- Perun now officially supports macOS machines, albeit with some limitations.
- Fix a showdiff bug that resulted in diff flamegraphs inverting colors for optimization/degradation.
- Fix a showdiff bug that caused crashes on perf profiles with float-convertible attributes other than 'amount'.
- Delta debugging is now integrated into the Perun fuzzing loop.
- Fix a bug in the logging module capitalizing log messages
- Fix showdiff not deleting a temporary palette.map file
- Perun import now allows to specify the name of the resulting profile
- It is now possible to specify the sort order for perun status
- Perun status now by default sorts profiles in ascending order w.r.t. the time
- Perun import now allows to specify a user-defined string label to associate with the profile
- New tag %label% may now be used when specifying formats in config
- Add Flamegraph diffs to the showdiff report
- Fix Flamegraph height scaling in showdiff report
- Add CPU vulnerabilities overview to the profile specification in showdiff
- Perun now supports Python 3.13
- README file has been updated with more detailed installation instructions
- Fix issue with empty CLI stats headers
- Implement lazy loading of the most expensive internal packages to speedup Perun and make CLI snappier
- Polish perun import and viewdiff
- Stats and metadata specification, internal representation and visualization have been unified across different perf and ELK import and viewdiff commands
- Perf profile stats may now be specified both on CLI and in CSV files
- Stats may now be aggregated in different ways depending on the type of stats value(s), aggregation key and comparison operator
- Aggregated stats are now displayed in a nested table in viewdiff
- Metadata may now be specified directly on CLI using strings or JSON files
- Collapsing or showing different parts of profile headers in viewdiff now collapses or hides both LHS and RHS
- Extend perun import CLI with import directory option
- Extend perun import with option to specify custom profile stats
- Add support for importing profiles using a CSV file
- Perun import can now import profiles from CSV and CLI specification at the same time
- Add support of aggregations to showdiff visualizations
- Improve the perun import (allow multiple runs, exit codes, etc.)
- Unify progressbars
- Polish showdiff visualizations (update flamegraphs, add statistics, add scaling, etc.)
- Add delta debugging standalone command
- Fix minor issues (issue in perun status)
- Fix issues in logging (wrong counters, and add auto-generated directories)
- Add perun import command for importing profiles from perf results
- Fix issues with jinja and editable install (for developers only)
- Fix failing build of documentation
- Improve logging with tags and verbosity
- Improve the code climate (precommit hooks, formatting, etc.)
- Fix some compatibility issues
- Add SVS (single version system) as default VCS system (this enables gitless integration)
- Update readme.
- Add logging of subprocessor commands through (--log and --log-dir)
- Hotfix issue with showdiff record
- Softens some of the parameters
- Fixes minor issues (in flamegraphs)
- Add -o parameter to collect
- Fixes issues with new visualizations (bad sizes)
- Add option of minimization of reports (hide generics)
- Hotfix some issues
- Enhances the visualizations
- Add support of Python 3.12
- Fix incompatibilities with some distros (RHEL)
- Update the machine information collected by collectors
- Add support for working with traces
- Add support of differential views (sankey, reports, flamegraphs, tables)
- Add perf-based collector
- Add many new helper functions
- Enhance the output of the Perun
- Refactor dynamic calls
- Refactor selection mechanism of Perun
- Refactor obsolete functions and modules
- Refactor utils
- Refactor imports
- Refactor structures
- Refactor strings
- Fixes minor issues
- Update README, licensing, authors and contributions.
- Fix minor issues in README, and various parts of Perun.
- Fix minor issue in helper scripts.
- Add typing information to function
- Add github actions (linting, testing, deploying docs and pypi)
- Add formatting using black.
- Fix and reduce dependencies
- Fix various small issues (deprecations, tests, etc.)
- Remove obsolete information (authorship tags, etc.)
- Remove demandimport
- Speeds up tests
- Update build process to pyproject.toml and tox
Add exclusive time outliers check
- Add new degradation detection method "Exclusive Time Outliers" (ETO).
Fix issues in Tracer
- Fix some issues in Tracer raw data parsing.
