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Simple React app Frontend for ingesting the Star Wars API.
Step : 1 - Clone the repository and change directory to root (Node >=10 should be installed)
Step : 2 - Install node modules using npm i or yarn install
Step : 3 - Serve the app locally using npm start or yarn start
Step : 4 - Run test cases using npm run test
This is a simple website for the Star Wars API with the following features :
- View all root types, and the resources inside them
- Click though and see a detailed breakdown of the information on each resource type
- Favorite a resource type using local storage
- Typescript for type checking
- React for Front-end
- Redux for state management
- Redux Saga as a middle ware
- Styled components for styling
Unit-testing for utils done with Jest
npm run test
- Fully responsive mobile view (using multiple breakpoints)
- increase unit & integration testing coverage
- add more type checks