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Davinci Resolve workflow

Creating quilts from video with Davinci Resolve is a great workflow if you want to use video to do real-world capture of lightields. It allows you to work on the content, center the subject, do color grading, add effects, etc.
I wrote a script which lets Resolve automatically assemble a quilt after rendering out the frames.

My Resolve workflow is as follows:


Record a video where the camera moves left to right in a steady motion.

  • The video should be at least 30-100 frames long
  • Longer is better, you can always cut or timescale footage
  • Shoot wide, you can always crop in
  • Shoot landscape, even though the Looking Glass display is portrait.
    • You don't need much resolution, a single frame on the LKG-Go is 372x662
    • You'll need the width if your subject was not centered all the time

Quilt creation with Davinci Resolve

  • Import the supplied sample project (see below)
  • Or follow these steps
    • Create a project in Davinci Resolve
      • Click the cog icon in the bottom right corner
      • Check Use vertical resolution
      • Set the Timeline Resolution to 372x662 for Looking Glass Go
    • Create a timeline with the footage
      • Center the footage in the frame (this doesn't have to be perfect)
        • Center the subject at the start of the clip and set a keyframe for the position
        • Center the subject in the middle of the clip and set a keyframe for the position
        • Center the subject in the end of the clip and set a keyframe for the position
      • Make something beautiful
    • Go to the Deliver page
      • Set File name and Location
      • Set Format to JPEG
      • Go to the Advanced settings section
        • Check trigger script at
        • Select End
        • Select resolve_assemble_quilt_pil
        • Render the clip
        • Davinci will
          • Render the frames into a subfolder
          • Assemble the frames into a quilt with the correct parameters in the name


You can uncomment the last line of the python script to automatically view the quilt

Davinci Resolve script setup

Resolve uses python as a scripting language.

Install Python

Download and install Python from

Install pillow

Pillow is a Windows version of PIL (Python Image Library) which is used to create the quilt

Open a command prompt and enter "pip3 install pillow"
You might need to open the command prompt with admin rights

Put the python script in Resolve's special folder is the script that will create the quilt after Resolve has rendered the frames

The script must be placed in the following folder:
Windows:    %ProgramData%/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Deliver
            (or %APPDATA%/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Deliver depending on installation)
Mac OS X:   ~/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Deliver
Linux:      /opt/resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Deliver/
            (or /home/resolve/Fusion/Scripts/Deliver depending on installation)

Import the sample project

Import this file into Resolve: Davinci Resolve pipeline/Resolve sample project/Green Buddha.dra/project.drp
By right-clicking on the Resolve project picker and choosing Restore Project Archive and selecting the Green Buddha.dra folder:
Resolve import.png