Aurora Statspack to monitor performance on Aurora compatible with PostgreSQL
Created by Santiago Villa, last modified on Jan 03, 2023
This is a package to capture Aurora performance statistics in historical tables inside a new schema: statspack.
Statspack Setup
Run statspack_setup.sql script into the target Aurora PostgreSQL database to create all the Statspack objects.
Statspack Tables and Procedures
- statspack.hist_active_sessions_waits
- statspack.hist_indexes_with_nulls
- statspack.hist_pg_settings
- statspack.hist_pg_stat_all_tables
- statspack.hist_pg_stat_database
- statspack.hist_pg_stat_statements
- statspack.hist_pg_users
- statspack.hist_snapshots
- statspack.hist_stat_system_waits
- statspack.statspack_config
-- Take Aurora snapshot from live views and functions
call statspack.statspack_snapshot();
-- Remove specific snapshot from Statspack schema
call statspack.statspack_remove_snapshot(1);
-- Remove snapshots based on retention configuration
call statspack.statspack_cleanup();
Setting up automatic Statspack jobs using pg_cron
Create snapshot job
SELECT cron.schedule('Statspack Snapshot', '*/10 * * * *', 'call statspack.statspack_snapshot()');
NOTE: this example will take one snapshot every 10 minutes
Create Statspack purging job
SELECT cron.schedule('Statspack Cleanup', '0 0 * * *', 'call statspack.statspack_cleanup()');
NOTE: retention days is set on statspack_config table
Monitoring jobs and logs
-- Check which Statpack jobs are scheduled on pg_cron
SELECT * from cron.job WHERE command like '%statspack%';
-- Check Statpack jobs execution in the log table
SELECT * from cron.job_run_details WHERE command like '%statspack%' order by end_time desc limit 10;
Remove snapshot job
- SELECT cron.unschedule ('Statspack Snapshot');
Remove Statspack purging job
- SELECT cron.unschedule ('Statspack Cleanup');
Aurora Statspack Report
- Connect to the target Aurora DB and execute the statspack report (statspack_report.sql). i.e. postgres=> \i statspack_report.sql