Name | Type | Description | Notes |
accessModes | List<String> | AccessModes contains all ways the volume backing the PVC can be mounted | [optional] |
dataRestoreLocation | DataRestoreLocation | DataRestoreLocation is the location to load data of dataset been backuped | [optional] |
mounts | List<Mount> | Mount Points to be mounted on Alluxio. | [optional] |
nodeAffinity | CacheableNodeAffinity | NodeAffinity defines constraints that limit what nodes this dataset can be cached to. This field influences the scheduling of pods that use the cached dataset. | [optional] |
owner | User | The owner of the dataset | [optional] |
placement | String | Manage switch for opening Multiple datasets single node deployment or not | [optional] |
runtimes | List<Runtime> | Runtimes for supporting dataset (e.g. AlluxioRuntime) | [optional] |
tolerations | List<V1Toleration> | If specified, the pod's tolerations. | [optional] |