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Phantom Operators

David Gross edited this page May 7, 2014 · 15 revisions
  • fromFuture( ) — convert a Future into an Observable, but do not attempt to get the Future's value until a Subscriber subscribes
  • forIterable( ) — apply a function to the elements of an Iterable to create Observables which are then concatenated
  • generate( ) and generateAbsoluteTime( ) — create an Observable that emits a sequence of items as generated by a function of your choosing

fromFuture( )

convert a Future into an Observable, but do not attempt to get the Future's value until a Subscriber subscribes

The fromFuture( ) method also converts a Future into an Observable, but it obtains this Future indirectly, by means of a function you provide. It creates the Observable immediately, but waits to call the function and to obtain the Future until a Subscriber subscribes to it.

forIterable( )

apply a function to the elements of an Iterable to create Observables which are then concatenated

forIterable( ) is similar to from(Iterable ) but instead of the resulting Observable emitting the elements of the Iterable as its own emitted items, it applies a specified function to each of these elements to generate one Observable per element, and then concatenates the emissions of these Observables to be its own sequence of emitted items.

generate( ) and generateAbsoluteTime( )

create an Observable that emits a sequence of items as generated by a function of your choosing

The basic form of generate( ) takes four parameters. These are initialState and three functions: iterate( ), condition( ), and resultSelector( ). generate( ) uses these four parameters to generate an Observable sequence, which is its return value. It does so in the following way.

generate( ) creates each emission from the sequence by applying the resultSelector( ) function to the current state and emitting the resulting item. The first state, which determines the first emitted item, is initialState. generate( ) determines each subsequent state by applying iterate( ) to the current state. Before emitting an item, generate( ) tests the result of condition( ) applied to the current state. If the result of this test is false, instead of calling resultSelector( ) and emitting the resulting value, generate( ) terminates the sequence and stops iterating the state.

There are also versions of generate( ) that allow you to do the work of generating the sequence on a particular Scheduler and that allow you to set the time interval between emissions by applying a function to the current state. The generateAbsoluteTime( ) allows you to control the time at which an item is emitted by applying a function to the state to get an absolute system clock time (rather than an interval from the previous emission).

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