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Requirements and Installation

SReject edited this page Nov 12, 2015 · 3 revisions


Windows XP or later; these will not work with mIRC under wine.
mIRC v7.43 or later
JSON For mIRC loaded


All scripts require mTwitch.Core.mrc to be loaded to function
mTwitch.core.mrc requires the JSON parser from above to be loaded


  1. Download the script(s) you wish to load
  2. Move script(s) to a folder of your choosing
  3. From within mIRC hold the alt key and press r; release both
  4. Click File then Load
  5. Navigate to the folder in which you moved the script(s) to.
  6. Select the script(s) and then click Open
  7. Click OK
  8. If a box pops up asking if you wish to run initialization commands, click OK