Name | Type | Description | Notes |
alluxioVersion | VersionSpec | The version information that instructs fluid to orchestrate a particular version of Alluxio. | [optional] |
apiGateway | AlluxioCompTemplateSpec | Desired state for Alluxio API Gateway | [optional] |
data | Data | Management strategies for the dataset to which the runtime is bound | [optional] |
disablePrometheus | Boolean | Disable monitoring for Alluxio Runtime Promethous is enabled by default | [optional] |
fuse | AlluxioFuseSpec | Desired state for Alluxio Fuse | [optional] |
hadoopConfig | String | Name of the configMap used to support HDFS configurations when using HDFS as Alluxio's UFS. The configMap must be in the same namespace with the AlluxioRuntime. The configMap should contain user-specific HDFS conf files in it. For now, only "hdfs-site.xml" and "core-site.xml" are supported. It must take the filename of the conf file as the key and content of the file as the value. | [optional] |
initUsers | InitUsersSpec | The spec of init users | [optional] |
jobMaster | AlluxioCompTemplateSpec | Desired state for Alluxio job master | [optional] |
jobWorker | AlluxioCompTemplateSpec | Desired state for Alluxio job Worker | [optional] |
jvmOptions | List<String> | Options for JVM | [optional] |
master | AlluxioCompTemplateSpec | Desired state for Alluxio master | [optional] |
properties | Map<String, String> | Configurable properties for Alluxio system. <br> Refer to <a href="\">Alluxio Configuration Properties</a> for more info | [optional] |
replicas | Integer | The replicas of the worker, need to be specified | [optional] |
runAs | User | Manage the user to run Alluxio Runtime | [optional] |
tieredstore | Tieredstore | Tiered storage used by Alluxio | [optional] |
worker | AlluxioCompTemplateSpec | Desired state for Alluxio worker | [optional] |