waterlinked_dvl is a C++ library and ROS 2 driver designed to interface with Water Linked DVL devices, including the DVL-A50 and DVL-A125. Get started with waterlinked_dvl by installing the project, exploring the implemented library examples, or by launching the ROS 2 driver.
⚠️ This project is not affiliated with or maintained by Water Linked. Please refer to the Water Linked GitHub Organization for all official software.
To install waterlinked_dvl, first clone the repository to the src/
of your ROS 2 workspace
git clone git@github.com:Robotic-Decision-Making-Lab/waterlinked_dvl.git
Then install the project dependencies using vcstool and rosdep
vcs import src < src/waterlinked_dvl/ros2.repos && \
rosdep install --from paths src -y --ignore-src --skip-keys nlohmann_json
Finally, build the workspace using colcon
colcon build && source install/setup.bash
Prior to using waterlinked_dvl, first ensure that you can successfully connect to your respective device. For additional information, please refer to the Water Linked networking documentation. After verifying the network connection, the DVL ROS 2 driver can be launched with the following command:
ros2 launch waterlinked_dvl_driver dvl.launch.py
If you have questions regarding usage of waterlinked_dvl or regarding contributing to this project, please ask a question on our Discussions board.
waterlinked_dvl is released under the MIT license.