Porting STL to rust, i.e., generic programming for rust.
Rust has good set of generic algorithms based on rust iterators
. However,
still its hard to write a generic std::rotate
algorithm using the same.
In general, inplace mutations are hard to achieve with rust iterators
But C++ iterators
are great for the same and actually good for modelling
different capabilities a range might have.
C++ STL is a brilliant piece of work by Alex Stepanov and provides highly
composable generic algorithms using iterators.
rs-stl ports C++ STL algorithms to rust by using concepts of Positions
of Iterators
to support rust borrow rules.
NOTE: rs-stl is currently in experiment phase and abstractions might change in future.
- STL provides generic algorithms with use of iterators. Iterators can be seen as generalization of pointers.
- With pointers one can traverse an array with accessing elements, that iterators generalized for any linear sequence of elements.
- However, using indexes in array one can achieve the same.
- Porting iterators to rust is not possible, as iterators borrows from range. And most algorithms requires 2 iterators. If mutation is required, rust borrow checker would not allow it.
- So, rs-stl generalizes indexes with Positions. And as index doesn't borrow from array, thus Position doesn't need to borrow from range.
- Then, STL algorithms accepting 2 iterators can be replaced with rs-stl algorithms accepting a range and 2 positions.
- rs-stl is not there to replace rust iterators. It is there to complement the same.
- rs-stl aims to be a go to library for algorithmic intensive programming problems.
- rs-stl focuses on inplace mutations with good ergonomics to achieve good performance easily with reasonable code.
- rs-stl aims to be inter-operable with rust iterators, so that one can go from one world to other easily.
View detailed documentation at: rs-stl docs.
View design at: rs-stl design.
For detailed usage see: rs-stl how to use.
Using algo
use stl::*;
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let cnt = algo::count_if(&arr, arr.start(), arr.end(), |x| x % 2 == 1);
assert_eq!(cnt, 2);
Using rng
use stl::*;
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let cnt = rng::count_if(&arr, |x| x % 2 == 1);
assert_eq!(cnt, 2);
Using infix style of rng
use stl::*;
use rng::infix::*;
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let cnt = arr.count_if(|x| x % 2 == 1);
assert_eq!(cnt, 2);
See API documentation for support for all styles.
Views can be lazily composed to form new view. One can form
immutable view to range:
use stl::*;
use rng::infix::*;
let arr = [1, 2, 3];
let cnt = arr
.map(|x| *x + 1)
.count_if(|x| x % 2 == 1);
assert_eq!(cnt, 1);
mutable view to range:
use stl::*;
use rng::infix::*;
let mut arr = [(1, 2), (2, 1)];
.map(|x| x.1)
assert_eq!(arr, [(2, 1), (1, 2)]);
InputRanges can also be used as Iterators. This is useful, for traversing any InputRange using for loop.
use stl::*;
use rng::infix::*;
let mut sum = 0;
for e in view::single(2).iter() {
sum += e;
assert_eq!(sum, 2);
If Iterators are not an option, use for_each
algorithm for general traversal.
Currently range concepts have been implemented for:
- [T, N]
- [T]
- Vec
- str
- String
In future, we plan to support more data structures from standard library.
The scope of project is quite large and surely need contributions from other experienced programmers. Feel free to contribute in terms of:
- Bugs
- Design
- Documents
- Feature Request
Goals lists future goals for project. The list might not cover all use-case, feel free to raise feature request with supporting use-case.
The idea of generalization of indexes are not new and motivated from:
The names mentioned here are C++ standard library names. If any algorithm is implemented with other name as other name would be more suitable then, that name would be mentioned explicitly in front of C++ name as well as required description would be provided.
- find_if
- find_if_not
- find
- count_if
- count
- all_of
- any_of
- none_of
- mismatch -> mismatch_unbounded, mismatch_unbounded_by, mismatch, mismatch_by
- find_end
- adjacent_find -> adjacent_find_if
- equal -> equals, equals_by, equals_prefix, equals_prefix_by
- search
- search_n
- copy
- copy_if
- copy_n
copy_backward-> NOT PLANNED: Unlikely to be useful in rust? -
move-> NOT POSSIBLE: Due to rust ownership model. -
move_backward-> NOT POSSIBLE: Due to rust ownership model.
- swap_ranges
- transform -> transform, zip_transform
- for_each -> for_each, for_each_mut
- replace
- replace_if
- replace_copy
- replace_copy_if
- fill -> fill_value
fill_n-> NOT PLANNED: Use fill_value with slices. - generate -> fill_by
generate_n-> NOT PLANNED: Use fill_by with slices.
- remove
- remove_if
- remove_copy
- remove_copy_if
- unique -> unique, unique_by
- unique_copy
- reverse
- reverse_copy
- rotate
- rotate_copy
- is_partitioned
- partition
partition_copy-> Do we need that (copy_if is enough)? If yes, contribute with reason. - stable_partition -> stable_partition, stable_partition_no_alloc
- partition_point
- sort -> sort_range, sort_range_by
- stable_sort -> stable_sort, stable_sort_by, stable_sort_no_alloc, stable_sort_by_no_alloc
- partial_sort -> partial_sort, partial_sort_by
- partial_sort_copy -> partial_sort_copy, partial_sort_copy_by
- is_sorted -> is_sorted, is_sorted_by
- is_sorted_until -> is_sorted_until, is_sorted_until_by
- nth_element -> nth_element, nth_element_by
- partition_point (Same as above partition_point)
- lower_bound -> lower_bound, lower_bound_by
- upper_bound -> upper_bound, upper_bound_by
- equal_range -> equal_range, equal_range_by
- binary_search -> binary_search, binary_search_by
- merge -> merge, merge_by
- inplace_merge -> merge_inplace, merge_inplace_by, merge_inplace_no_alloc, merge_inplace_by_no_alloc
- push_heap -> push_heap, push_heap_by
- pop_heap -> pop_heap, pop_heap_by
- make_heap -> make_heap, make_heap_by
- sort_heap -> sort_heap, sort_heap_by
- is_heap -> is_heap, is_heap_by
- is_heap_until -> is_heap_until, is_heap_until_by
- min_element -> min_element, min_element_by
- max_element -> max_element, max_element_by
- minmax_element -> minmax_element, minmax_element_by
iota-> use view::ints - accumulate/reduce -> fold_left, fold_right
- inner_product
- adjacent_difference
partial_sum-> use inclusive_scan instead - exclusive_scan -> exclusive_scan, exclusive_scan_inplace
- inclusive_scan -> inclusive_scan, inclusive_scan_inplace
- transform_reduce
- transform_exclusive_scan
- transform_inclusive_scan
- shift_left
- shift_right
- next_permutation
- prev_permutation
- is_permutation
This is not an exhaustive list. If any view is not listed here, consider raising a feature request for the same, or contribute the same :)
- ints
- generate
- repeat
- single
- empty
- maybe
- take
- take_while
- drop
- drop_while
- filter
- map
- subrange
- prefix
- suffix
- as_reversed
- cycle
- zip
- zip_map
- slide
- group_by
- split
- join -> borrow checker bug makes it unusable
- cartesian_product
- scan
- scan_first