diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 3f695bd6..bc63de31 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ you clicked on (page, link, selection, image, video or audio). ### Installing from your browser's web store -> [2.2.7](https://github.com/SanderRonde/CustomRightClickMenu/releases/tag/2.2.7) is the current latest version +> [2.2.8](https://github.com/SanderRonde/CustomRightClickMenu/releases/tag/2.2.8) is the current latest version * [Chrome Webstore](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/custom-right-click-menu/onnbmgmepodkilcbdodhfepllfmafmlj) - On version 2.2.7 * [Firefox Add-on](https://addons.mozilla.org/nl/firefox/addon/custom-right-click-menu/) - On 2.2.7 diff --git a/app/elements/util/change-log/changelog.js b/app/elements/util/change-log/changelog.js index a1689335..24c8aa20 100644 --- a/app/elements/util/change-log/changelog.js +++ b/app/elements/util/change-log/changelog.js @@ -1,198 +1,203 @@ -//@ts-check -((cl) => { - typeof module !== 'undefined' ? - module.exports = cl : - //@ts-ignore - window.changelogLog = cl; -})(function (config) { - 'use strict'; - const changelog = { - '2.0.0': [ - 'Revamped the UI', - 'Rewrote the entire extension', - 'Added the CRM-API for more features', - 'Added a stylesheet element', - 'Added the ability to only show certain nodes on specified websites and/or content types', - 'Added the ability to reposition nodes', - 'Made it possible to delete or export selected nodes', - 'Added compatability with Grease/Tamper-Monkey UserScripts', - 'Added compatability with UserStylesheets', - 'Added the ability to connect a script/stylesheet to a local editor', - 'Now uses the better CodeMirror editor' - ], - '2.0.4': [ - 'Scripts that use the Chrome API are now transferred over to using the crmAPI.chrome API', - 'More clearly reflects a script created by you and what that means (all permissions)', - 'Keeps track of info of local nodes as well now', - 'Allows the editing of the version number' - ], - '2.0.5': [ - 'Fixed a bug that caused scripts to not run when the catch errors option was on' - ], - '2.0.6': [ - 'Added a docs button on script-edit page', - 'Shows a warning when using the deprecated direct chrome API (use crmAPI.chrome instead)', - 'Fixed a bug that occurred on saving', - ], - '2.0.7': [ - 'Fixed json parser bug that sometimes occurred on loading page', - 'Code cleanup and dead code removal', - 'Node instances are now all shown', - 'Fixed some bugs related to scripts not running in their own context' - ], - '2.0.8': [ - 'Fixed some nodes missing IDs after creation', - 'Fixed error that occurred on backgroundpage when running any script' - ], - '2.0.9': [ - 'Fixed bug with buttons no longer working' - ], - '2.0.10': [ - 'Fixed a bug in the crmAPI.GM.GM_notification function' - ], - '2.0.11': [ - 'Fixed the "Â" character appearing in the editors', - 'Added an indicator for when the exporting field is slow', - 'Added/removed permissions are updated instantly', - 'Fixed userscript installation page', - 'Fixed unsafewindow permission', - 'No longer enables userscript installation if TamperMonkey is already installed' - ], - '2.0.12': [ - 'Added background.runScript, background.runSelf and background.addKeyboardListener functions to crmAPI', - 'Rewrote crmAPI file and fixed some of its bugs', - 'Cleaned up and structured logs on background file console' - ], - '2.0.13': [ - 'Fixed GM_xmlhttpRequest error (thanks to [bumaociyuan](https://github.com/bumaociyuan) for the report)' - ], - '2.0.14': [ - 'Added a remove button for libraries (thanks to robinchew for the suggestion)', - 'Fixed some bugs related to background-pages' - ], - '2.0.15': [ - 'It\'s now possible to change the root menu name (thanks to anonymous user)' - ], - '2.0.16': [ - 'Fixed possible bug that can break the CRM on the options page from appearing since the last update' - ], - '2.0.17': [ - 'Nodes are selectable again', - 'Link nodes can be removed properly', - '%s in link nodes gets replaced with the currently selected