The following document describes PowerShell extensions for OpenApi (Swagger) 2.0 schema. These extensions are used in the additional metadata file (Ex: servicename.PSMeta.json) for specifying the PowerShell specific metadata (like module, cmdlet, parameter and output format specific extended metadata). These can also be used in the Swagger/OpenApi document.
- x-ps-code-generation-settings - enables passing PowerShell code generation settings via psmeta document or swagger document.
- x-ps-module-info - enables passing PowerShell Module manifest values via PSMeta document or Swagger/OpenApi document.
- x-ps-cmdlet-infos - enables customization of generated commands for an operation.
- x-ps-parameter-info - enables customization for generated command parameters.
- x-ps-output-format-info - enables customization of output format views.
- x-ps-client-parameters - enables customization of AutoRest ServiceClient properties.
extension on info
element enables passing PowerShell code generation settings via PSMeta document or Swagger/OpenApi document.
Parent element: Info Object
Field Name | Type | Description |
codeGenerator | string |
Allowed values are "AzureCsharp" and "Csharp". If not specified, default is Csharp. |
path | string |
Full Path to a folder where the commands/modules are exported to. MUST be a valid path either absolute or relative. |
noAssembly | bool |
Boolean to specify whether the generated assemblies are copied under the generated module. Enables dynamic compilation scenario. |
PowerShellCorePath | string |
Path to PowerShell.exe for PowerShell Core. Only required if not installed via MSI in the default path. MUST be a valid path either absolute or relative. |
includeCoreFxAssembly | bool |
Boolean to additionally compile the module's binary component for core CLR. |
testBuild | bool |
Boolean to enable debug compilation of full CLR binary component. Effects: disables compiler optimization. |
symbolPath | string |
Path that will contain the generated module's generated code and corresponding PDB file. Defaults to $Path\symbols if not specified. MUST be a valid path either absolute or relative. |
confirmBootstrap | bool |
Specify true to automatically consent to downloading NuGet.exe or NuGet packages as required. |
additionalFilesPath | string |
Location of custom files path. MUST be a valid path either absolute or relative. |
serviceType | string |
One of 'azure' or 'azure_stack', if this service is an Azure or AzureStack service, respectively. Specifying this value customizes the resulting module for these services. |
customAuthCommand | string |
Specify a PowerShell cmdlet that should return a Microsoft.Rest.ServiceClientCredentials object that implements custom authentication logic. |
hostOverrideCommand | string |
Specify a PowerShell cmdlet that should return a custom hostname string. Overrides the default host in the specification. |
noAuthChallenge | bool |
Specify true to indicate that the service will not offer an authentication challenge, such as adding the WWW-Authenticate header to a 401 response. Default is false. |
formatter | string |
Specify a formatter to use. One of: 'None', 'PSScriptAnalyzer' |
defaultWildcardChar | character |
Default wildcard character for auto-generated client-side filtering. Defaults to '%'. |
azureDefaults | x-ps-msazure-defaults |
Defaults for Microsoft Azure services. |
Note: These field names are taken from New-PSSwaggerModule cmdlet parameters. These field names will be renamed as per the cmdlet review updates for New-PSSwaggerModule cmdlet.
"info": {
"x-ps-code-generation-settings": {
"codeGenerator": "AzureCsharp",
"nameSpacePrefix": "Microsoft.PowerShell.",
"additionalFilesPath": "C:\HandWrittenCustomFilesPath"
extension on info
element enables passing PowerShell Module manifest values via PSMeta document or Swagger/OpenApi document.
Parent element: Info Object
Field Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
Required. Module name. |
moduleVersion | string |
Required. Module version. |
description | string |
Required. Module description. |
author | string |
Required. Module author. |
guid | string |
Required. Module guid. MUST be in the form of valid guid. |
commandDefaults | x-ps-client-parameters |
Default client parameters to apply to all commands. |
.* | string or bool |
Field name should be a valid parameters of either New-ModuleManifest or Update-ModuleManifest cmdlets. Value should be a valid string value, boolean for switch parameters, must be proper URL as string value for URI types - e.g., licenseUri, or array of strings if a parameter supports array of strings - e.g., Tags. |
"info": {
"x-ps-module-info": {
"name": "AzDocumentDB",
"description": "Azure DocumentDB Database Service Resource Provider REST API",
"moduleVersion": "2.4.23",
"guid": "caec68a4-c968-4d9b-b8bb-50814e19dc71",
"author": "",
"companyName": "Contoso",
"tags": [
"licenseUri": "",
"projectUri": "",
"iconUri": "",
"releaseNotes": "Release notes of this module version.",
"defaultCommandPrefix": "AzDocDB",
"helpInfoUri": ""
extension on operation
or schema
element enables passing list of PowerShell Cmdlet metadata objects x-ps-cmdlet-info objects via PSMeta document or Swagger/OpenApi document.
