Aviato Swap project is a decentralized exchange powered by UniswapV2 architecture which is contain a DAO system for any upgrading from the system.
The smart contract developed via Brownie framework and the front-end section is based on ReactJs (Front-end hasn't completed yet and indicating the result will accomplish via brownie scripts)
The recommended way to install Brownie is via pipx
. pipx installs Brownie into a virtual environment and makes it available directly from the commandline. Once installed, you will never have to activate a virtual environment prior to using Brownie.
To install pipx
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
To install Brownie using pipx
pipx install eth-brownie
To upgrade to the latest version:
pipx upgrade eth-brownie
To use lastest master or another branch as version:
pipx install git+https://github.com/eth-brownie/brownie.git@master
You can install the latest release via pip
pip install eth-brownie
You can clone the repository and use setuptools
for the most up-to-date version:
git clone https://github.com/eth-brownie/brownie.git
cd brownie
python3 setup.py install
For run the Brownie scripts you need to run Ganachec-cli as a local blockchain For do that run this command as Installation:
Using npm:
npm install -g ganache-cli
or, if you are using Yarn:
yarn global add ganache-cli
First off all you should run ganache-cli inside your environment
After adjusting WEB3_INFURA_ENDPOINT in you .env file (from Infura) you should run source.env
and then you have to run (for mainnet-fork):
ganache-cli --fork $WEB3_INFURA_ENDPOINT --networkId 999
For running the contract add-remove liquidity operations you should run deploy_upgradeable_contract_preprations
script via:
brownie run scripts/ProxyScripts/deploy_upgradeable_contract_preprations.py