text' - ], - '2.0.18': [ - 'Fixed dragging', - 'Types can be changed again', - 'Widened nodes' - ], - '2.0.19': [ - 'Fixed cancelling selection', - 'Fixed type switching animation' - ], - '2.1.0': [ - 'Uses polymer 2 instead of polymer 1 (~25% faster loading)', - 'Works on multiple browsers now (chrome, firefox, edge and opera)', - 'Uses the monaco editor instead of codemirror, featuring better code completion and more features overall', - 'Supports writing scripts in [typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) and compiling them in-extension', - 'Supports typescript libraries and includes code completion for them as well', - 'Added a "libraries" tab in the script dialog for quick toggling of libraries', - 'Libraries can be edited and/or removed', - 'You can now change the name of the root node', - 'Uses [TypeDoc](http://typedoc.org/) for documentation instead', - 'Added the ' + - '[crmAPI.storageSync](https://sanderronde.github.io/CustomRightClickMenu/documentation/classes/crm.crmapi.instance.html#storagesync)' + - ' API for syncing your script\'s storage across browser instances', - 'Added the ' + - '[crmAPI.browser](https://sanderronde.github.io/CustomRightClickMenu/documentation/classes/crm.crmapi.instance.html#browser)' + - ' API which combines the [webExtensions](https://developer.mozilla.org/nl/Add-ons/WebExtensions)' + - ' and [crmAPI.chrome](https://sanderronde.github.io/CustomRightClickMenu/documentation/classes/crm.crmapi.instance.html#chrome)' + - ' functionalities', - 'All callback-based crmAPI functions now also return a promise as well', - 'Added the ' + - '[crmAPI.contextMenuItem](https://sanderronde.github.io/CustomRightClickMenu/documentation/classes/crm.crmapi.instance.html#contextmenuitem)' + - ' API for changing the contextmenu item\'s look,' + - ' such as adding/removing a checkmark, changing the title, disabling or hiding it', - 'Added the lastError, instanceId, chromeAPISupported and browserAPISupported properties' + - ' to the crmAPI object', - 'Added better code completion for the CRM API', - 'The script and stylesheet options tab has better code completion', - 'It\'s now possible to create contextmenu items as a script', - 'Removed the external editor\'s functionality as chrome apps are being [deprecated](https://blog.chromium.org/2016/08/from-chrome-apps-to-web.html)', - 'Added some more options to the "get page property" ribbon tool', - 'Added support for a more programmatic way of editing the CRM through window.consoleInfo()', - 'Reversed changelog order so the newest changes are on top', - 'Plenty of changes/improvements to the UI', - 'A lot of bug fixes and improvements to code legibility and documentation' - ], - '2.1.1': [ - 'Changed the logo. Huge thanks to [Ulises](https://github.com/tjulises) for designing the logo', - 'Added link to search engine dialog on main options page', - 'Replaces %s with selected text in links, enabling easy search engine creation', - 'Added checkmark after clicking some buttons, giving a bit more visual feedback', - 'Hides code options button if there are no options', - 'Content types can be toggled instead of only being able to select a single one', - 'Nodes that are not shown on the current content type are greyed out instead of hidden' - ], - '2.1.2': [ - 'Fixed a bug firefox bug causing the options page to not load' - ], - '2.1.3': [ - 'Fixed the "change type" button', - 'Backgroundscripts restart on change', - 'Scripts/stylesheets that run early also run when refreshing a page', - 'Small performance improvements, bug fixes and file size reductions' - ], - '2.1.4': [ - 'Add support for installing from openusercss and *.user.css urls', - 'Add support for stylesheet metablock highlighting/completion', - 'Support [CSS preprocesors](https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/wiki/UserCSS#preprocessor)' - ], - '2.1.5': [ - 'Attempt fix dragging of nodes' - ], - '2.1.6': [ - 'Fix dragging of nodes' - ], - '2.1.7': [ - 'Remove some bad practices in code (eval use