Parent element: Operation Object | Schema Object
Note: In case of schema object, x-ps-cmdlet-info is ignored when the grandparent is not [Definition Object] (
Field Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
Required. Name of PowerShell Cmdlet. When multiple swagger operations are combined into a single cmdlet, name should be same in other swagger operations without other metadata fields. |
description | string |
Description of PowerShell Cmdlet. If not specified, description of operation is used as the cmdlet description. |
generateCommand | bool |
Boolean to indicate whether a cmdlet is required or not. Default is true. |
defaultParameterSet | string |
String value to indicate whether the specified OperationId or Definition name as the default parameter set name when multiple Operations or definitions are merged into the same cmdlet, e.g., Get and List operationIds can be combined into single cmdlet. |
generateOutputFormat | bool |
Applicable to definitions only. Boolean to indicate whether output format file is required for this model type or not. Default value true. |
clientParameters | x-ps-client-parameters |
Client parameters for this command. Overrides global parameters. |
clientSideFilters | x-ps-client-side-filter[] |
Client-side filter. |
- x-ps-cmdlet-infos on operation
"paths": {
"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/{accountName}": {
"put": {
"operationId": "DatabaseAccounts_CreateOrUpdate",
"description": "Creates or updates an Azure DocumentDB database account.",
"x-ps-cmdlet-infos": [
"name": "New-DatabaseAccount",
"description": "Creates or updates an Azure DocumentDB database account.",
"generateCommand": true,
"defaultParameterSet": "DatabaseAccounts_CreateOrUpdate"
"name": "Set-DatabaseAccount",
"description": "Creates or updates an Azure DocumentDB database account.",
"generateCommand": true,
"defaultParameterSet": "DatabaseAccounts_CreateOrUpdate"
"parameters": [
"$ref": "#/parameters/resourceGroupNameParameter"
"name": "createUpdateParameters",
"in": "body",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/DatabaseAccountCreateUpdateParameters"
"description": "The parameters to provide for the current database account.",
- x-ps-cmdlet-infos on definition
"definitions" : {
"DatabaseAccount": {
"description": "A DocumentDB database account.",
"type": "object",
"x-ps-cmdlet-infos": [
"name": "New-DatabaseAccountObject",
"description": "A DocumentDB database account.",
"generateCommand": true,
"defaultParameterSet": "DatabaseAccount",
"generateOutputFormat": true
"properties": {
extension on parameter
element enables passing Parameter metadata via PSMeta document or Swagger/OpenApi document. This can be specified on parameter elements of operation, definition and global parameters.
Parent element: Parameter Object
Field Name | Type | Description |
name | string |
Required. Name of Cmdlet parameter. |
description | string |
Description of Cmdlet parameter. |
flatten | bool |
Boolean to specify whether the parameters of the swagger path parameter type gets flattened on the generated PowerShell command. Currently, this is only applicable to the Swagger path operations. |
Examples: |
- x-ps-parameter-info on operation
"paths": {
"/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts/{accountName}": {
"put": {
"operationId": "DatabaseAccounts_CreateOrUpdate",
"description": "Creates or updates an Azure DocumentDB database account.",
"parameters": [
"$ref": "#/parameters/resourceGroupNameParameter"
"name": "createUpdateParameters",
"in": "body",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/DatabaseAccountCreateUpdateParameters"
"description": "The parameters to provide for the current database account.",
"x-ps-parameter-info": {
"name": "CreateUpdateParameter",
"description": "The parameters to provide for the current database account."
