#Language PT-BR UI: Próximo [Pokebola] Configurações Musica Efeitos sonoros Vibração Economia de Bateria Send Pokémon GO-related events, promotions, offers, and news updates to email address. Quick Start Central de Ajuda Report High-Priority Issue Sobre Pokémon GO Sair Dicas Isto é um PokéStop. É um local no mundo real onde vocÊ pode encontrar Pokebolas e outros itens. O PokéStop mudará sua forma quando você estiver perto o suficiente. Clique nele para interagir. Spin the Photo Disc to generate . Tap or swipe the to collect them. Este é um ginásio. Teams battle for control of these real-world locations. Assign one of your Pokémon to an open Gym to claim it for your team. Strengthen a friendly Gym by assigning one of your Pokémon to help defend it. Train the Pokémon at a friendly Gym to increase the Gym's Prestige and level. Challenge a rival Gym to lower its Pretige and level. During battle, swipe left or right to dodge incoming attacks. Pokédex UI: Capturado Avistado Pokémon: Peso: {}kg Altura: {}m Tipo: {} //If Pokémon has two or more types -> {}|{} Shop Messagens: You need to assign a Pokémon to a Gym to be eligible for a Defender bonus. Item View: Exchange for {} Pokémon Itens [Avatar] Level Journal {} capturado! Recebeu {} do PokéStop. {} fugiu. Shop (Coin) Shop {} Pokécoins Start Date Sem time/ Times Medalhas (Achievements) Jogger Andou {} Km. Kanto Registrou {} Pokémon in the Pokédex Colecionador Capturou{} Pokémon. Cientista Evoluiu{} Pokémon. Breeder Hatched {} Eggs. Backpacker Visitou {} PokéStops. Fisherman {} Magikarp capiturada Battle girl Ganhou {} Gym battles. Ace trainer Treinou {} times Schoolkid Capturou {} Normal-type Pokémon. Black belt Bird keeper Capturou {} Pokémons do tipo voador. Punk Girl Capturou {} Poison-type Pokémon. Run Maniac Hiker Capturou {} Pokémons do tipo pedra. Bug Catcher Capturou {} Pokémons do tipo inseto. Hex Maniac Depot Agent Kindler Swimmer Capturou {} Pokémons do tipo água Gardener Capturou {} Pokémons do tipo planta Rocker Psychic Skier Dragon Tamer Fairy Tale Girl Cought {} Fairy-type Pokémon. ??? Youngster Pikachu Fan Pokémon: Tipo: Planta Veneno Fogo Água Lutador Inseto Voador Normal Eletrico Terra Fairy Pedra Fantasma Gelo Psíquico Metal Dragão Ovos: 2 km ovo 5 km ovo 10 km ovo : Stardust Stardust is a form of currency in Pokémon GO. You can use it to level up your pokémon and make their CP higher. Candy Candies are needed to upgrade the CP of your Pokémon and evolve them in Pokémon GO. Poké Balls Poké Ball A device for catching wild Pokémon. It's thrown like a ball at Pokémon, comfortably encapsulating its target. Great Ball A good, high-performance Poké Ball that provides a higher catch rate than a standard Poké Ball. Ultra Ball An ultra-high performance Poké Ball that provides a higher success rate for catching Pokémon than a Great Ball. Master Ball The best Poké Ball with the ultimate level of performance. With it, you will catch any wild Pokémon without fail. Potions Potion A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It restores the HP one Pokémon by 20 points. Super Potion A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It restores the HP one Pokémon by 50 points. Hyper Potion A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by 200 points. Max Potion A spray-type medicine for treating wounds. It restores all the HP of a single Pokémon. Revive A medicine that can revive fainted Pokémon. It also restores half of a fainted Pokémon's maximum HP. Max Revive A medicine that can revive fainted Pokémon. It also restores the fainted Pokémon to its maximum HP. Lucky ovo A Lucky ovo that's filled with happiness! Earns double XP for 30 minutes. Incense Incense has a mysterious fragrance that lures wild Pokémon for thirty minutes. Lure Module A module that attracts wild Pokémon to a PokéStop for 30 minutes. Other people around the PokéStop can also benefit from the effect. Razz Berry Feed a Razz Berry to a pokémon and your next attempt to catch it will be more effective. Camera When you see a wild pokémon, you can use your camera to make a nice picture of it. ovo-Incubator (infinitive) A device that incubates an ovo as you walk until it is ready to hatch. Unlimited use! ovo-Incubator (normal) A device that incubates an ovo as you walk until it is ready to hatch. Breaks after 3 uses. Bag Upgrade Increases the max number of you can carry by 50. Pokémon Storage Plus Increases the max number of Pokémon you can carry by 50. Ginásios UI: Gym Level {} Você ganhou! Você perdeu! Pokémon defeated: Gym Prestige: Times: Team Instinct Team Mystic Team Valor