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SealEVM is a standalone EVM executor, aiming to create a completely decoupled EVM execution environment from the storage system, to add EVM support for any blockchain system. The current version has achieved decoupling from the storage system through interfaces and caching, supporting the addition of EVM support to any blockchain system implemented in Golang.

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func main() {
    // Load the SealEVM module. SealEVM does not use Golang's init feature and must be explicitly executed globally before use.
    // Configure the SealEVM instance parameters as needed. 
    // Transaction input and other parameters are provided in this struct. 
    // The structure of this parameter is explained in the following sections.
    evmParam := SealEVM.EVMParam{}
    // Use this parameter to initialize a SealEVM instance.
    evm := SealEVM.New(evmParam)
    // Execute the EVM, the result returned is an ExecuteResult struct.
    // This struct stores information about the original state of the data, the final state, contract logs, internally created contracts, etc. 
    // The structure of this struct is explained in the following sections.
    result, err := evm.Execute()

The example directory provides a simple reference example of SealEVM usage. This example uses memory as external storage, demonstrating simple functions like contract deployment, invocation, and variable reading.

Main Structures and Interfaces

EVM Instance Configuration Parameters

// Definition of the execution result callback function. 
// The result and err parameters in the interface are the same as those returned by the EVM execution.
type EVMResultCallback func(result ExecuteResult, err error)

type EVMParam struct {
    MaxStackDepth  int // Maximum execution stack depth (note: not storage stack depth)
    ExternalStore  storage.IExternalStorage // External storage interface, explained in the following sections
    ExternalDataBlockStorage storage.IExternalDataBlockStorage // External data block storage interface for precompiled contracts with storage
    ResultCallback EVMResultCallback // Callback function after EVM execution, defined at the beginning of this code block
    Context        *environment.Context // Context structure during EVM execution, explained in the following sections
    GasSetting     *gasSetting.Setting // Gas fee settings, use default if nil, explained in the following sections
    NoteConfig     *executionNote.NoteConfig //Execution note configure, if nil, execution note will not be generated, explained in the following sections

External Storage Interface

SealEVM interacts with external storage through this interface to achieve necessary contract reading, state reading, address creation, and other functions.

type IExternalStorage interface {
    // Retrieve stored account
    GetAccount(address types.Address) (*environment.Account, error)
    // Get block hash at a specified height
    GetBlockHash(block *evmInt256.Int) (*evmInt256.Int, error)
    // Check if an account exists
    AccountExist(address types.Address) bool
    // Check whether the account at the address is empty (see EIP161 for the definition of empty)
    AccountEmpty(address types.Address) bool
    // Return the hash value of the given contract code
    HashOfCode(code []byte) types.Hash
    // Return the created contract address based on parameters, used by opcode CREATE (0xF0)
    CreateAddress(caller types.Address, tx environment.Transaction) types.Address
    // Return the created contract address based on parameters, used by opcode CREATE2 (0xF5)
    CreateFixedAddress(caller types.Address, salt types.Hash, code []byte, tx environment.Transaction) types.Address
    // Retrieve 256-bit data from external storage at a specified slot during the execution of opcode SLOAD (0x54)
    Load(address types.Address, slot types.Slot) (*evmInt256.Int, error)

Execution Environment Related Structures

Execution Environment Structure This structure is in the environment package and represents the execution context during SealEVM execution, including parameters like block, transaction, message, and contract.

// Execution environment summary structure. When Contract is nil, it is considered a contract creation transaction.
// When creating a contract, the Message.Data field in this structure is used as the contract code, 
// and a contract instance is created and assigned to the Contract field.
type Context struct {
    Block       Block       // Block environment structure, details are explained below
    Transaction Transaction // Transaction structure, details are explained below
    Message     Message     // Message structure, details are explained below

// Block environment structure
type Block struct {
    ChainID     *evmInt256.Int // Block ID
    Coinbase    types.Address  // Block miner's address
    Timestamp   uint64         // Block's timestamp in seconds
    Number      uint64         // Block height, using a 64-bit unsigned integer
    Difficulty  *evmInt256.Int // Difficulty
    GasLimit    *evmInt256.Int // Block gas limit
    Hash        types.Hash     // Block hash
    BaseFee     *evmInt256.Int // Base fee as defined in EIP-1559
    BlobBaseFee *evmInt256.Int // Blob base fee as defined in EIP-7516