- x-ps-parameter-info on definition parameters
"definitions" : {
"DatabaseAccount": {
"description": "A DocumentDB database account.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"kind": {
"description": "Indicates the type of database account. This can only be set at database account creation.",
"type": "string",
"default": "GlobalDocumentDB",
"enum": [
"x-ms-enum": {
"name": "DatabaseAccountKind",
"modelAsString": true
"x-ps-parameter-info": {
"name": "Kind",
"description": "Indicates the type of database account. This can only be set at database account creation."
"properties": {
"x-ms-client-flatten": true,
"$ref": "#/definitions/DatabaseAccountProperties"
- x-ps-parameter-info on global parameters
"parameters": {
"subscriptionIdParameter": {
"name": "subscriptionId",
"in": "path",
"description": "Azure subscription ID.",
"required": true,
"type": "string",
"x-ps-parameter-info": {
"name": "SubscriptionId",
"description": "Azure subscription ID."
extension on schema object
element under definition enables passing PowerShell output format metadata via PSMeta document or Swagger/OpenApi document.
Parent element: Schema Object
Note: x-ps-output-format-info is ignored when the grandparent is not [Definition Object] (
Field Name | Type | Description |
include | bool |
Required. Boolean to indicate whether this property should be included in the output format file. |
postion | int |
Required. Expected position of this property in output format. |
width | int |
Required. Expected width of this property in output format. |
"definitions" : {
"DatabaseAccount": {
"description": "A DocumentDB database account.",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"kind": {
"description": "Indicates the type of database account. This can only be set at database account creation.",
"type": "string",
"default": "GlobalDocumentDB",
"enum": [
"x-ms-enum": {
"name": "DatabaseAccountKind",
"modelAsString": true
"x-ps-output-format-info": {
"include": true,
"position": 0,
"width": 10
"properties": {
"x-ms-client-flatten": true,
"$ref": "#/definitions/DatabaseAccountProperties"
Defines property overrides for AutoRest ServiceClient classes.
Parent element: x-ps-module-info Object
or x-ps-cmdlet-info Object
Field Name | Type | Description |
AcceptLangugage | string |
Preferred language for response. |
LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout | int |
Retry timeout in seconds for Long Running Operations. |
"AcceptLanguage": "EN-GB",
"LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout": 9001
Defines client-side filters
Parent element: x-ps-cmdlet-info Object
Field Name | Type | Description |
serverSideResultCommand | string |
Cmdlet to run to get server-side results. Use "." to indicate the current cmdlet. |
serverSideResultParameterSet | string |
Parameter set to get server-side results. |
clientSideParameterSet | string |
Parameter set to get parameters from. |
filters | x-ps-client-side-filter-definition[] |
Filters |
"serverSideResultCommand": ".",
"serverSideResultParameterSet": "BatchAccount_List",
"clientSideParameterSet": "BatchAccount_Get",
"filters": ...
Defines a single client-side filter
Parent element: x-ps-client-side-filter Object
Field Name | Type | Description |
type | string |
Type of filter. Supported: 'wildcard', 'equalityOperator', 'powershellWildcard'. See: Filter Types |
parameter | string |
Parameter containing the filter pattern or value. |
property | string |
Property of the result object to filter on. |
appendParameterInfo | x-ps-client-side-filter-definition[] |
Append this parameter to the cmdlet parameter list. Shouldn't be used if the parameter already exists. Properties: 'type' = PowerShell type name, 'required' = true or false if the new parameter should be required |
- | * | Additional properties for the current filter type. 'wildcard': 'character'. 'equalityOperator': 'operation'
"type": "wildcard",
"parameter": "Name",
"property": "Name",
"character": "*",
"appendParameterInfo": {
"type": "int",
"required": false
Default settings for Microsoft Azure services.
Parent element: x-ps-code-generation-settings Object
Field Name | Type | Description |
- | * | Additional properties for the current filter type. 'wildcard': 'character'. 'equalityOperator': 'operation'
"clientSideFiltering": true
Replaces all instances of the wildcard character with ".*" and applies the input value as a regular expression. For example, the input "*a" is turned into the regular expression ".*a".
-- Additional properties Character - a single character denoting the wildcard character, e.g. "*". Defaults to '%' if not specified.
Applies an equality operation. The right operand is the input value, while the left operand is the value of the object property specified.
-- Additional properties Operation - one of: "<", "<=", "=", ">=", ">"
Uses the PowerShell wildcard patterns ("*", "[", "?") to match. See the class "System.Management.Automation.WildcardPattern".