Code of the simulator, and its display, from the blog post Building an economy simulator from scratch. It uses mithril.js.
Example of usage: Simulation 25 from the blog post
import m from "mithril";
import * as economy from "./economy.js";
let options = {
money: true,
overconsume: true,
bidding: true,
sellMin: true,
qol2: true,
highNumbers: true,
truncate: true,
resourcesCons: ["food", "water", "wood"],
peopleOpt: [
{ producer: "food", money: 1000 },
{ producer: "food", money: 1000 },
{ producer: "food", money: 1000 },
{ producer: "wood", money: 1000 },
{ producer: "water", money: 1000 },
{ producer: "gov", money: 1000 },
{ producer: "gov", money: 1000 },
{ producer: "gov", money: 1000 },
prices: { food: 100, wood: 100, water: 100 },
gov: {
resources: { money: 1000 },
tax: 3,
autoTax: false,
print: true,
fluid: { mul: 1.5 },
m.mount(document.body, { view: () => m(economy.Root, options) });