// Transaction environment structure
type Transaction struct {
    TxHash    types.Hash     // Transaction hash
    Origin    types.Address  // Address that initiated this transaction, value obtained using the ORIGIN (0x32) opcode

    // The contract address called by the transaction, where SealEVM will load the contract code from external storage.
    // If this field is empty, it indicates a contract creation transaction.
    To       *types.Address

    GasPrice  *evmInt256.Int // Gas price of the transaction
    GasLimit  *evmInt256.Int // Gas limit of the transaction
    BlobHashes []types.Hash  // tx.blob_versioned_hashes in EIP-4844

// Message structure
type Message struct {
    Caller types.Address  // Address of the contract caller, value obtained using the CALLER (0x33) opcode
    Value  *evmInt256.Int // Amount of ETH sent during the contract call
    Data   []byte         // Parameters passed to the contract during the call

// Account structure. SealEVM uses accounts to uniformly manage contract, balance, state storage, and other data.
type Account struct {
    Address  types.Address
    Balance  *evmInt256.Int

    // Contract information corresponding to the account, detailed information can be found below in this code snippet, 
    // for EOA accounts, this field is nil
    Contract *Contract

    Slots    map[types.Slot]*evmInt256.Int // KV storage slots under the account

// Contract structure, used to store contract information under the account
type Contract struct {
    Code     types.Bytes    //deployed code of the contract
    CodeHash types.Hash     //deployed code hash
    CodeSize uint64         //deployed code size
	InitCode types.Bytes    //init code of the contract's deployment

Execution Results Struct

After SealEVM completes transaction execution, all final account data, Logs produced during execution, and self-destructed contract data are placed into the StorageCache of the execution result structure and returned to the caller.

type ExecuteResult struct {
    // If it's a contract creation transaction and the transaction executes successfully, 
    // this field will store the address of the newly created contract.
    ContractAddress *types.Address

    ResultData   []byte //Data returned by contract execution
    GasLeft      uint64 //Remaining gas

    // Cache of external state changes. External data needs to be updated according to this cache. 
    // This will be explained in detail below.
    StorageCache storage.ResultCache

    ExitOpCode   opcodes.OpCode //The last executed opcode when execution is completed
    Note         *executionNote.Note //Execution note structure. This will be explained in detail below.

Execution Result Cache Structure

SealEVM has designed a cache package, which consolidates the original data retrieved from external sources during and after execution, as well as the data that needs to be stored. After the contract execution is completed, the caller can access these cached data for further processing in the StorageCache field of the return information structure. This design allows users to complete transaction execution by only providing initial data, without needing to implement complex runtime state management.

// Summary cache structure
type ResultCache struct {
    OriginalAccounts AccountCache // Original state cache of accounts loaded from external storage during execution
    CachedAccounts   AccountCache // Final state cache of accounts after execution
    Logs         *LogCache     // Log cache generated by opcodes LOG0 (0xA0) ~ LOG4 (0xA4)
    Destructs    DestructCache // Cache for contracts that executed SELFDESTRUCT (0xFF)
    NewContracts ContractCache // Cache for contracts created by internal transactions during execution

// Account cache type: stores account structures indexed by address. 
// For account structure details, please refer to the Execution Environment Related Structures section.
type AccountCache map[types.Address]*environment.Account

// Log cache type, sequentially stores Log data generated during contract execution
type LogCache []*types.Log

// Destructed contract address cache type, stores addresses of contracts that executed SELFDESTRUCT (0xFF)
type DestructCache map[types.Address]types.Address

Gas Setting

SealEVM achieves flexible Gas settings through the gasSettings package and provides a default settings instance that aligns as closely as possible with the Ethereum Gas system.

