- Utilises transformer and pipeline to generate a summary of text using NLP
- text_sumeriser.py for reference
- Code snippet can be used in other projects
- Utilises Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-learn, and Matplotlib.
- Data Analytics of different parameters and correlation with Hart attack
- Cleans the dataset by checking for missing values and outlier and converts categorical variables such as Sex, ChestPainType, RestingECG, ExerciseAngina, and ST_Slope into numerical values using techniques like one-hot encoding or label encoding
- Trained Using 2666 record of different heart paitents across India
- Tune the model hyperparameters to optimize its performance and reduce overfitting or underfitting. Deploy the model to predict heart disease risk in new patients and validate its accuracy on real-world data.
- Descriptive Statistics about the Data
- Moving average of the various stocks
- Daily return of the stock on average
- Predicting the closing price stock price