This repository serves as a storage for exercises proposed by the The Odin Project platform, focusing on the Ruby programming language.
The Odin Project is an educational platform that offers a complete web development curriculum. This repository was created to track and store the practical exercises proposed during the course related to the Ruby programming language. Each exercise is an opportunity to practice and improve your programming skills.
The repository is organized into thematic folders, each representing a specific section or module of the course. Within each folder, you will find the proposed exercises, accompanied by their respective source codes, solutions, or any relevant additional information.
basic_ruby_projects: Basic Ruby projects that address fundamental concepts and methods.
Example: Implementation of a bubble sort method (
):def bubble_sort(array) max_index = array.length - 1 (0..max_index - 1).each do |index| (index + 1..max_index).each do |index_2| number_1 = array[index] number_2 = array[index_2] if number_1 > number_2 intermediate = number_1 array[index] = number_2 array[index_2] = intermediate end end end array end p bubble_sort([4, 3, 78, 2, 0, 2])
mastermind: Implementations of the Mastermind game, where logic and control flow concepts are applied.
poo: Exercises focused on Object-Oriented Programming, including class and object creation.
tic_tac_toe: Implementation of the tic-tac-toe game, applying game logic and interactivity concepts.
Here are some examples of exercises included in the repository:
Caesar Cipher: Implementation of a method that applies the Caesar cipher to a string.
def caesar_cipher(phrase, displacement) phrase_array = phrase.split(' ') final_array = [] phrase_array.each do |word| intermediate_array = [] word.split('').each do |letter| num = letter.ord if letter.match(/[A-Z|a-z]/) if num.between?(65, 90) tot = num + displacement tot > 90 ? tot = (tot - 90) + 64 : tot intermediate_array << tot.chr else tot = num + displacement tot > 122 ? tot = (tot - 122) + 97 : tot intermediate_array << tot.chr end else intermediate_array << letter end end final_array << intermediate_array.join('') end final_array.join(' ') end p caesar_cipher("What a string!", 5)
Stock Picker: Method that determines the best day to buy and sell stocks, maximizing profit.
def stock_picker(stock_prices) day_buy = 0 day_sale = 0 profit = 0 stock_prices.each_with_index do |price, index| (index + 1..stock_prices.length - 1).each do |index_2| price_2 = stock_prices[index_2] subtraction = price_2 - price if subtraction.positive? && subtraction > profit day_buy = index day_sale = index_2 profit = subtraction end end end [day_buy, day_sale] end p stock_picker([17, 3, 6, 9, 15, 8, 6, 1, 10])