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Prez Components

A Vue.js component library for rendering RDF data for use with Prez UI. Uses prez-lib for RDF/JS types and processing RDF.

Based on the shadcn-vue component library.


npm install prez-components


<script lang="ts" setup>
import { literal, node } from "prez-lib";
import { Node } from "prez-components";

const term = node({
    value: "",
    label: literal("term"),
    links: [
            value: "/"

        <Node :term="term" />

Make sure to import the prez-components stylesheet:

// main.ts
import "prez-components/style.css";

For Nuxt:

// nuxt.config.ts
export default defineNuxtConfig({
    css: ["prez-components/style.css"],

Developing prez-components

Install & Run

Run in the project root:

pnpm install

and to run:

pnpm dev

Writing Components for Overriding

To support deep overriding of components in Nuxt layers, components in this library need their prop type declared in types.ts, and any child component dependencies in the component library need to be declared in a components object in the props:

// types.ts
export interface MyComponentProps {
    // your prop types here
    _components?: {
        childComponent: Component,

Using these child components must be done dynamically with defaults:

// src/components/MyComponent.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { MyComponentProps } from "@/types";
import childComponent from "./ChildComponent.vue";

const props = withDefaults(defineProps<MyComponentProps>(), {
    _components: () => {
        return {
            childComponent: ChildComponent,

    <component :is="props._components.childComponent" />