diff --git a/docs_app/content/guide/glossary-and-semantics.md b/docs_app/content/guide/glossary-and-semantics.md index d0dcc5a782..882d516417 100644 --- a/docs_app/content/guide/glossary-and-semantics.md +++ b/docs_app/content/guide/glossary-and-semantics.md @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ An observable is "cold" when it creates a new [producer](#producer) during [subs ### Hot -An observable is "hot", when its [producer](#producer) was created outside of the context of the [subscribe](#subscribe) action. This means that the "hot" observable is almost always [multicast](#multicast). It is possible that a "hot" observable is still _technically_ unicast, if it is engineered to only allow one [subscription](#subscription) at a time, however, there is no straightforward mechanism for this in RxJS, and the scenario is a unlikely. For the purposes of discussion, all "hot" observables can be assumed to be [multicast](#multicast). Hot observables cannot be made [cold](#cold). +An observable is "hot", when its [producer](#producer) was created outside of the context of the [subscribe](#subscribe) action. This means that the "hot" observable is almost always [multicast](#multicast). It is possible that a "hot" observable is still _technically_ unicast, if it is engineered to only allow one [subscription](#subscription) at a time, however, there is no straightforward mechanism for this in RxJS, and the scenario is an unlikely one. For the purposes of discussion, all "hot" observables can be assumed to be [multicast](#multicast). Hot observables cannot be made [cold](#cold). ### Push @@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ A "stream" or "streaming" in the case of observables, refers to the collection o ### Source -A [observable](#observable) or [valid observable input](#observable-inputs) having been converted to an observable, that will supply values to another [observable](#observable), either as the result of an [operator](#operator) or other function that creates one observable as another. This [source](#source), will be the [producer](#producer) for the resulting [observable](#observable) and all of its [subscriptions](#subscriptions). Sources may generally be any type of observable. +An [observable](#observable) or [valid observable input](#observable-inputs) having been converted to an observable, that will supply values to another [observable](#observable), either as the result of an [operator](#operator) or other function that creates one observable as another. This [source](#source), will be the [producer](#producer) for the resulting [observable](#observable) and all of its [subscriptions](#subscriptions). Sources may generally be any type of observable. ### Observable Inputs -A "observable input" ([defined as a type here](/api/index/type-alias/ObservableInput)), is any type that can easily converted to an [Observable](#observable). Observable Inputs may sometimes be referred to as "valid observable sources". +An "observable input" ([defined as a type here](/api/index/type-alias/ObservableInput)), is any type that can be easily converted to an [Observable](#observable). Observable Inputs may sometimes be referred to as "valid observable sources". ### Notifier @@ -128,21 +128,21 @@ An [observable](#observable) that is being used to notify another [observable](# ### Inner Source -One, of possibly many [sources](#source), which are [subscribed](#subscribe) to automatically within a single [subscription](#subscription) to another observable. Examples of an "inner source" include the [observable inputs](#observable-inputs) returned by the mapping function in a [mergeMap](/api/operators/mergeMap) [operator](#operator). (e.g. `source.pipe(mergeMap(value => createInnerSource(value))))`, were `createInnerSource` returns any valid [observable input](#observable-inputs)). +One, of possibly many [sources](#source), which are [subscribed](#subscribe) to automatically within a single [subscription](#subscription) to another observable. Examples of an "inner source" include the [observable inputs](#observable-inputs) returned by the mapping function in a [mergeMap](/api/operators/mergeMap) [operator](#operator). (e.g. `source.pipe(mergeMap(value => createInnerSource(value)))`, where `createInnerSource` returns any valid [observable input](#observable-inputs)). ### Partial Observer -An [observer](#observer) that lacks all necessary [notification](#notification) handlers. Generally these are supplied by user-land [consumer](#consumer) code. A "full observer" or "observer" would simply be an observer than had all [notification](#notification) handlers. +An [observer](#observer) that lacks all necessary [notification](#notification) handlers. Generally these are supplied by user-land [consumer](#consumer) code. A "full observer" or "observer" would simply be an observer that has all [notification](#notification) handlers. ## Other Concepts ### Unhandled Errors -An "unhandled error" is any [error](#error) that is not handled by a [consumer](#consumer)-provided function, which is generally provided during the [subscribe](#subscribe) action. If no error handler was provided, RxJS will assume the error is "unhandled" and rethrow the error on a new callstack or prevent ["producer interference"](#producer-interface) +An "unhandled error" is any [error](#error) that is not handled by a [consumer](#consumer)-provided function, which is generally provided during the [subscribe](#subscribe) action. If no error handler was provided, RxJS will assume the error is "unhandled" and rethrow the error on a new callstack or prevent ["producer interference"](#producer-interface). ### Producer Interference -[Producer](#producer) interference happens when an error is allowed to unwind the callstack the RxJS callstack during [notification](#notification). When this happens, the error could break things like for-loops in [upstream](#upstream-and-downstream) [sources](#source) that are [notifying](#notification) [consumers](#consumer) during a [multicast](#multicast). That would cause the other [consumers](#consumer) in that [multicast](#multicast) to suddenly stop receiving values without logical explanation. As of version 6, RxJS goes out of its way to prevent producer interference by ensuring that all unhandled errors are thrown on a separate callstack. +[Producer](#producer) interference happens when an error is allowed to unwind the RxJS callstack during [notification](#notification). When this happens, the error could break things like for-loops in [upstream](#upstream-and-downstream) [sources](#source) that are [notifying](#notification) [consumers](#consumer) during a [multicast](#multicast). That would cause the other [consumers](#consumer) in that [multicast](#multicast) to suddenly stop receiving values without logical explanation. As of version 6, RxJS goes out of its way to prevent producer interference by ensuring that all unhandled errors are thrown on a separate callstack. ### Upstream And Downstream