An E-Commerce website for a bookshop, designed to provide a seamless shopping experience for users and robust management capabilities for administrators. Built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and Bootstrap, this project offers a full suite of features for both customers and admins, including a payment gateway integration using PayHere.
- Authentication: Sign up and Sign in.
- Browse and Search: Advanced search, category-based browsing, and a detailed single product view.
- Cart and Wishlist: Add books to the cart or wishlist for future purchases.
- Messaging: Communicate directly with the admin for inquiries.
- Checkout and Payment: Securely buy books using the integrated PayHere payment gateway.
- User Management: View and manage registered users.
- Product Management: Add, update, or delete book listings.
- Order Management: Update delivery status for purchased books.
- Messages: Handle customer inquiries.
- Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap
- Backend: PHP
- Database: MySQL
- Payment Gateway: PayHere
Watch the demo on YouTube:
Follow these steps to set up and run the project:
Clone the Repository
git clone [
cd bookshop
Set Up the Database
Import the database backup:
Locate the bookshop.sql file in the repository root.
Import it into your MySQL server using tools like phpMyAdmin or the MySQL CLI.
Change files in the bookshop/... files in the below.
Change email and app password : addNewCategoryProcess.php, adminVerificationProcess.php, forgotPasswordProcess.php, process_register.php
Change Database.php password.
Run the Project
Place the project folder in your web server directory (e.g., htdocs for XAMPP or www for WAMP).
Start your web server (Apache and MySQL).
Open the project in your browser: http://localhost/bookshop/
- Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request with improvements or feature suggestions.
- If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via
This project is licensed under the MIT License.