Releases: OnroerendErfgoed/zoneerder
This release uses the new agiv url's, adds a search input and some extra layers. Also some bugfixes
New features and fixes
- extra tests for working with ngi data (6cdb85f, a7e8cb9, 3d50da1, 42cab7b)
- inbouw van functionaliteit 'zoeken naar adres' (#48)
- app css naar test (#49) -> to prevent build warnings
- update to ol3-amd 0.2.1 (65923c4)
- update agiv urls (#59)
- Gewestplan - wat tonen bij uitzoomen (#66)
- Topokaarten toevoegen + alle historische kaarten (#67)
- Return type moet array zijn ipv string (#56)
Minor release that adds all the historic map layers to the zoneerder (optional), and an extra layer on top of the gewestplan to show when the gewestplan maxresolution has been reached. The topo layer can't be added because it isn't available in Lambert72.
New features and fixes
This version upgrades dgrid to version 0.4 and introduces the use of dgrid. (From here on, there will be two release paths: 0.3.x and 0.4.x, until all apps have migrated to dgrid 0.4).
A new adres search box was added to the map.
There is also a new way of using popups on the map now.
New features and fixes
- migrate to dstore and dgrid 4.0 (#46)
- inbouw van functionaliteit 'zoeken naar adres' (#48 + #57 + #58)
- Popup element toevoegen die vanuit parent app kan getoond worden (#52)
- popUp dialog tonen met onclick op Zone (#55)
- 49 app css naar test (#51) -> to prevent build warnings
- extra tests for working with ngi data (6cdb85f, a7e8cb9, 3d50da1, 42cab7b)
This version upgrades migrates the map projection to Lambert72 (EPSG:31370) and has now the possibility to select a 'bescherming' in the draw tab.
The draw tab has been restyled, and the layout has been refactored to play nice with pyoes. It is now possible to highlight, zoom to, and remove the different parts of a zone.
New features and fixes
This version upgrades to version 3.5.0 of Openlayers. It also shows a popup now when clicking on an Onroerend Erfgoed item on the map.
Upgrade notes
-Upgrading shoudn't be a problem.