etc).' - ], - '2.1.8': [ - 'Just a version bump (no changes), on request of the firefox addon store' - ], - '2.2.0': [ - 'Only a version bump from version 2.1.8 (no changes). This is the first ' + - 'version since 2.0.19 that is published on the chrome webstore ' + - 'and as such will be a breaking change relative to 2.0.19, which ' + - ' is why the version is bumped.' - ], - '2.2.1': [ - 'Fixed issue where dragging nodes downwards placed them one spot above the target', - 'Fixed the "add here" button not working when adding a node as a child to a menu' - ], - '2.2.2': [ - 'Fixed a bug that was introduced in Firefox 63 that prevented clicking of buttons', - 'Added more "Add" buttons to make it more straightforward to add a specific type node' - ], - '2.2.3': [ - 'Replaced JQuery 2.* with JQuery 3.3.1' - ], - '2.2.4': [ - 'Now uses synced data of previous instances when downloading the extension on a new computer' - ], - '2.2.5': [ - 'Fix bug that happened when upgrading version' - ], - '2.2.6': [ - 'Fix a few bugs related to dragging nodes', - 'Re-enable the "expand menu" buttons for menus that were accidentally hidden', - 'Add undo feature for certain operations (for example adding, removing or changing an item)', - 'Change title fonts and look a bit' - ], - '2.2.7': [ - 'Fix more dragging issues' - ] - }; - - return changelog; +//@ts-check +((cl) => { + typeof module !== 'undefined' ? + module.exports = cl : + //@ts-ignore + window.changelogLog = cl; +})(function (config) { + 'use strict'; + const changelog = { + '2.0.0': [ + 'Revamped the UI', + 'Rewrote the entire extension', + 'Added the CRM-API for more features', + 'Added a stylesheet element', + 'Added the ability to only show certain nodes on specified websites and/or content types', + 'Added the ability to reposition nodes', + 'Made it possible to delete or export selected nodes', + 'Added compatability with Grease/Tamper-Monkey UserScripts', + 'Added compatability with UserStylesheets', + 'Added the ability to connect a script/stylesheet to a local editor', + 'Now uses the better CodeMirror editor' + ], + '2.0.4': [ + 'Scripts that use the Chrome API are now transferred over to using the crmAPI.chrome API', + 'More clearly reflects a script created by you and what that means (all permissions)', + 'Keeps track of info of local nodes as well now', + 'Allows the editing of the version number' + ], + '2.0.5': [ + 'Fixed a bug that caused scripts to not run when the catch errors option was on' + ], + '2.0.6': [ + 'Added a docs button on script-edit page', + 'Shows a warning when using the deprecated direct chrome API (use crmAPI.chrome instead)', + 'Fixed a bug that occurred on saving', + ], + '2.0.7': [ + 'Fixed json parser bug that sometimes occurred on loading page', + 'Code cleanup and dead code removal', + 'Node instances are now all shown', + 'Fixed some bugs related to scripts not running in their own context' + ], + '2.0.8': [ + 'Fixed some nodes missing IDs after creation', + 'Fixed error that occurred on backgroundpage when running any script' + ], + '2.0.9': [ + 'Fixed bug with buttons no longer working' + ], + '2.0.10': [ + 'Fixed a bug in the crmAPI.GM.GM_notification function' + ], + '2.0.11': [ + 'Fixed the "Â" character appearing in the editors', + 'Added an indicator for when the exporting field is slow', + 'Added/removed permissions are updated instantly', + 'Fixed userscript installation page', + 'Fixed unsafewindow permission', + 'No longer enables userscript installation if TamperMonkey is already installed' + ], + '2.0.12': [ + 'Added background.runScript, background.runSelf and background.addKeyboardListener functions to crmAPI', + 'Rewrote crmAPI file and fixed some of its bugs', + 'Cleaned up and structured logs on background file console' + ], + '2.0.13': [ + 'Fixed GM_xmlhttpRequest error (thanks to [bumaociyuan](https://github.com/bumaociyuan) for the report)' + ], + '2.0.14': [ + 'Added a remove button for libraries (thanks to robinchew for the suggestion)', + 'Fixed some bugs related to