- Add location information (binary file path) of profiled functions to the profile.
Hotfix failing nondeterministic test
- Fix test_regression_detections_methods having too specific mock results
Enhance the Performance and Code Culture
- Fix an issue with uncompilable documentation
- Fix an issue with traversing wrongly configured sections
- Fix an uncaught exception
- Fix issue in depedencies
- Fix an issue with dev mode
- Add continuous integration
Enhance the Performance and Code Culture
- Add performance tests to Perun
- Optimize perun at various places
- Extract selected profile queries directly to Profile
- Refactor minor issues
- Refactor complex code and simplified control flows
- Extract profile list configuration to isolate file
- Refactor and redocument log and status functions
- Remove unused cases and exceptions
- Add more tests
- Fix security issue with PyYAML
Update install instructions in readme
- Update README with additional install instructions
- SystemTap and BCC instructions for Ubuntu and Fedora
Add optimizations of collect process
- add engines to the Tracer architecture
- add eBPF instrumentation support to Tracer (using BCC)
- add Optimization module to the collection process
- add several optimization methods to the Optimization module
- update Tracer for Python 3.8
Update Perun to Python 3.8+
- add timeout to running external programs
- optimize getting of gcov version
- fix issues in fuzzing tests
- remove dependencies of clang
- update Perun to higher versions of gcc (4.9+) and Python (3.8+)
- fix minor issues and incompatibilities
- add lazy initialization of mathplotlib
- remove usage of re.Scanner which seems to segfault on newer versions
- remove heat map and ncurses (will be reimplemented in near future)
- update the acknowledgements in README
- fix two minor issues in average amount threshold check (fix for profiles without amounts and to soften the dependency on numpy.float64)
Extend the Perun and fix selected issues
- add helper assertions for tests available in asserts.py file
- remove useless fixtures (Helpers), move the helpers functions to isolate package
- categorize test data to several directories
- add automatical lookup of (in)dependent variable as default for selected commands (postprocess, etc.)
- add crash dump in case of unexpected error (can be suppressed by --dev-mode option)
- update the documentation with latest features and fix missing stuff
- add external generator of the
- fix the issue with backward incompatible repositories which contained profiles with 'params' instead of 'args'
- fix the issue with loading certain parts of degradation changes as strings (instead of doubles)
- fix the issue with loading degradation changes which contained less information than in the new versions (missing the drate)
- fix other minor issues
- fix minor issues in fuzzing
- fix issue with clang-3.5 binary missing in systems (add the binary)
- fix the incorrectly printed trace
Fix errors in novel check methods
- fix selected errors in novel check methods
- automatically remove testing files
- extend the collection process with specifying custom name
Refactor trace collector
- refactor trace collector
- extend trace collector with watchdog module
- selected temporary files moved to .perun directory structure
- add diagnostic mode for trace collector
- add locking module to perun logic
- add diagnostic mode to tracer
- ignore tracer tests in codecoverage
Add performance fuzz-testing
- add
perun fuzz
mode implementing mutation based fuzzer. See :ref:`fuzzing-overview` for more details.
