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Kuma Service Mesh Global with Control Plane

This document describes the use of the Kuma Global Control Plane. The Global Control Plane is a way of deploying the Mesh Control Plane that centralizes the distribution of the license and the Mesh Management itself.

The Kuma Remote Control Planes will join the Global Control Plane upon deployment and define specific zones.

The 2 openshift clusters will be named as follows:

  • kong-global: Contains the Kong Gateway CP and the Kuma Mesh Global CP
  • kong-dp1: Contains the Kong Gateway DP and the frontend (magnanimo)

As this document involves multiple contexts in different OCP clusters you might consider using kubectx

Installing the Kong Gateway CP

Let's start by installing the Kong Gateway CP in the kong-global cluster.

Install Kong Gateway CP

  • create ns kong
oc create ns kong
  • create license secret
oc create secret generic kong-enterprise-license --from-file=license=./license.json -n kong
  • create cert + secret
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -newkey ec:<(openssl ecparam -name secp384r1) \
  -keyout ./cluster.key -out ./cluster.crt \
  -days 1095 -subj "/CN=kong_clustering"
oc create secret tls kong-cluster-cert --cert=./cluster.crt --key=./cluster.key -n kong
  • install custom postgres
oc new-app -n kong --template=postgresql-ephemeral --param=POSTGRESQL_USER=kong --param=POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=kong123 --param=POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=kong
  • install helm gateway-multizone/cp-values.yaml
helm install kong -n kong kong/kong -f gateway-multizone/cp-values.yaml       
  • expose svc admin
oc expose svc kong-kong-admin -n kong
oc expose svc kong-kong-manager -n kong
  • create secure routes
oc create route passthrough kong-kong-manager-tls --port=kong-manager-tls --service=kong-kong-manager -n kong
oc create route passthrough kong-kong-admin-tls --port=kong-admin-tls --service=kong-kong-admin -n kong
  • update the ADMIN URI in the deployment
oc patch deploy -n kong kong-kong -p "{\"spec\": { \"template\" : { \"spec\" : {\"containers\":[{\"name\":\"proxy\",\"env\": [{ \"name\" : \"KONG_ADMIN_API_URI\", \"value\": \"${GW_CP_URL}\" }]}]}}}}"
  • save the cluster/clustertelemetry endpoints for later
export CLUSTER_URL=$(oc get svc -n kongkong-kong-cluster -ojson | jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].hostname')
export CLUSTER_TELEMETRY_URL=$(oc get svc -n kong kong-kong-clustertelemetry -ojson | jq -r '.status.loadBalancer.ingress[].hostname')
  • check the management UI is working at:
oc get route -n kong kong-kong-manager --template='{{}}'
  • check the admin endpoint is available
http `oc get route -n kong kong-kong-admin --template='{{}}'` | jq .version
  • export the Gateway ControlPlane endpoint to use it later
export GW_CP_URL=$(oc get route -n kong kong-kong-admin --template='{{}})

Installing the Mesh in Openshift

For the alternate installation on a VM refer to Kong in a VM

Install Mesh Global Control Plane

kumactl install control-plane --cni-enabled --mode=global --license-path=./license.json | oc apply -f -

If running Kong Mesh in a multi-zone deployment, the file must be passed to the global kuma-cp. In this mode, Kong Mesh automatically synchronizes the license to the remote kuma-cp, therefore this operation is only required on the global kuma-cp.

Enable TLS for the default mesh

kubectl apply -f mesh/mtls.yaml -n kong-mesh-system

Expose the svc

oc create route passthrough -n kong-mesh-system kong-mesh-control-plane --service=kong-mesh-control-plane --port=https-api-server 

Check it is working

$ https --verify=false `oc get route kong-mesh-control-plane -n kong-mesh-system -ojson | jq -r`/config | jq .mode

Create the Global Remote Sync route and extract the endpoint:

oc create route passthrough kong-mesh-global-zone-sync --service=kong-mesh-global-zone-sync --port=global-zone-sync -n kong-mesh-system
export GLOBAL_SYNC=$(oc get route -n kong-mesh-system kong-mesh-global-zone-sync --template='{{ }}'):443

Install the Mesh Control Plane in Zone 1

Login to the kong-dp1 cluster

kumactl install control-plane --cni-enabled --mode=zone --zone=kumadp1 --ingress-enabled --kds-global-address grpcs://${GLOBAL_SYNC} | oc apply -f -

Wait until pods are ready

$ oc wait --for=condition=ready pod -l -n kong-mesh-system --timeout=180s                                            
pod/kong-mesh-control-plane-7d478b859-pkmrr condition met
pod/kong-mesh-ingress-75559d7644-qtbwp condition met

Check the zone is discovered in the global. Connect to the global control plane cluster to get the route

http `oc get route kong-mesh-control-plane -n kong-mesh-system -ojson | jq -r`/status/zones
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
cache-control: private
content-length: 48
content-type: application/json
date: Fri, 03 Jun 2022 15:54:07 GMT
set-cookie: 559045d469a6cf01d61b4410371a08e0=a2d29fef296bbefe83902b97d4268a00; path=/; HttpOnly

        "active": true,
        "name": "kumadp1"

