From 91a82e241cf771c8081d557f1af1f7d2f17d0f77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: DrownFish19 Date: Sun, 3 Dec 2023 18:46:21 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?=E3=80=90Hackathon=205th=20No.62=E3=80=91GraphC?= =?UTF-8?q?ast:=20Learning=20skillful=20medium-range=20global=20weather=20?= =?UTF-8?q?forecasting=20(#767)?= MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- rfcs/Science/ | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 111 insertions(+) create mode 100644 rfcs/Science/ diff --git a/rfcs/Science/ b/rfcs/Science/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43d53dec5 --- /dev/null +++ b/rfcs/Science/ @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +# GraphCast 设计文档 + +| | | +|--------------|----------------------------| +| 提交作者 | DrownFish19 | +| 提交时间 | 2023-12-01 | +| RFC 版本号 | v1.0 | +| 依赖飞桨版本 | develop/release 2.5.2 版本 | +| 文件名 | | + +## 1. 概述 + +### 1.1 相关背景 + +[No.62:GraphCast: Learning skillful medium-range global weather forecasting](【PaddlePaddle%20Hackathon%205th】开源贡献个人挑战赛科学计算任务合集.md#no62graphcast-learning-skillful-medium-range-global-weather-forecasting) + +GraphCast这种方法是天气预报领域的一项重大进展,它利用机器学习的能力来提高预测的准确性和效率。GraphCast通过图神经网络(GNNs)建模复杂的天气动态,并在欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)的ERA5再分析数据集上进行训练。它在全球范围内以0.25°的高分辨率快速预测数百种天气变量,并在多项目标上超越了ECMWF的高分辨率预测系统(HRES)。这项研究表明,GraphCast不仅能提高标准天气预测的效率,还在预测严重天气事件方面显示出潜力,可能对依赖天气的决策过程产生重大影响。 + +### 1.2 功能目标 + +* (任务要求目标) 复现graphcast模型,能够使用参考代码中提供的预训练权重进行推理。 +* (后续计划目标)实现训练过程,并使用PaddleScience提供的测试数据集进行评估。 + +### 1.3 意义 + +复现 GraphCast 模型,能够使用 GraphCast 模型进行推理。 + +## 2. PaddleScience 现状 + +PaddleScience 套件暂无 GraphCast 模型案例。 + +## 3. 目标调研 + +参考代码 +论文链接 + +原代码为 jax 代码,需要在 PaddleScience 中复现,复现的主要问题是模型转换、数据转换、jax特定函数转换。此处给出参考代码中各文件的功能说明。 + +* ``: Wrapper used to run (and train) the one-step GraphCast + to produce a sequence of predictions by auto-regressively feeding the + outputs back as inputs at each step, in JAX a differentiable way. + +* ``: Wrapper used around GraphCast to make it work using + BFloat16 precision. + +* ``: Utils to serialize and deserialize trees. +* ``: Utils for data preprocessing. +* ``: General purpose deep graph neural network (GNN) + that operates on `TypedGraph` 's where both inputs and outputs are flat + vectors of features for each of the nodes and edges. `` uses + three of these for the Grid2Mesh GNN, the Multi-mesh GNN and the Mesh2Grid + GNN, respectively. + +* ``: The main GraphCast model architecture for one-step of + predictions. + +* ``: Tools for converting between regular grids on a + sphere and triangular meshes. + +* ``: Definition of an icosahedral multi-mesh. +* ``: Loss computations, including latitude-weighting. +* ``: Utilities to produce flat node and edge vector features + from input grid data, and to manipulate the node output vectors back + into a multilevel grid data. + +* ``: Wrapper for the one-step GraphCast used to normalize + inputs according to historical values, and targets according to historical + time differences. + +* ``: Defines the interface of the predictor, which GraphCast + and all of the wrappers implement. + +* ``: Similar to `` but used only at inference time + using a python loop to produce longer, but non-differentiable trajectories. + +* ``: Definition of `TypedGraph`'s. +* ``: Implementation of simple graph neural network + building blocks defined over `TypedGraph` 's that can be combined to build + deeper models. + +* ``: A wrapper to let JAX work with `xarray`s. +* ``: An implementation of tree.map_structure that works with +`xarray` s. + +## 4. 设计思路与实现方案 + +参考已有代码实现 GraphCast +1. 模型转换 +2. 数据读取方式转换 +3. loss计算方式转换 +4. 模型推理,当前计划不设计模型训练过程,但提供可训练代码 + +### 4.1 补充说明[可选] + +无 + +## 5. 测试和验收的考量 + +依据论文给定权重,加载模型权重后相同输出下对齐。 + +## 6. 可行性分析和排期规划 + +参考代码修改为 paddle 实现,使用 PaddleScience API,测试精度对齐 +* 20231201:调研 +* 20231202-20231210:基于 Paddle API 的复现,基于 PaddleScience 的复现 +* 20231210-20231215:整理项目产出,撰写案例文档 + +## 7. 影响面 + +* 第一阶段考虑在PaddleScience/jointContribution中添加 +* 第二阶段将模型迁移至PaddleScience模型库中,并给出训练相关完善代码。