Add tabular view
- add tableof view module
- add conversion functions of models to dataframe
- add headers to tableof view
- add formats to tableof view
- add sorting to tableof view
- add filtering to tableof view
- add two modes of tableof (resources and models)
- fix minor bug in bounds collector (unknown collector type)
- fix templates for generating units
Add Loopus collector in Perun
- fix an issue in profiles which contained only persistent properties
- add bounds collector, wrapper over Loopus tool
Improve the runner logic
- extract cmd, args and workload to Executable class
- remove
argument inperun rm
- add support for removing profiles from pending jobs through perun
- improve the output of perun rm command
- extract CLI groups to isolate modules
- add caching to selected vcs commands
- fix untested bug in degradation check
- rename warmup parameter in time to
- lower the number of warmup and repetitions for time collector during tests
- remove filter postprocessor (did nothing)
- add signal handling to runner (authored by Jirka Pavela)
Add new degradation detection methods
- add new detection methods for parametric and non-parametric models
- add Integral Comparison detection method, which computes the integrals under models
- add Local Statistics detection method, which analyses the various statistics in intervals of models
- refactor various minor issues in postprocessing logic
- add new strategies for detecting performance changes
Optimize profile format
- make profile format more compact
- fix minor issue in fast check
- extract selected functions from query to profile object
Hotfix issue in Makefile
- hotfix issue in Makefile
Add CLI for stats manipulation
- refactor the perun stats module
- extend the stats module with a CLI
- add new operations (list, delete, ...) to the stats module
Extend perun instances with temporaries
- add new logic module that allows to store temporary files in separate directory (.perun/tmp)
Hotfix Jinja potential vulnerability
- hotfix Jinja potential vulnerability
Extend perun instances with stats
- add new logic module that allows to store stats for profiles in separate directory (.perun/stats)
Improve the quality of life of Perun
- fix minor bug in storing changes
- extracted index entry specific functions to isolate class (in order to create new versions)
- implement index v2.0, codename FastSloth
- switch to working with index v2.0 (index v1.0 is still supported, however, everything is saved as 2.0)
- minor refactors
- optimize loading of the profile info for both registered and pending profiles (yields huge performance boost)
- add --force option to perun add which will force the add (d'oh)
- add printing of trace if perun -vv is set in cli (i.e. the verbosity is of level 2+)
- rename 'params' in profile to 'args' since it complies to other parts of code
- refactor minor issues, enhance error messages and exception handling
Revive complexity collector
- revive the complexity collector
- increase the test coverage of complexity collector
- update the complexity collector to comply with latest version of Perun
Add kernel non-parametric regression
Add kernel non-parametric regression
- fix minor issue in memory collector that manifests with gcc-5.5+ and Ubuntu 18.04+
- add three kernel non-parametrik regression models (see :ref:`postprocessors-kernel-regression`)
- fix minor issues in moving average and regressogram
Overhaul the trace collector
- update to Click version 7.0 (because underscores are replaced by dashes)
- add automatic pairing of the static probes in trace collector
- add fault-tolerant system to trace collector (now it does collect some profile even if it contains some corruption)
- rework the internal format of traces
Fix and refactor the memory collector
- fix minor issue in average amount threshold checker, when average is 0
- refactor memory collector
- add proper documentation to memory collector
- fix an ubuntu 18.04 issue, when dlsym() needed some bytes before libmalloc.so is properly loaded resulting into crash
- add proper locking to memory collector
Add moving average postprocessor
- add moving average postprocessor, other of the non-parametric analysis
- minor fixes in regressogram (refactor and documentation)
- add perun fuzz command which does a performance fuzzing
- remodel runner functions to generators
Add regressogram postprocessor
- add --version option to perun cli, so it shows version of perun (d'oh!)
- extend scatterplot to support step function rendering (for regressogram)
- add regressogram postprocessor, one of the non-parametric analysis
Add cleanup procedures to Trace collector
- add cleanup procedures to trace collector (so it properly kills systemtap modules)
- fix setup.py versions
- make clusterizer less verbose
- fix wrong parameter name in trace collector
Hotfix unused workload parameter in trace collector
- hotfix missing workload parameter in trace collector
Extract trace configuration automatically
- rename complexity collector to trace
- fix minor issues with trace collector
- add basic support for parallel programs in trace collector
- add basic support for non-terminating programs (--timeout) in trace collector
- fix minor issues in incorrect piping (class with ||)
- add lookup of profiled functions in trace collector
Upgrade Trace collector architecture
- update the cli of the :ref:`collectors-trace` with new options