// Definition of the intrinsic Gas fee calculation function type for transactions. 
// 'data' is the input data for the transaction, i.e., parameters. 
// 'to' is a pointer to the contract structure; if 'to' is nil, it indicates that this transaction is a contract creation transaction.
// The return value is the intrinsic Gas consumption for the transaction (gasCost).
type intrinsicGasSetting.IntrinsicGas func(data []byte, to *environment.Contract) (gasCost uint64)

// General dynamic Gas consumption calculation function type definition.
// Needs to return the memory expansion size (memExpSize) and Gas consumption (gasCost).
type dynamicGasSetting.CommonCalculator func(
    contract *environment.Contract, // Contract environment variable for opcode execution
    stx *stack.Stack,               // Stack environment at the start of opcode execution
    mem *memory.Memory,             // Memory environment at the start of opcode execution
    store *storage.Storage,         // Storage environment at the start of opcode execution
) (memExpSize uint64, gasCost uint64, err error)

// Gas consumption calculation function type definition for CALL, CALLCODE, STATICCALL, DELEGATECALL.
// Needs to return the memory expansion size (memExpSize), Gas consumption (gasCost), 
// and the amount of gas sent for the internal call (sendGas).
type CallGas func(
    code opcodes.OpCode,     // Current opcode
    availableGas uint64,     // Currently available Gas amount
    stx *stack.Stack,        // Stack environment at the start of opcode execution
    mem *memory.Memory,      // Memory environment at the start of opcode execution
    store *storage.Storage,  // Storage environment at the start of opcode execution
) (expSize uint64, gasCost uint64, sendGas uint64, err error)

// Gas consumption calculation function type definition for storing new contracts.
// Needs to return the gas consumption (gasCost).
type ContractStoreGas func(code []byte, gasRemaining uint64) (gasCost uint64, err error)

type Setting struct {
    // Fixed Gas fee calculation function for each transaction, 
    // called once before execution begins to deduct fixed transaction fees.
    IntrinsicCost intrinsicGasSetting.IntrinsicGas
    // Dynamic Gas consumption calculation function configuration. 
    // CALL, CALLCODE, STATICCALL, DELEGATECALL, SSTORE opcodes will ignore this configuration.
    CommonDynamicCost [opcodes.MaxOpCodesCount]dynamicGasSetting.CommonCalculator
    // Gas calculation configuration for internal calls to CALL, CALLCODE, STATICCALL, DELEGATECALL.
    CallCost [opcodes.MaxOpCodesCount]dynamicGasSetting.CallGas
    // Gas calculation configuration for storing contract code when creating contracts 
    // through Create, Create2, and contract creation transactions.
    ContractStoreCost dynamicGasSetting.ContractStoreGas
    // Fixed consumption configuration for opcodes. If CommonDynamicCost, CallCost, SStoreCost are not used, 
    // this fixed consumption configuration for the opcode will be used.
    ConstCost [opcodes.MaxOpCodesCount]uint64

The gasSetting package also provides Get and Set package-level methods to support users in customizing default Gas configurations or modifying them based on the default Gas settings to meet different needs.

// Set custom default Gas configuration.
func Set(s *Setting)

// Get the current default Gas configuration.
func Get() *Setting

The Execution Notes

SealEVM uses the executionNote package to record the internal call chain, providing users with more detailed transaction execution data for developing blockchain explorers, transaction analysis, and other functions. The executionNote package will cascade and record transaction inputs, return results, and intermediate states in sequence according to the configuration, and place the complete record in the Note field of the execution result structure. It also provides a Walk method to facilitate the sequential traversal of execution records.

// Execution record configuration structure
type NoteConfig struct {
    RecordCache bool // When this field is true, intermediate states caching records are enabled

// Execution type definition
type ExecutionType byte // Using byte as the underlying storage type for call types

const (
    ExternalCall ExecutionType = 0 // 0 represents external call, which is also the top-level call in the call chain
    // The remaining types in the execution record have the same values as the opcodes that generate the execution
    Call         = ExecutionType(opcodes.CALL)
    StaticCall   = ExecutionType(opcodes.STATICCALL)
    DelegateCall = ExecutionType(opcodes.DELEGATECALL)
    CallCode     = ExecutionType(opcodes.CALLCODE)
    Create       = ExecutionType(opcodes.CREATE)
    Create2      = ExecutionType(opcodes.CREATE2)

