Twitter Exporter is designed to be a desktop application with single user in mind. However this solution can be scaled, to cloud based solution with added security features like OAuth sign-in and higher performance database with minor code changes.
- Security keys and follower data stored on locally on user's system and not shared outside.
- Visualization of fetch subset of follower's information from twitter for analysis before sending DMs.
- Multiple filter options to select followers to send DM with subscription links. Currently available filters: a) Filter followers based on their twitter joining date. b) Filter followers based on minimum number of their followers. c) Filter followers based on minimum number of their friends. d) Filter and categorize high value followers (power users) based on maximum number of their followers. e) Filter and categorize high value followers (power users) based on maximum number of their friends. f) Filter followers who are verified by twitter.
- Provision to send DM and retry DM after configured number of days. Follower name will be auto filled in DM.
- Test functionality to try DM and retry DM on up to 5 configured twitter accounts.
- Visualize statistics on screen.
- Hover over individual marker on plot to get details about specific follower.
- Option to export data as csv. a) High value follower information currently fetched. High value follower is identified based on their respective follower and friends count. b) Follower information currently fetched. c) DM status with timestamp mapped based on follower id. d) Skipped follower (followers for whom you do not have access to send DM) information currently fetched.
- Automatic fetch and DM option based on twitter rate limit.
- Auto refresh of visualization and summary.
Ubuntu 20.04 LTS running Python 3.8.2
Python 3+
Download source code.
Create and activate virtual environment. (Recommended) Refer
and execute till Step 5: -
Install dependent python packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Check and update config.json. Refer to Configuration section.
Run application.
Access dash board at
Press CTRL+C to exit.
*twitter* - Keys and tokens needed to access twitter apis are defined here.
To create and get the configuration details visit
"twitter" : {
"consumer_key": API key under section "Consumer API keys".
"consumer_secret": API secret key under section "Consumer API keys".
"access_token": Access token under section "Access token & access token secret".
"access_token_secret": Access token secret under section "Access token & access token secret".
Note: Ensure Access tokens have *Access level: Read, write, and Direct Messages*
"db_file": Sqlite database file name used for storing follower information.
"test_flag": Flag to control application setting.
"true" - Application test settings. DMs shall be sent to test accounts.
"false" - Application live settings. DMs shall be sent to followers.
"test_accounts": List of test user's twitter screen names.
"test_retry_message": Flag to test retry DM message.
"true" - Use *retry_message* as DM.
"false" - Use message as DM.
"enable_dm_flag": Flag controls sending of DMs to followers. To avoid accidental sending of DMs.
"true" - Sending DMs to followers enabled.
"false" - Sending DMs to followers disabled.
"message": DM used during 1st attempt.
"retry_message": DM used during 2nd attempt. There is no check to find if 1st attempt message
was successful in conversion. So if you want to disable retrying of DM, set *retry_after_days*
configuration to higher value.
"retry_after_days": Number of days after which *retry_message* is attempted after 1st DM.
*follower_filters* - Filters which can be applied to followers on twitter are defined here.
"follower_filters": {
"created_before": ISO Format (%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S) date time to select followers based on
joining date to twitter.
"min_followers_count": Select followers based on minimum follower count of the follower.
"max_followers_count": Select followers based on maximum follower count of the follower.
"min_friends_count": Select followers based on minimum friends count of the follower.
"max_friends_count": Select followers based on maximum friends count of the follower.
"verified_only": Select followers based on verified by twitter flag.
Note: Using *min* and *max* configurations, you can send different DMs to high value followers
as compared to regular followers. Currently you have to manage the DMs manually.
Suggested to work backwards ie. have set of DMs for high value followers and once you have reached
them move onto the next batch.
"twitter" : {
"db_file": "twitter_export.db",
"test_flag": true,
"test_accounts": ["balajis","ShreyasJothish"],
"test_retry_message": false,
"enable_dm_flag": false,
"message": "subscription message and link",
"retry_message": "retry subscription message and link",
"retry_after_days": 7,
"follower_filters": {
"created_before": "2019-06-27 00:00:00",
"min_followers_count": 100,
"max_followers_count": 10000,
"min_friends_count": 50,
"max_friends_count": 10000,
"verified_only": false
- Support multiple users by integrating with existing web application or new deployment.
- Support OAuth based authentication.
- Make use of better performance database like PostgreSQL or MongoDB.
- Support dynamic configuration updates.
- Additional filters based on twitter user information.
- Special configurations for high value followers.
- Support affiliate link solution.
- Word Tokenization and other NLP based filter on follower's description.
- More visualizations. and much more.
Twitter Exporter is developed on Flask framework and many of these is can achieved with minor changes.