- add support for static and dynamic probing of the binaries (hence allow custom user probes)
- fix minor issues
- rework the architecture of system-tap collector to work as a daemon
Rehaul the notion of workloads
- refactor check modules
- add
pending tag range
toperun add
command to add more profiles at once- add
index tag rage
toperun rm
command to remove more profiles at once- fix the issue with wrong sort order and tags (now :ckey:`format.sort_profiles_by` sets the option in local)
- add support for workload generators
- implement integer workload generator that generates workload from the integer interval
- implement singleton workload generator that generates single workload
- implement string workload generator that generates random strings
- implement file workload generator that generates random text files
- add :ckey:`generators.workload` for specification of workload generators in config
- remodel the notion of workloads to accept the workload generators to allow other style of workloads
- add two modes of workload generation (one that merges the profiles into one; and one which gradually generates profiles)
- add default workload generators to shared configuration
Extend the suite of change detection methods
- add fast check degradation check method (:ref:`degradation-fast-check`)
- add linear regression based degradation check method (:ref:`degradation-lreg`)
- add polynomial regression based degradation check method (:ref:`degradation-preg`)
- rename regression models to full names
- fix divisions by zero in several places in regression analysis
- rename the api of several regression functions
Refactor the code
- fix various linting issues (e.g. too long lines)
- remove unused code and function (e.g. in memory)
- fix minor issues
- extend the test suite with several more tests
- flatten the test hierarchy
- remove alloclist view (query+convert imported in python is more powerful)
- renew the rest of the old documentation format
- extract path and type function parameters from vcs api
- refactor pcs module and remove pcs as argument from all of the functions
- fix various codacy issues
- refactor cli module by moving callbacks, renaming functions and removing redundant functions
Extend utils module
- print timing of various collection phases
- add :ckey:`degradation.log_collect` to store the output of precollect phase in isolated logs
- add working
parameter to check group, which temporarily sets the precollection- add repetition of the time collector
- add predefined configuration templates
- add automatic lookup of candidate executable and workloads for user configuration (see :ref:`config-templates`)
- add
perun config reset
command to allow resetting of configuration to different states- extend the utils module with ELF helper functions
- extend the utils with non-blocking subprocess calls
- extend the utils with binary files lookup
Rehaul the command line output
- fix issue with pending tags not being sorted ;)
- fix the issue with incorrectly flattened values in query
- extend the memory collector to include the allocation order as resource
- add loading and storing of performance change records
- add short printed results for found degradations
- update the default generated config
- remake the output of time collector
- fix issue with integer workloads
- fix issue with non-sorted index profiles
- fix issue with memory collector not removing the unreachable allocations
- add vcs history tree to log (prints the context of the vcs tree)
- remodel the output of the degradation checks
- switch the colour of optimizations to green (instead of blue)
- colour tainted (containing degradation) and fixed (containing optimization) branches in vcs history
- add short summary of degradations to each minor version in graph
- add semantic ordering of uids (used in outputs)
- add vcs history to output of perun run matrix
- make perun check precollect phase silent (until we figure out the better way?)
- add streaming to the history (so it is not output when everything is done)
- make two versions of run_jobs (one with history and one without)
- refactor some modules to remove unnecessary dependencies
- add information about degradations to perun status and log
Extend the automation
- add two new options to regression analysis module (see :ref:`postprocessors-regression-analysis` for more details)
- fix minor issues in regression analysis and scatter plot module
- fix issue with non-deterministic ordering in flattening the values by convert
- add different ordering to perun status profiles (now they are ordered by time)
- add more boxes to the output of the perun status profiles (bundled per five profiles)
- add :ckey:`format.sort_profiles_by` configuration key to allow sorting of profiles in
perun status
by different keys- add
option toperun status
to allow sorting of profiles inperun status
- fix minor things in documentation
- add few helper function for CLI and profiles
- rename origin in ProfileInfo to source (class of names)
- fix typos in documentation
- remake walk major version to return MajorVersion object, with head and major version name
- add helper function for loading the profile out of profile info
- extend the api of the vcs (with storing/restoring the state, checkout and dirty-testing)
- add :ckey:`profiles.register_after_run` configuration key to automatically register profiles after collection