Install Kong Gateway DP

  • create ns kong-dp
oc create ns kong-dp
  • create license secret
oc create secret generic kong-enterprise-license --from-file=license=./license.json -n kong-dp
  • create certificate secret using the existing same certs we used in the control plane
oc create secret tls kong-cluster-cert --cert=./cluster.crt --key=./cluster.key -n kong-dp
  • add the serviceaccount to the anyuid scc so the sidecars can be created and annotate the namespace. That will allow the pod to be created together with the sidecar
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:kong-dp
kubectl label namespace kong-dp
  • install the Data Plane. Use the appropriate endpoints depending on the Control plane install (VM/OCP)
sed -e 's/\$CLUSTER_URL/'"$CLUSTER_URL"'/' -e 's/\$CLUSTER_TELEMETRY_URL/'"$CLUSTER_TELEMETRY_URL"'/' gateway-multizone/dp-values.yaml | helm install kong -n kong-dp kong/kong -f -
  • wait until pods are ready
oc wait --for=condition=ready pod -l -n kong-dp --timeout=180s              
pod/kong-kong-69f75fd99c-hgd9m condition met
  • expose proxy routes (http/https)
oc expose svc kong-kong-proxy -n kong-dp --port=kong-proxy
oc create route passthrough kong-kong-proxy-tls --port=kong-proxy-tls --service=kong-kong-proxy -n kong-dp
  • check clustering

VM installation: Refer to Verify clustering is working

http ${GW_CP_URL}/clustering/status
  • check proxy
http `oc get route -n kong-dp kong-kong-proxy --template='{{ }}'`/

Export the Gateway DataPlane endpoint to use it later:

export GW_DP_URL=$(oc get route -n kong-dp kong-kong-proxy-tls --template='{{}}')

Deploy the demo apps

Deploy Magnanimo on DP1

oc create ns kuma-app
oc annotate namespace kuma-app
oc adm policy add-scc-to-group nonroot system:serviceaccounts:kuma-app
oc apply -f gateway-multizone/magnanimo.yaml -n kuma-app

Wait until the application is ready

oc wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=magnanimo -n kuma-app --timeout=180s                                                  
pod/magnanimo-86c978654b-pcxw7 condition met

Deploy Benigno on DP1

oc apply -f gateway-multizone/benigno.yaml -n kuma-app

Wait until the application is ready

oc wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=benigno -n kuma-app --timeout=180s                                                  
pod/benigno-v1-5b5cdc5b5b-hpn28 condition met

Check the Mesh control plane the the service is discovered, it can be done from the UI or using the /meshes/default/service-insights endpoint.


Create the service and route

VM installation: Refer to Access the application

Let's create the service and the route in the Gateway Control Plane kong-global

http ${GW_CP_URL}/services name=magnanimoservice url='http://magnanimo.kuma-app.svc.cluster.local:4000'
http ${GW_CP_URL}/services/magnanimoservice/routes name='magnanimoroute' paths:='["/magnanimo"]'

Now we should be able to query the service in the Gateway DataPlane endpoint

$ https --verify=false ${GW_DP_URL}/magnanimo/hello
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 22
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 14:24:35 GMT
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.8.3
Via: kong/
X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 12
X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 2

Hello World, Magnanimo: 2022-06-17 14:25:43.599616
$ https --verify=false ${GW_DP_URL}/magnanimo/hw3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 49
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 14:25:03 GMT
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.8.3
Via: kong/
X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 2
X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 16

Hello World, Benigno - 2022-06-17 14:25:03.859064

Set specific traffic permissions

Delete the allow-all-default permission

kumactl delete traffic-permissions allow-all-default

Create a specific traffic-permission for the gateway

cat << EOF | kumactl apply -f -
type: TrafficPermission
name: gateway-all-traffic
mesh: default
  - match: 'kong-kong-proxy_kong-dp_svc_80'
  - match: '*'

Now let's allow traffic between magnanimo and benigno

cat << EOF | kumactl apply -f -
type: TrafficPermission
name: magnanimo-to-benigno
mesh: default
  - match: 'magnanimo_kuma-app_svc_4000'
  - match: 'benigno_kuma-app_svc_5000'

Confirm the application works again

https --verify=false ${GW_DP_URL}/magnanimo/hw3
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 49
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 15:18:10 GMT
Server: Werkzeug/1.0.1 Python/3.8.3
Via: kong/
X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: 11
X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: 19

Hello World, Benigno - 2022-06-17 15:18:10.933966

Clean up

Remove demo app

oc annotate namespace kuma-app
oc adm policy remove-scc-from-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:kuma-app
oc delete -f gateway-multizone/magnanimo.yaml
oc delete -f gateway-multizone/benigno.yaml
oc delete ns kuma-app

Remove the Kong Data Plane

kubectl label namespace kong-dp
oc adm policy remove-scc-from-group anyuid system:serviceaccounts:kong-dp
helm delete kong -n kong-dp
oc delete ns kong-dp

Remove the Kuma Remote Control Plane

kumactl install control-plane --cni-enabled --mode=zone --zone=kumadp1 --ingress-enabled --kds-global-address grpcs://${GLOBAL_SYNC} | oc delete -f -

Remove the Kong Control Plane

VM installation: Refer to Remove the Kong Gateway Control Plane

helm delete kong -n kong
oc delete ns kong

Remove the Kuma Global Control Plane

VM installation: Refer to Remove the Kong Mesh Global Control Plane

kumactl install control-plane --cni-enabled --mode=global --license-path=./license.json | oc delete -f -