This node is just an application example on how to use the KISS-ICP C++ API. It's still considered work in progress and we are very happy to receive any contribution from the comunity 👼
You should not need any extra dependency, just clone and build:
git clone
colcon build
source ./install/setup.bash
The only required argument to provide is the topic name so KISS-ICP knows which PointCloud2 to process:
ros2 launch kiss_icp bagfile:=<path_to_rosbag> topic:=<topic_name>
You can optionally launch the node with any bagfile, and play the bagfiles on a different shell:
ros2 launch kiss_icp topic:=<topic_name>
and then,
ros2 bag play <path>*.bag
You should not need any extra dependency, just clone and build:
cd ~/catkin_ws/
git clone
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
The only required argument to provide is the topic name so KISS-ICP knows which PointCloud2 to proces:
roslaunch kiss_icp odometry.launch bagfile:=<path_to_rosbag> topic:=<topic_name>
You can optionally launch the node with any bagfile, and play the bagfiles on a different shell:
roslaunch kiss_icp odometry.launch topic:=<topic_name>
and then,
rosbag play <path>*.bag
Good news! If you don't have git or you don't need to change the core KISS-ICP library, you can just copy paste this folder into your ROS1/ROS2 workspace and build as usual. The build system will fetch the latest stable release for you.
I believe you could use the python API instead, to avoid converting all the data to a format that is not the original one. If you still insist in doing it, I've created a separate repository for this, just clone and build this package