// Record structure
type Note struct {
    Type  ExecutionType   // Call type with byte as the underlying type
    From  types.Address
    To    *types.Address
    Gas   uint64
    Val   *evmInt256.Int
    Input []byte
    ExecutionError error  // Error information returned by SealEVM execution
    ReturnData     []byte // Data returned by SealEVM execution

    // If the RecordCache field in the configuration structure is set to true, 
    // this field will cache the intermediate state at the end of this transaction. 
    // If set to false, this field will be nil
    StorageCache   *cache.ResultCache
    // Sub-call records. When the contract executes
    // opcodes, it will generate sub-calls, which are internal transactions. 
    // The SubNotes field will cascade and store the call chain in sequence
    SubNotes []*Note

// Sequentially traverse the execution record chain
// The Walk method will call meetNote to traverse all execution records in the order of transaction execution. 
// MeetNote is defined below
func (n *Note) Walk(meetNote MeetNote)

// Traversal callback function, needs to be provided during traversal.
// note: The execution note structure being traversed
// depth: The current execution depth starting from 0
type MeetNote func(note *Note, depth uint64)

Precompiled Contracts

SealEVM provides a custom precompiled contract registration interface within the reserved address space, offering better extensibility for different system requirements.

Reserved address space: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000100000000 ~ 0x00000000000000000000000000000001FFFFFFFF.

SealEVM has implemented precompiled contracts consistent with Ethereum to provide good application compatibility.

// Definition of the precompiled contract interface, all registered precompiled contracts must implement this interface
type PrecompiledContract interface {
    GasCost(input []byte) uint64          //return the Gas consumption of the contract 
    Execute(input []byte) ([]byte, error) //execute function

// Precompiled contract registration function
// 'addr' is the address where the precompiled contract is registered, it must be within the 
// reserved address space of SealEVM, otherwise the registration will fail
func RegisterContracts(addr types.Address, c PrecompiledContract) error

Precompiled Contracts with Storage

SealEVM provides a special type of precompiled contracts that can access and modify storage. These contracts are allocated in the address space: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000020000 ~ 0x000000000000000000000000000000000002FFFF.

// Interface definition for precompiled contracts with storage
// All registered precompiled contracts with storage must implement this interface
type IWithStoragePrecompiledContract interface {
    // Return the Gas consumption of the contract, which can be calculated based on input data and storage state
    GasCost(addr types.Address, input []byte, dataBlock storage.IDataBlockStorage) uint64
    // Execute contract logic with access to storage
    Execute(addr types.Address, input []byte, dataBlock storage.IDataBlockStorage) ([]byte, error)

// Registration function for precompiled contracts with storage
// 'addr' is the address where the precompiled contract is registered
// It must be within the reserved address space for precompiled contracts with storage in SealEVM,
// otherwise the registration will fail
func RegisterContractWithStorage(addr types.Address, c IWithStoragePrecompiledContract) error

Storage Interface for Precompiled Contracts

To support precompiled contracts with storage, SealEVM provides dedicated storage interfaces:

// Data block storage interface
type IDataBlockStorage interface {
    // Get data block at specified slot
    GetDataBlock(slot types.Slot) (types.Bytes, error)
    // Set data block at specified slot
    SetDataBlock(slot types.Slot, data types.Bytes)

// Storage related methods in Storage struct
type Storage struct {
    // ... other fields ...
    // Clone data block storage for specified address
    CloneDataBlockStorage(address types.Address) IDataBlockStorage
    // Create new data block storage
    NewDataBlockStorage(address types.Address) IDataBlockStorage
    // Check if external data block storage exists
    HasExternalDataBlockStorage() bool
    // Get data block storage for specified address
    GetDataBlockStorage(address types.Address) types.DataBlock

This design enables precompiled contracts to:

  • Have independent storage space
  • Read and write persistent data during execution
  • Maintain its own contract state
  • Implement more complex on-chain logic

Usage Scenarios

SealEVM is an independent, flexible, configurable, and well-structured EVM execution environment. If you have the following needs, developing based on SealEVM would be a good choice:

  • EVM environment in modular blockchain systems
  • EVM environment in Layer 2 and Layer 3
  • EVM environment with customizable GAS fees and precompiled contracts

User Case



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