- add :ckey:`execute.pre_run` config key for running commands before execution of matrix
- add helper function for safely getting config key
- add
parameter toperun collect
andperun run
to run the collection over different minor version- add
parameter to allowperun collect
andperun run
to collect the data for both minor version and its predecessors- add checking out of the minor version, and saving the state, to collection of profiles
- add :ckey:`degradation.collect_before_check` configuration key for automatically collect profiles before running degradation check
Add clusterization postprocessor
- add clusterizer postprocessor
- add helper function for flattening single resources
- fixed profiles generated by time in tests
Add SystemTap based complexity collector
- add SystemTap based complexity collector (see :ref:`collectors-trace` for more details)
- add
perun utils create
command (see :ref:`cli-utils-ref` for more details) for creating new modules according to stored templates- fix issue with getting config hierarchy, when outside of any perun scope
Update project readme
- update the project readme
- add compiled documentation
Add basic testing of performance changes between profiles
- add command for checking performance changes between two isolate profiles
- add command for checking performance changes in given minor version
- add command for checking performance changes within the project history
- add two basic methods of checking performance changes
- add two options to config (see :ckey:`degradation.strategies` and :ckey:`degradation.apply`) to customize performance checking
- add caching to recursive config lookup
- add recursive gathering of options from config
- fix nondeterministic tests
- define structure for representing the result of performance change
- add basic implementation of performance change detectors
Enhance the regression model suite
- fix issues when reading configuration with error
- enhance the regression model suite by improving quadratic and constant models
- rename the tags to different format (%tag%)
- add support for shortlog formatting string
- fix issue with postprocessing information being lost
- add options for changing filename template
- remodel automatic generation of profile names (now templatable; see :ckey:`format.output_profile_template`)
- add runtime config
- break config command to three (get, set, edit)
- rename some configuration options
- fix issue with missing header parts in profiles
- fix issue with incorrect parameter
- add global.paging option (see :ckey:`general.paging`)
- improve bokeh outputs (with click policy, and better lines)
- other various fixes
Adding proper documentation
- add HTML and latex documentation
- refactor the documentation of publicly visible modules
- add additional figures and examples of outputs and profiles
- switch order of initialization of Perun instances and vcs
- break vcs-params to vcs-flags and vcs-param
- fix the issue with missing index
- enhance the performance of Perun (guarding, rewriting to table lookup, or lazy inits)
- add loading of yaml parameters from CLI
Remodeling of the regression analysis interface
- refactor the interface of regression analysis
- update the regression analysis error computation
- add new parameters for plotting models
- reduce number of specific computation functions
- update the architecture (namely the interface)
- update the documentation of regression analysis and parameters for cli
- update the regressions analysis error computation
- add constant model
- add paging for perun log and status
- rename converters and transformations modules
Add Scatter plot visualization module
- add scatter plot as new visualisation module (basic version with some temporary workarounds)
- fix bisection method not producing model for some intervals
- add examples of scatter plot graphs
Extend the regression analysis module
- add transformation of models to plotable data points
- add helper functions for plotting models
- add support of regression analysis extensions
Extend the query module
- add proper testing to query module
- polish the messy conftest.py
- add support generators and fixtures for query profiles
- extend the profile query module with key values and models queries
Add regression analysis postprocessing module
- add regression analysis postprocessor module
- add example resulting profiles
Update and fix complexity collector
- fix several minor issues with complexity collector
- polish the standard of the generated profile
- add proper testinr for cli
- refactor according to the pylint
- fix bug where vector would not be cleared after printing to file
- remove code duplication in loop specification
- fix different sampling data structure for job and complexity cli
- fix some minor details with cli usage and info output
Update the command line interface of complexity collector
- add new options to complexity collector interface
- add thorough documentation
- refactor the implementation
Update the performance of command line interface
- add on demand import of big libraries
- optimize the memory collector by minimizing subprocess calls
- fix issue with regex in memory collector
- add caching of memory collector syscalls
- extend cli of add and remove to support multiple args
- extend the massaging of parameters for cli
- remodel the config command
- add support for tags in command line
