All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
[1.5.0dev] - 2025-0X-XX :
Code contributions to the release:
- Refactor GitHub Actions & Add build-schema Step #417
- Add documentation for
in README #415 - Added a more robust datatype handling in read_csv_file_return_dict() method #379
- Improved relecov template generator and version control #382
- Improve "options" interpretation in build-schema and update read-lab-metadata field type #388
- Enhance validation of database definitinon values #389
- Add schema summary method to build-schema module #391
- Implement conditioning on Host_Age and Host_Age_Months #392
- Fix schema generation dependence on --diff parameter #394
- Update template conditions project dependent #404
- Add and fix logs for multiple modules #406
- Auto-fill tax_id and host_disease based on organism fields #407
- Implement Pull Request Template #410
- Now pipeline-manager splits by organism-template first #412
- Implement non-interactive execution of build-schema module #416
- Add repeated samples to test data #413
- Add to assets to process data from a given epidemiological week #418
- Add wrapper to github actions (test_sftp_modules) #409
- Fix linting when Pull Request is closed #404
- Fix removal of samples with repeated sampleID and .fastq files #413
- Fix renaming of folders withou any valid sample #413
- Fix download module when deleting corrupted pair-end data #419
- Temporarily changed bioinfo_config 'quality_control' requirement to false #379
- Improve and fix minor issues in #404
- Changed utils.write_json_fo_file() name to write_json_to_file() #412
- Changed pipeline-manager --template param to --templates_root, now points to root folder #412
[1.4.0] - 2025-01-27 :
Code contributions to the release:
- Added a IonTorrent flow cell for validation #363
- Added solution to timeout in upload-to-ena module #368
- Added log functionality to build-schema module #340
- Updated the metadata_processing field in configuration.json and added the other_preparation_kit, quality_control_metrics and consensus_criteria fields in the json schema #372
- Added quality control functionality to read-bioinfo-metadata #373
- Added dropdown functionality to build-schema enums #374
- Fixed read-bioinfo-metadata module #367
[1.3.0] - 2024-12-23 :
Code contributions to the release:
- Included files-folder option for read-lab-metadata when no samples_data.json is provided #330
- Included folder_names multiple arg for pipeline_manager to specify names of folders to process #331
- Include send-mail. Automated email notification module to generate and send validation reports. #328
- Now logs-to-excel can handle logs with multiple keys and includes folder logs #329
- Improved logging messages for duplicated sample IDs in read-lab and download modules #330
- Included a new method string_to_date() in utils to search for a date pattern within a string #331
- Integrated jinja2 for template rendering in the mail module. #328
- Configurations for the mail module added to configuration.json #328
- Added static method get_invalid_count in #328
- Included a try-except for every module to catch unexpected errors in #339
- Added, removed and renamed collecting institutions and their cities #340
- Updated contact directory to integrate additional institution data. #349
- Added support for multiple recipients in the email_receiver field. #349
- Introduced a new Jinja template for successful and error validation reports. #349
- Modified the module logic to dynamically select and render email templates based on user input. #349
- Enhanced email formatting and added a default CC to #349
- Validate module now takes an optional argument to select the name of the sheet to check in excel file #357
- Fixed email module #361
- Fixed python linting workflow was still waiting for .py files#335
- Now files-folder arg works with relative paths in read-lab-metadata #339
- Now check-gzip-integrity() catches any exception in as it only needs to return True when file can be decompressed #339
- Now validate modules does not crash when no METADATA_LAB sheet is found. #357
- Pipeline-manager fields_to_split is now in configuration.json to group samples by those fields #331
- Homogeneized style of report global report sheet in logs-excel #339
[1.2.0] - 2024-10-11 :
Code contributions to the release:
- Included wrapper module to launch download, read-lab-metadata and validate processes sequentially #322
- Changed launch-pipeline name for pipeline-manager when tools are used via CLI #324
- Now also check for gzip file integrity after download. Moved cleaning process to end of workflow #313
- Introduced a decorator in to reconnect when conection is lost #313
- Add Hospital Universitari Doctor Josep Trueta to laboratory_address.json [#316] (BU-ISCIII#316)
- samples_data json file is no longer mandatory as input in read-lab-metadata #314
- Included handling of alternative column names to support two distinct headers using the same schema in read-lab-metadata #314
- Included a new hospital (Hospital Universitario Araba) to laboratory_address.json #315
- More accurate cleaning process, skipping only sequencing files instead of whole folder #321
- Now single logs summaries are also created for each folder during download #321
- Introduced handling for missing/dup files and more accurate information in prompt for pipeline_manager #321
- Included excel resize, brackets removal in messages and handled exceptions in #322
- Included processed batchs and samples in read-bioinfo-metadata log summary #324
- When no samples_data.json is given, read-lab-metadata now creates a new one #324
- Handling for missing sample ids in read-lab-metadata #324
- Better logging for download, read-lab-metadata and wrapper #324
- Add SQK-RBK114-96 to library_preparation_kit schema #333
- Corrected the Submitting_institution for Hospital de Valdepeñas, Centro de Salud Altagracia and Hospital General de Santa Bárbara.#334
- Added Hospital General de Tomelloso. #334
- Fixed wrong city name in relecov_tools/conf/laboratory_address.json #320
- Fixed wrong single-paired layout detection in metadata due to Capital letters #321
- Error handling in merge_logs() and create_logs_excel() methods for #322
- Included handling of multiple empty rows in metadata xlsx file #322
- Renamed and refactored "bioinfo_lab_heading" for "alt_header_equivalences" in configuration.json #314
- Included a few schema fields that were missing or outdated, related to bioinformatics results #314
- Updated metadata excel template, moved to relecov_tools/assets #320
- Now python lint only triggers when PR includes python files #320
- Moved concurrency to whole workflow instead of each step in test_sftp-handle.yml #320
- Updated test_sftp-handle.yml testing datasets #320
- Now download skips folders containing "invalid_samples" in its name #321
- read-lab-metadata: Some warnings now include label. Also removed trailing spaces #322
- Renamed launch-pipeline for pipeline-manager and updated keys in configuration.json #324
- Pipeline manager now splits data based on enrichment_panel and version. One folder for each group #324
- Removed duplicated tests with pushes after PR was merged in test_sftp-handle #312
- Deleted deprecated auto-release in pypi_publish as it does not work with tag pushes anymore #312
- Removed first sleep time for reconnection decorator in, sleep time now increases in the second attempt #321
[1.1.0] - 2024-09-13 :
Code contributions to the release:
- New logs-to-excel function to create an excel file given a list of log-summary.json files #300
- Included a way to extract pango-designation version in read-bioinfo-metadata #299
- Now also creates an excel file with the process logs #300
- Read-bioinfo-metadata splits files and data by batch of samples #306
- Included a sleep time in test_sftp-handle to avoid concurrency check failure #308
- Fixes in launch_pipeline including creation of samples_id.txt and joined validated json #303
- Fixed failing module_tests.yml workflow due to deprecated upload-artifact version #308
- Changed pypi_publish action to publish on every release, no need to push tags #308
- Removed only_samples argument in as it was not used in any module. #300
[1.0.0] - 2024-09-02 :
Code contributions to the inital release: