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File metadata and controls

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ModernZ User Options Guide

Configuration File Location

Create modernz.conf in your mpv script-opts directory:

  • Linux: ~/.config/mpv/script-opts/
  • Windows: %APPDATA%/mpv/script-opts/
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/mpv/script-opts/

Available Options

Language and display

Option Value Description
language en set language (for available options, see: Translations)
font mpv-osd-symbols font for the OSC (default: mpv-osd-symbols or the one set in mpv.conf)
idlescreen yes show mpv logo when idle
window_top_bar auto show OSC window top bar: "auto", "yes", or "no" (borderless/fullscreen)
showwindowed yes show OSC when windowed
showfullscreen yes show OSC when fullscreen
showonpause yes show OSC when paused
keeponpause yes disable OSC hide timeout when paused
greenandgrumpy no disable Santa hat in December

OSC behaviour and scaling

Option Value Description
hidetimeout 2000 time (in ms) before OSC hides if no mouse movement
seek_resets_hidetimeout yes if seeking should reset the hidetimeout
fadeduration 200 fade-out duration (in ms), set to "0" for no fade
fadein no whether to enable fade-in effect
minmousemove 0 minimum mouse movement (in pixels) required to show OSC
bottomhover yes show OSC only when hovering at the bottom
bottomhover_zone 130 height of hover zone for bottomhover (in pixels)
osc_on_seek no show OSC when seeking
osc_on_start no show OSC on start of every file
mouse_seek_pause yes pause video while seeking with mouse move (on button hold)
force_seek_tooltip no force show seekbar tooltip on mouse drag, even if not hovering seekbar
vidscale auto scale osc with the video. (set to "no" to disable)
scalewindowed 1.0 osc scale factor when windowed
scalefullscreen 1.0 osc scale factor when fullscreen

Elements display

Option Value Description
show_title yes show title in the OSC (above seekbar)
title ${media-title} title above seekbar format: "${media-title}" or "${filename}"
title_font_size 24 font size of the title text (above seekbar)
chapter_title_font_size 14 chapter title font size
show_chapter_title yes show chapter title (above seekbar)
chapter_fmt %s format for chapter display on seekbar hover (set to "no" to disable)
timetotal yes show total time instead of remaining time
timems no show timecodes with milliseconds
unicodeminus no use the Unicode minus sign in remaining time
time_format dynamic "dynamic" or "fixed". shows MM:SS when possible, fixed always shows HH:MM:SS
time_font_size 16 font size of the time display
cache_info no show cached time information
cache_info_speed no show current cache speed per second
cache_info_font_size 12 font size of the time display
tooltip_font_size 14 tooltips font size

Title bar settings

Option Value Description
window_title no show window title in borderless/fullscreen mode
window_controls yes show window controls (close, minimize, maximize) in borderless/fullscreen
windowcontrols_title ${media-title} same as title but for window_top_bar

Subtitle display settings

Option Value Description
raise_subtitles yes raise subtitles above the OSC when shown
raise_subtitle_amount 125 amount by which subtitles are raised when the OSC is shown (in pixels)

Buttons display and functionality

Option Value Description
jump_buttons yes show "jump forward/backward 10 seconds" buttons
jump_amount 10 change the jump amount in seconds
jump_more_amount 60 change the jump amount in seconds when right-clicking jump buttons and shift-clicking chapter skip buttons
jump_icon_number yes show different icon for 5, 10, or 30 second jumps
jump_mode relative seek mode for jump buttons
jump_softrepeat yes enable continuous jumping when holding down seek buttons
chapter_skip_buttons no show the skip back and forward (chapter) buttons
chapter_softrepeat yes enable continuous skipping when holding down chapter skip buttons
track_nextprev_buttons yes show next/previous playlist track buttons
volume_control yes show mute button and volume slider
volume_control_type linear volume scale type: "linear" or "logarithmic"
playlist_button yes show playlist button: Left-click for simple playlist, Right-click for interactive playlist
hide_empty_playlist_button yes hide playlist button when no playlist exists
gray_empty_playlist_button yes gray out the playlist button when no playlist exists
download_button yes show download button on web videos (requires yt-dlp and ffmpeg)
download_path ~~desktop/mpv default download directory for videos. Learn more about setting paths here.
screenshot_button no show screenshot button
screenshot_flag subtitles Flag options for the screenshot button: "subtitles", "video", "window", "each-frame". Find out more about these options.
ontop_button yes show window on top (pin) button
loop_button no show loop button
speed_button no show speed control button
speed_button_click 1 speed change amount per click
speed_button_scroll 0.25 speed change amount on scroll
loop_in_pause yes enable looping by right-clicking pause
buttons_always_active none force buttons to always be active. can add: playlist_prev, playlist_next
info_button yes show info (stats) button
fullscreen_button yes show fullscreen toggle button
playpause_size 28 icon size for the play/pause button
midbuttons_size 24 icon size for the middle buttons
sidebuttons_size 24 icon size for the side buttons
zoom_control yes show zoom controls in image viewer mode
zoom_in_max 4 icon size for the side buttons
zoom_out_min -1 icon size for the side buttons

Colors and style

Option Value Description
osc_color #000000 accent color of the OSC and title bar
window_title_color #FFFFFF color of the title in borderless/fullscreen mode
window_controls_color #FFFFFF color of the window controls (close, minimize, maximize) in borderless/fullscreen mode
windowcontrols_close_hover #E81123 color of close window control on hover
windowcontrols_max_hover #F8BC3A color of maximize window controls on hover
windowcontrols_min_hover #43CB44 color of minimize window controls on hover
title_color #FFFFFF color of the title (above seekbar)
seekbarfg_color #FB8C00 color of the seekbar progress and handle
seekbarbg_color #94754F color of the remaining seekbar
seekbar_cache_color #918F8E color of the cache ranges on the seekbar
volumebar_match_seek_color no match volume bar color with seekbar color (ignores side_buttons_color)
time_color #FFFFFF color of the timestamps (below seekbar)
chapter_title_color #FFFFFF color of the chapter title (above seekbar)
cache_info_color #FFFFFF color of the cache information
side_buttons_color #FFFFFF color of the side buttons (audio, subtitles, playlist, etc.)
middle_buttons_color #FFFFFF color of the middle buttons (skip, jump, chapter, etc.)
playpause_color #FFFFFF color of the play/pause button
held_element_color #999999 color of the element when held down (pressed)
hover_effect_color #FB8C00 color of a hovered button when hover_effect includes "color"
thumbnail_border_color #111111 color of the border for thumbnails (with thumbfast)
thumbnail_border_outline #404040 color of the border outline for thumbnails
fade_alpha 130 alpha of the OSC background box (0 to disable)
fade_blur_strength 100 blur strength for the OSC alpha fade. caution: high values can take a lot of CPU time to render
window_fade_alpha 100 alpha of the window title bar (0 to disable)
window_fade_blur_strength 100 blur strength for the window title bar. caution: high values can take a lot of CPU time to render
thumbnail_border 3 width of the thumbnail border (for thumbfast)
thumbnail_border_radius 3 rounded corner radius for thumbnail border (0 to disable)

Button hover effects

Option Value Description
hover_effect size,glow,color active button hover effects: "glow", "size", "color"; can use multiple separated by commas
hover_button_size 115 relative size of a hovered button if "size" effect is active
button_glow_amount 5 glow intensity when "glow" hover effect is active
hover_effect_for_sliders yes apply hover size effect to slider handle

Tooltips and hints

Option Value Description
tooltips_for_disabled_elements yes enable tooltips for disabled buttons and elements
tooltip_hints yes enable text hints for info, loop, ontop, and screenshot buttons

Progress bar settings

Option Value Description
seek_handle_size 0.8 size ratio of the seekbar handle (range: 0 ~ 1)
seekrange yes show seek range overlay
seekrangealpha 150 transparency of the seek range
livemarkers yes update chapter markers on the seekbar when duration changes
seekbarkeyframes no use keyframes when dragging the seekbar
nibbles_top yes top chapter nibbles above seekbar
nibbles_bottom yes bottom chapter nibbles below seekbar
nibbles_style triangle chapter nibble style. triangle, bar or single-bar
automatickeyframemode yes automatically set keyframes for the seekbar based on video length
automatickeyframelimit 600 videos longer than this (in seconds) will have keyframes on the seekbar
persistentprogress no always show a small progress line at the bottom of the screen
persistentprogressheight 17 height of the persistent progress bar
persistentbuffer no show buffer status on web videos in the persistent progress line

Miscellaneous settings

Option Value Description
visibility auto only used at init to set visibility_mode(...)
visibility_modes never_auto_always visibility modes to cycle through, modes are separated by _
tick_delay 0.03 minimum interval between OSC redraws (in seconds)
tick_delay_follow_display_fps no use display FPS as the minimum redraw interval

Elements Position

Useful when adjusting font size or type, this will help you change the affected elements position

Option Value Description
title_height 96 title height position above seekbar
title_with_chapter_height 108 title height position if a chapter title is below it
chapter_title_height 91 chapter title height position above seekbar
time_codes_height 35 time codes height position
time_codes_centered_height 57 time codes height position with portrait window
tooltip_height_offset 2 tooltip height position offset
tooltip_left_offset 5 if tooltip contains many characters, it is moved to the left by offset
portrait_window_trigger 1000 portrait window width trigger to move some elements
hide_volume_bar_trigger 1150 hide volume bar trigger window width
notitle_osc_h_offset 25 osc height offset if title above seekbar is disabled
nochapter_osc_h_offset 10 osc height offset if chapter title is disabled or doesn't exist
seek_hover_tooltip_h_offset 0 seek hover timecodes tooltip height position offset
osc_height 132 osc height without offsets

Mouse Commands (User Options)

Customize the button function based on mouse actions.

Type Option Function
Title (above seekbar) title_mbtn_left_command script-binding stats/display-page-5
title_mbtn_mid_command show-text ${filename}
title_mbtn_right_command show-text ${path}
Playlist Button playlist_mbtn_left_command script-binding select/select-playlist; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
playlist_mbtn_right_command show-text ${playlist} 3000
Volume Control vol_ctrl_mbtn_left_command no-osd cycle mute
vol_ctrl_mbtn_right_command script-binding select/select-audio-device; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
vol_ctrl_wheel_down_command no-osd add volume -5
vol_ctrl_wheel_up_command no-osd add volume 5
Audio Button audio_track_mbtn_left_command script-binding select/select-aid; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
audio_track_mbtn_mid_command cycle audio down
audio_track_mbtn_right_command cycle audio
audio_track_wheel_down_command cycle audio
audio_track_wheel_up_command cycle audio down
Subtitle Button sub_track_mbtn_left_command script-binding select/select-sid; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
sub_track_mbtn_mid_command cycle sub down
sub_track_mbtn_right_command cycle sub
sub_track_wheel_down_command cycle sub
sub_track_wheel_up_command cycle sub down
Chapter Skip Buttons chapter_prev_mbtn_left_command add chapter -1
chapter_prev_mbtn_mid_command show-text ${chapter-list} 3000
chapter_prev_mbtn_right_command script-binding select/select-chapter; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
chapter_next_mbtn_left_command add chapter 1
chapter_next_mbtn_mid_command show-text ${chapter-list} 3000
chapter_next_mbtn_right_command script-binding select/select-chapter; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
Chapter Title (below seekbar) chapter_title_mbtn_left_command script-binding select/select-chapter; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
chapter_title_mbtn_right_command show-text ${chapter-list} 3000
Playlist Skip Buttons playlist_prev_mbtn_left_command playlist-prev
playlist_prev_mbtn_mid_command show-text ${playlist} 3000
playlist_prev_mbtn_right_command script-binding select/select-playlist; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
playlist_next_mbtn_left_command playlist-next
playlist_next_mbtn_mid_command show-text ${playlist} 3000
playlist_next_mbtn_right_command script-binding select/select-playlist; script-message-to modernz osc-hide
Fullscreen Button fullscreen_mbtn_left_command cycle fullscreen
fullscreen_mbtn_right_command cycle window-maximized
Info Button info_mbtn_left_command script-binding stats/display-page-1-toggle

Auto Profile

Below is an example of an auto-profile in mpv.conf you can use to set any of ModernZ options based on certain conditions, in this case when window is pinned or fullscreen.

    profile-desc=Apply ModernZ options on pin or fullscreen
    profile-cond=ontop and ontop == true or fullscreen

More information about auto profiles available on mpv's manual.