- enhance the status output of the profile list
- enhance the default formatting of config
- add thorough validity checking of bars/flow params
Add flame graph visualization
- add flame graph visualization module
Refactor flow graph to a more generic form
- refactor flow to more generic format
- work with flattened pandas.DataFrame format
- use set of generators and queries for manipulation with profiles
- make the cli API generic
- polish the visual apeal of flow graphs
- simplify output to bokeh.charts.Area
- add basic testing of bokeh flow graphs
- fix the issue with additional layer in memory profs
Refactor bar graph to a more generic form
- refactor bars to more generic format
- work with flattened pandas.DataFrame format
- make the cli API generic
- polish the visual apeal of bars graph
- add unique colour palette to bokeh graphs
- fix minor issue with matrix in config
- add massaging of params for show and postprocess
Add bar graph visualization
- integrate bar graph visualization
Add Flow graph visualization
- integrate flow graph visualization
Fix issues in memory collector
- extend the CLI for memory collect
- annotate phases of memory collect with basic informations
- add checks for presence of debugging symbols
- fix in various things in memory collector
- extend the testing of memory collector
Add Heap map visualization
- integrate Heap map visualization
- add thorough testing of heap and heat map
- refactor profile converting
- refactor duplicate blobs of code
- add animation feature
- add origin to profile so it can be compared before adding profile
- add more smart lookup of the profile for add
- add choices for collector/vcs/postprocessor parameters in cli
- simplify adding parameters to collectors/postprocessors
- add support for formatting strings for profile list
- refactor log and status function
- add basic testing for the command line interface
- switch interactive configuration to using editor
- implement wrappers for collect and postprocessby
- rename 'bin' keyword to 'cmd' in stored profiles
- add basic testing of the collectors and commands
Collective fixes mostly for Memory collector
- fix a collector issue with zero value addresses
- add checking validity of the looked up minor version
- fix issue with incorrect parameter of the NotPerunRepositoryException
- raise exception when the profile is in incorrect json syntax
- catch error when minor head could not be found
- add exception for errors in wrapped VCS
- add exception for incorrect profile format
- raise NotPerunRepository, when Perun is not located on path
- fix message when git was reinitialized
- catch exceptions for init
Collective fixes mosty for Complexity collector
- fixed size data container growth if functions were sampled
- enhance the perun status with info about untracked profiles
- add colours to printing of profile list (red for untracked)
- add output of untracked profiles to perun status
- fix issue with postprocessor parameter rewritten by local variable
Add Complexity collector
- add complexity collector module
Adding Memory Collector
- add memory collector module
- fix the issue with detached head state and perun status
- add simple, but interactive, initialization of the local config
Add basic job units
- add the normalizer postprocessor
- add the time collector
- refactor the git module to use the python package
- add loadinng of config from local yml
- refactor construction of job matrix
- remove cmd from job tuple and rename params to args
- break perun run to run matrix (from config) and run job (from stdout)
- fix issue of assuming different structure of profile
- add functionality of creating and storing profiles
- add generation of the profile name for given job
- add storing of the profile at given path
- add generation of profile out of collected data
- update the params between the phases
- polish the perun --short header
- various minor tweaks for outputs
- change init-vcs-* options to just vcs-*
- fix an issue with incorrectly outputed comma if no profile type was present
- fix an issue with loading profile having two modes (compressed and uncompressed)
- implement base logic for calling collectors and postprocessors
- enhance output of profile numbers in perun log and status with colours and types
- add header for short info
- add colours to the header
- add base implementation of perun show
- fix loading of compressed file
- polish output of perun log and status by adding indent, colours and padding
- fix an issue with adding non-existent profile
- fix multiple adding of the same entry
- fix an issue when the added entry should go to end of index
First partially working implementation
- add short printing of minor version info (--short-minors | -s option)
- fix reverse output of log (oldest was displayed first)
- implement simplistic perun log outputing minor version history and profile numbers
- fix an incorrect warning about already tracked profiles
- add removal of the entry from the index
- add registering of files to the minor version index
- refactor according to pylint
- add base implementation of perun log
- add base implementation of perun status
- add base implementation of perun add
- add base implementation of perun rm
- add base implementation of perun init
- add base implementation of perun config
- add base commandline interface through click
Initial minimalistic repository
- empty root