background-pages' + ], + '2.0.15': [ + 'It\'s now possible to change the root menu name (thanks to anonymous user)' + ], + '2.0.16': [ + 'Fixed possible bug that can break the CRM on the options page from appearing since the last update' + ], + '2.0.17': [ + 'Nodes are selectable again', + 'Link nodes can be removed properly', + '%s in link nodes gets replaced with the currently selected text' + ], + '2.0.18': [ + 'Fixed dragging', + 'Types can be changed again', + 'Widened nodes' + ], + '2.0.19': [ + 'Fixed cancelling selection', + 'Fixed type switching animation' + ], + '2.1.0': [ + 'Uses polymer 2 instead of polymer 1 (~25% faster loading)', + 'Works on multiple browsers now (chrome, firefox, edge and opera)', + 'Uses the monaco editor instead of codemirror, featuring better code completion and more features overall', + 'Supports writing scripts in [typescript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) and compiling them in-extension', + 'Supports typescript libraries and includes code completion for them as well', + 'Added a "libraries" tab in the script dialog for quick toggling of libraries', + 'Libraries can be edited and/or removed', + 'You can now change the name of the root node', + 'Uses [TypeDoc](http://typedoc.org/) for documentation instead', + 'Added the ' + + '[crmAPI.storageSync](https://sanderronde.github.io/CustomRightClickMenu/documentation/classes/crm.crmapi.instance.html#storagesync)' + + ' API for syncing your script\'s storage across browser instances', + 'Added the ' + + '[crmAPI.browser](https://sanderronde.github.io/CustomRightClickMenu/documentation/classes/crm.crmapi.instance.html#browser)' + + ' API which combines the [webExtensions](https://developer.mozilla.org/nl/Add-ons/WebExtensions)' + + ' and [crmAPI.chrome](https://sanderronde.github.io/CustomRightClickMenu/documentation/classes/crm.crmapi.instance.html#chrome)' + + ' functionalities', + 'All callback-based crmAPI functions now also return a promise as well', + 'Added the ' + + '[crmAPI.contextMenuItem](https://sanderronde.github.io/CustomRightClickMenu/documentation/classes/crm.crmapi.instance.html#contextmenuitem)' + + ' API for changing the contextmenu item\'s look,' + + ' such as adding/removing a checkmark, changing the title, disabling or hiding it', + 'Added the lastError, instanceId, chromeAPISupported and browserAPISupported properties' + + ' to the crmAPI object', + 'Added better code completion for the CRM API', + 'The script and stylesheet options tab has better code completion', + 'It\'s now possible to create contextmenu items as a script', + 'Removed the external editor\'s functionality as chrome apps are being [deprecated](https://blog.chromium.org/2016/08/from-chrome-apps-to-web.html)', + 'Added some more options to the "get page property" ribbon tool', + 'Added support for a more programmatic way of editing the CRM through window.consoleInfo()', + 'Reversed changelog order so the newest changes are on top', + 'Plenty of changes/improvements to the UI', + 'A lot of bug fixes and improvements to code legibility and documentation' + ], + '2.1.1': [ + 'Changed the logo. Huge thanks to [Ulises](https://github.com/tjulises) for designing the logo', + 'Added link to search engine dialog on main options page', + 'Replaces %s with selected text in links, enabling easy search engine creation', + 'Added checkmark after clicking some buttons, giving a bit more visual feedback', + 'Hides code options button if there are no options', + 'Content types can be toggled instead of only being able to select a single one', + 'Nodes that are not shown on the current content type are greyed out instead of hidden' + ], + '2.1.2': [ + 'Fixed a bug firefox bug causing the options page to not load' + ], + '2.1.3': [ + 'Fixed the "change type" button', + 'Backgroundscripts restart on change', + 'Scripts/stylesheets that run early also run when refreshing a page', + 'Small performance improvements, bug fixes and file size reductions' + ], + '2.1.4': [ + 'Add support for installing from