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I like the web interface when I'm using chatGPT on my computer. On the other hand I never use it on mobile (it's to much work going to web browser, sign-in and chat). So I decide to write a very small Telegram Bot (< 80 LOC) using OpenAI API and aiogram.
OpenAI offers some free credit for their API ($18.00 in credits for 3 month).
This bot use gpt-3.5-turbo
endpoint for chat completions which means that
requests cost $0.002 per 1k tokens (see blog
post). So you
can deploy this bot on your machine and enjoy for three month your personal
instance of chatGPT.
- Clone this repo and go in it:
git clone && Telegram-GPT
- Install dependencies:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create new Telegram Bot obtaining a token (e.g.
) - Create new OpenAI API key
) - Create new file .env with the following env variables (use token and api-key obtain from the previous steps)
export TELEGRAM_TOKEN="2837489710:GJjkajsJFmmjkjDJKSekj00JKKjkjahdja2"
export OPENAI_TOKEN="sk-askldj9382kjdklqLlkaj92lLanEREybjae36HSMAnd2iudj"
- Load .env and start the bot:
source .env && python
Start a conversation with your bot. You can start a new conversation with