }} # required
ts_tags: 'tag:k8s, tag:k8s-operator' # default
ts_timeout: 3600 # one hour # default
ts_tailnet: '-' # your default tailnet # default
ts_api_url: 'https://api.tailscale.com/api/v2/' # default
- name: Get the removed nodes
run: echo ${{ steps.cleanup.outputs.removed_nodes }}
You can trigger the workflow in github via the UI or from anywhere via the CLI:
gh api \
--method POST \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
/repos/$GITHUB_USER/$RepositoryName/actions/workflows/tailnet-cleanup.yaml/dispatches \
-f "ref=main"
curl -L \
-H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $GH_PAT_TRIGGER_WORKFLOW_DISPATCH" \
-H "X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28" \
https://api.github.com/repos/$GITHUB_USER/$RepositoryName/actions/workflows/tailnet-cleanup.yaml/dispatches \
-d '{"ref":"main"}'
git clone https://github.com/SimonHaas/tailscale-node-remover.git
cd tailscale-node-remover/src
npm install
node --env-file .env index.js
I use github codespaces with minikube and the tailscale operator inside to work on applications and access them through my tailnet. When I am done working on a feature I simply delete the codespace with the whole cluster inside. Leaving me with orphaned nodes in tailscale which I have to remove manually.
So I wanted an automation to remove nodes with tag 'tag:k8s' or 'tag:k8s-operator' and which were last seen more than one hour ago.
Hopefully my Github Action becomes obsolete soon: FR: Support K8s Operator creating ephemeral auth keys
minikube start
helm upgrade \
--install \
tailscale-operator \
tailscale-operator \
--repo https://pkgs.tailscale.com/helmcharts \
--namespace=tailscale \
--create-namespace \
--set-string oauth.clientId=$TS_OAAUTH_CLIENT_ID \
--set-string oauth.clientSecret=$TS_OAAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET \
watch kubectl -n tailscale get all
kubectl delete ns tailscale
node --env-file src/.env src/index.js
docker build . -t tailscale-node-remover
docker run -e TS_TAGS="tag:k8s, tag:k8s-operator" -e TS_TIMEOUT=60 -e TS_API_TOKEN=tskey-api-xyz tailscale-node-remover