openusercss and *.user.css urls', + 'Add support for stylesheet metablock highlighting/completion', + 'Support [CSS preprocesors](https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/wiki/UserCSS#preprocessor)' + ], + '2.1.5': [ + 'Attempt fix dragging of nodes' + ], + '2.1.6': [ + 'Fix dragging of nodes' + ], + '2.1.7': [ + 'Remove some bad practices in code (eval use etc).' + ], + '2.1.8': [ + 'Just a version bump (no changes), on request of the firefox addon store' + ], + '2.2.0': [ + 'Only a version bump from version 2.1.8 (no changes). This is the first ' + + 'version since 2.0.19 that is published on the chrome webstore ' + + 'and as such will be a breaking change relative to 2.0.19, which ' + + ' is why the version is bumped.' + ], + '2.2.1': [ + 'Fixed issue where dragging nodes downwards placed them one spot above the target', + 'Fixed the "add here" button not working when adding a node as a child to a menu' + ], + '2.2.2': [ + 'Fixed a bug that was introduced in Firefox 63 that prevented clicking of buttons', + 'Added more "Add" buttons to make it more straightforward to add a specific type node' + ], + '2.2.3': [ + 'Replaced JQuery 2.* with JQuery 3.3.1' + ], + '2.2.4': [ + 'Now uses synced data of previous instances when downloading the extension on a new computer' + ], + '2.2.5': [ + 'Fix bug that happened when upgrading version' + ], + '2.2.6': [ + 'Fix a few bugs related to dragging nodes', + 'Re-enable the "expand menu" buttons for menus that were accidentally hidden', + 'Add undo feature for certain operations (for example adding, removing or changing an item)', + 'Change title fonts and look a bit' + ], + '2.2.7': [ + 'Fix more dragging issues' + ], + '2.2.8': [ + 'Add I18N support (currently only english, please contact me if you want to add your language)', + 'Hide root node when contextmenu is empty', + 'Added crmAPI.fetch and crmAPI.fetchBackground functions to re-enable XHRs (see [link](https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5629709824032768))' + ] + }; + + return changelog; }()); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/manifest.chrome.json b/app/manifest.chrome.json index 671d1735..ed32f039 100644 --- a/app/manifest.chrome.json +++ b/app/manifest.chrome.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "options_page": "html/options.html", "name": "Custom Right-Click Menu", "description": "Create a custom right-click menu and choose the links and scripts you want in it.", - "version": "2.2.7", + "version": "2.2.8", "short_name": "CRM-dev", "minimum_chrome_version": "26", "default_locale": "en", diff --git a/app/manifest.edge.json b/app/manifest.edge.json index 62cd47e5..7286eaa1 100644 --- a/app/manifest.edge.json +++ b/app/manifest.edge.json @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ "options_page": "html/options.html", "name": "Custom Right-Click Menu for Microsoft Edge", "description": "Create a custom right-click menu and choose the links and scripts you want in it.", - "version": "2.2.7", + "version": "2.2.8", "short_name": "CRM-dev", "default_locale": "en", diff --git a/app/manifest.firefox.json b/app/manifest.firefox.json index fbcfcbff..edeee636 100644 --- a/app/manifest.firefox.json +++ b/app/manifest.firefox.json @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ }, "name": "Custom Right-Click Menu", "description": "Create a custom right-click menu and choose the links and scripts you want in it.", - "version": "2.2.7", + "version": "2.2.8", "short_name": "CRM-dev", "applications": { "gecko": { diff --git a/app/manifest.opera.json b/app/manifest.opera.json index 49d52949..0372da9d 100644 --- a/app/manifest.opera.json +++ b/app/manifest.opera.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ "options_page": "html/options.html", "name": "Custom Right-Click Menu", "description": "Create a custom right-click menu and choose the links and scripts you want in it.", - "version": "2.2.7", + "version": "2.2.8", "short_name": "CRM-dev", "minimum_opera_version": "51.0", "default_locale": "en",